
Selecting Your BB Cream Shade

What is a BB Cream? esmi Mineral BB Cream - the perfect mix of moisturiser, foundation and sunscreen. Designed to moisturise, protect and correct the skin, our BB Cream is the perfect alternative to foundation on days when you don’t feel like a full face of makeup but would still like a lightweight product to even your skin tone and give a fresh glow. Since it’s a sheer coverage, choosing the right colour BB Cream can be a little daunting, so we’ve put together a simple guide to help you choose the right shade for you. All esmi foundation shades are created based on the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale, which is a numerical classification to measure the response of each skin type to UV light. Selecting the right BB Cream shade for your skin tone Understanding your skin type and the characteristics your skin can really help to make shade finding easy! Skin Type I - Skin burns very easily and doesn't tan. Likely to have light blonde or red hair with light coloured eyes. Skin Type II - Skin will usually burn in the sun and has difficulty tanning. Skin Type III - Skin will sometimes burn and will tan gradually. Skin Type IV - Skin will tan easily and rarely burn. Skin Type V - Skin will tan without burning. esmi's Guide to Your BB Cream Shade  As they are sheer coverage, our BB Cream shades cover a wider variety of skin types. Check out our below guide to help find your perfect match: Light - Suits Fizpatrick Skin Types 1-3 with a very neutral skin tone and little to no golden tones. Medium - Suits Fitzpatrick Skin Types 3-4 with a lightly tan/golden complexion. Tan - Suits Fitzpatrick Skin Types 4-5+ with deeply tanned skin tones Still not sure of what shade to choose? Send a makeup-free selfie to our skin specialist team who will be able to guide you through to your best match. The team at esmi are always here to support you on your skin journey.


Am I Dry or Dehydrated?

Am I dry? Am I dehydrated? Or am I both? It can be tricky to tell the difference between dryness and dehydration but there are some key factors that can tell these apart. What is dry skin? Dryness is a skin type that typically produces less natural oils than other types of skin which can cause the skin to appear dull, rough, flaky or even scaly. It often feels tight, looks noticeably dehydrated and may be prone to showing more visible fine lines. There can also be times where the skin becomes itchy, irritated or you may experience flaky areas of skin.  Dry skin is typically determined by genetics, although it will also be affected by other factors and can change with time. Occasionally the skin can be temporarily dry as a result of medications like accutane and antihistamines, etc. What is dehydrated skin? Dehydration is a skin condition that occurs when there’s a lack of water in the skin. This can happen to anyone, regardless of skin type. For example, people with oily or combination skin can still experience dehydration. Dehydrated skin suffers from trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), because the skin is missing the oils needed to hold the water in. Dehydration is often caused by external factors such as weather, environment, diet and diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine. It's typically recognised as dry, sometimes flaky with persistent tightness which can often leave the skin feeling dull and lacklustre. Itchiness and irritation, especially in cooler weather or temperature changes can be a sign your skin is dehydrated. Luckily, dehydration is temporary and there are ways to minimise this concern! *Skin nerd alert!* The skin is made up of 70 - 75% water and most of this is located deep in the dermis where it plays a crucial role in the skins defence. The outermost layer of the skin contains cells without nuclei and are cemented by intercorneocyte lipids. These lipids are crucial for the barrier function of the skin and if they are lacking or damaged it leads to increased water loss, known as Transepidermal water loss.  How can I tell what my skin type is? An easy method of determining your skin type is to thoroughly cleanse your skin and leave it free of any products for 30 minutes. After this time, take a look at your skin in the mirror and look for the following characteristics:  Dry skin: Dry, flaky areas and may feel tight Combination skin: Has a combination or both oily/shiny and flaky areas (usually the t-zone being oily and the other normal-dry) Oily skin: Looks shiny, may feel slick to the touch Sensitive skin: Redness and irritation present, may be painful to touch How can I tell if my skin is dehydrated? A pinch test can be completed at home to determine if your skin is dehydrated. On clean, dry skin, pinch a small area of your cheek and if you see any wrinkling or the skin doesn't bounce back quickly this will be a sign that your skin is dehydrated.  Dry skin tips If you are suffering with dry skin, the main goal is to help seal moisture into the skin and keep it nourished due to the lack of oils and lipids on the surface of the skin.  Using a gentle cleanser like The Uncomplicated Cleanser is key as this is a creamy, gentle formulation that doesn't strip natural oils from the skin!  Gentle exfoliation is important to remove any dead skin cells from the surface of the skin to allow your moisturiser or oil to absorb effectively. Layer oils over the top of your moisturiser. Our best-selling 24k Gold Nourishing Oil has the combination of Coconut, Jojoba, Avocado and Rosehip oil to lock in moisture. Taking internal supplements like Omega 3/Fish Oils to help barrier function and nourish the skin from the inside out.  Dehydrated skin tips If you are suffering from dehydrated skin, the main goal is to reduce water loss from the skin and increase nourishment to protect the skin's barrier. Here are some tips to combat: Using warm/tepid water instead of hot as this can dehydrate the skin. Drinking water of course! This does help to hydrate the skin & body. This is essential for a healthy, happy skin. Using our high powered Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum helps increase the skin's hydration levels by 25% in just 2 hours while helping to condition and repair the skin. Using a facial mist like our Skin Snack Mist to rehydrate the skin throughout the day, this has a powerhouse of hydrating and nourishing ingredients Incorporate our Thirsty Plumping Sheet Mask into your routine for the ultimate hydration for the skin, this works to deeply hydrate, rejuvenate and lock in moisture Just as there is a fine line between dryness and dehydration, the terms moisturising and hydrating can often be used interchangeably. Hydrators like Hyaluronic Acid boosts the skin's water content to help with water loss and dehydration on the skin. Whereas moisturisers help seal moisture into the skin to target dryness. 


Bearberry Extract and Skincare for Pigmentation

One of those really annoying parts of ageing (like the 2-day hangovers) is pigmentation. It happens to the best of us (particularly if you’re a little partial to a day in the sun), but not to worry, some clever cookies have found ingredients that help to brighten the skin and keep premature ageing away. One that you might not have heard of, but really should become familiar with, is bearberry extract.   What is Bearberry Extract? Yes, it has a super cute name, but there’s more to bearberry extract than just that! It has been having a moment in K-beauty thanks to the huge range of bearberry extract skin benefits, particularly in the world of anti-ageing. The extract comes from a shrub that produces red berries - who would have thought something so small would be so fantastic? Bearberries contain something called arbutin, which is where all of the magic comes from. So, we’ll be referencing both here, just to keep you on your toes, but we’re talking about the same thing.   The Benefits of Bearberry Extract for Skin You may have noticed we’re fans of bearberry extract for skin. The main reason is its amazing anti-ageing properties. One of the key components of cracking the anti-ageing code is steering clear of pigmentation. If you’ll allow us to get a bit geeky for a second, arbutin breaks down into hydroquinone, which disrupts the enzyme that produces dark spots - talk about an underrated hero! It is a renowned skin-lightening ingredient. In a nutshell, bearberry extract in skin care halts melanin production. As a powerful antioxidant, bearberry extract fights free radicals which, put simply, are unstable atoms that damage the cells and break down collagen. Collagen is what gives your skin a gorgeous, plump and youthful glow. So yes, it is kind of important. Free radicals on the other hand, are absolutely not. Hence, having a team of antioxidant soldiers in the form of arbutin is going to make a world of difference. Because it protects skin cells from free radicals which helps collagen production, bearberry extract in skin care plumps fine lines and wrinkles. It allows the body to produce collagen at its optimum level, so you can soak up all of those complements with your youthful-looking skin! As a bonus to evening out the skin tone, reducing melanin and slowing the signs of ageing, bearberry in skincare is also anti-inflammatory, helping to heal irritated skin and fade scars. Including Bearberry Extract in Skincare We’re going to guess you’re pretty impressed by the skin brightening and anti-ageing talents of arbutin in skin care by now - we sure are! Finding products that are packed with the good stuff is going to seriously transform your skincare routine. A crowd favourite, the Pomegranate Brightening Serum reduces the body’s melanin production which, you guessed it, lightens hyperpigmentation. We’ve also added amino acids to brighten full, sallow skin, plus vitamin C as the icing on the brightening cake. This Skin Treat targets pigmentation and sends it packing. While we’re on the brightening train going full steam ahead, the Brightening Eye Serum revives tired eyes by lightening pigmentation. Because the only bags we want are designer, this eye serum will keep dark circles away thanks to the magic of bearberry extract. If you’re looking for the plumping benefits of bearberry extract, you really can’t go past the Golden Anti-Ageing Serum. Yes, it looks incredible, but there’s more to this serum than meets the eye (it’s not just a pretty face!). The peptides and antioxidants reduce fine lines and wrinkles, all the while nourishing the skin. Arbutin in skincare fights free radicals for firmer skin, which is a major win.   Bearberry extract may go by many names, but its brightening and anti-ageing properties work just as well, no matter what you call it! To find out more about the magic of this little berry, chat to one of our skincare experts!  


All About Fragrance in Skincare

We can all agree that there’s something so luxurious about applying your skincare and being greeted with a gorgeous scent. It’s that “I’ve just been to the spa” feeling that makes you feel so zen. For some people, the scent is what makes or breaks a product. Here at esmi, we like to take a natural approach with our products which has a fantastic bonus - gorgeous scents! Having said that, not all fragrances are created equal. In most cases, it comes down to individual preference, but there are definitely some fragrances that you don’t want to come within ten yards of your precious face. Synthetic vs Natural Fragrance Your natural skincare fragrances are derived from the natural ingredients in the product, also known as the essential oils. They predominantly come from a plant’s flowers, leaves or roots, with some common examples including lemongrass and tea tree oils. These ingredients can be super beneficial for your skin while also smelling great - win, win! Synthetic fragrances are made in a lab using a mixture of chemicals. You can usually tell pretty quickly as although it might smell luxe, it won’t smell particularly natural. These mixes of chemicals can prove to be irritating on the skin. Annie Chiu, MD board-certified dermatologist says synthetic fragrances are a leading cause of contact dermatitis and allergic cosmetic reactions. Eeek! If your skin doesn’t mind synthetic fragrances, still use them lightly and not in every product integrated into your routine. Prolonged use can cause irritations to develop over time. Here at esmi, we avoid synthetic fragrances of all kinds for this very reason! Skincare is never a ‘one size fits all’ situation, so figuring out what you like (more importantly, what your skin likes) is key. Benefits of Fragrance in Skincare If fragrance in skincare is your thing (and it is absolutely our thing!), you’re always going to want to err on the side of natural. Apart from smelling gorgeous, the essential oils where the natural fragrances come from have heaps of other pluses. Much like the benefits of aromatherapy (which also uses essential oils, coincidentally), natural fragrance skincare can promote emotional and physical healing. These products can alleviate stress and work wonders on boosting your mood, like a shot of serotonin! Besides the benefits for your mental well-being, some products containing essential oils can also minimise inflammation and slow down ageing. Um, yes please! Essential oils are also rich in antioxidants which can hydrate and protect your skin! Plus, there is some research to suggest that essential oils like lemongrass and tea tree have acne-fighting powers. Is there anything they can’t do?! Between creating a relaxing experience and skin boosting properties, natural fragrances can make the whole skincare routine a more enjoyable experience, and we say a big “heck yes” to that! How to Approach Fragrance in Skincare In terms of how to approach fragrance in skincare, the answer is tentatively. Natural fragrances can make for a super luxe skincare routine, but it is not always easy to tell the difference between natural and synthetic. Always patch test products by using a small amount on your hands and waiting 24 hours to see if a reaction develops. If it all looks clear, then you’ve got the green light to become obsessed with this product! On the flip side, if your patch test reveals some not-so-fun irritation, keep a note of the product and any ingredients (especially fragrances) so you know what your skin is saying “no thanks” to. The golden rule is to always look for products that use high quality ingredients (*cough* esmi *cough*). We are all about using natural and nourishing ingredients that are effective because would you believe, we want you to love our products (and the way they smell). Investing in high quality, mainly natural ingredients is going to produce better results which will not only save you money in the long run (did someone say shopping trip?), but will make you that much more excited to settle in for your skincare routine, which can only be a good thing, right? If you want to know more about fragrances in skincare, our skin consultants have extensive knowledge all there is to know in this area. Get in touch today!


6 Foods to Combat Dry Skin

Eat your way to a hydrated, calm complexion with food for dry skin. These 6 delicious skin heroes help combat dryness and irritation by strengthening the skin barrier and locking moisture into the skin.  1. Citrus Fruits for Dry Skin Citrus fruits are rich in legendary Vitamin C. This all-star antioxidant is essential for a healthy complexion. It helps repair the skin barrier, promotes collagen production and speeds up wound healing. Vitamin C also protects against the free radical damage caused by pollution and UV rays. Both can cause dryness and dullness among other concerns. Vitamin A is also contained in lemons and limes and alongside Vitamin C help strengthen the integrity of the skin barrier. When the skin has a healthy barrier, it can retain adequate moisture to keep the skin hydrated. The best citrus fruits for a dry skin diet include: Oranges Limes Lemons Grapefruit Mandarines Plan to get your citrus hit with juice? Choose fresh fruits to juice yourself or go for a premade option with no added sugar. 2. Oil - Coconut & Olive Oil for Dry Skin Coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil are pretty fantastic for your skin. Let’s take a look at what makes these plant oils so special.   Extra virgin olive oil The first big benefit of this common oil is its high squalene content. Squalene is a lipid (fat) naturally found on your skin’s surface to hydrate the skin and keep your skin barrier healthy. Oil glands are responsible for producing these moisture-promoting lipids. Dry skin glands don’t produce as much oil as other skin types and this leads to a lack of moisture. This is why extra virgin olive oil is an excellent food for dry skin as the squalene content helps counteract the lack of natural lipids in dry skin. Oleocanthal is the other stand out component of olive oil for dry skin. An anti-inflammatory agent, oleocanthal can be beneficial for intense peeling and dry skin associated with inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.   Coconut oil Hailed as a skin saviour (just one of its many health benefits!) coconut oil is packed with linoleic acid - an essential fatty acid. Your sebaceous glands use linoleic acid to form sebum which helps keep skin moisturised and enhances the strength of the skin barrier. This widely-loved oil is also brimming with antioxidants to fight the free radical attacks that cause skin to lose elasticity and firmness. 3. Avocado Oil for Dry Skin Avocado is a powerhouse of vitamins and monounsaturated fats for a dry skin diet. The “good” fats in this beauty food help keep your skin moisturised while working to reduce inflammation. Meanwhile, the protein in avocados promotes the health of collagen and elastin for firmer, younger-looking skin. This oh-so-creamy fruit is also brimming with vitamins E and C to help protect cells from free radical damage to slow the signs of ageing. It’s an all-around winner in your diet for dry skin. Guacamole, here we come. 4. Nuts for Dry Skin Do your dry skin a favour - reach for a handful of nuts next time it’s snack o’clock. Monounsaturated fats play a role in maintaining the skin's water level and supply the ceramides and fats that keep the barrier healthy and strong. Nuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, and E, and monounsaturated fats. Omega-3s work to soften rough, dry skin from the inside out and also offer a calming, anti-inflammatory effect for irritated skin. Vitamin A helps restore and strengthen a weak skin barrier to encourage higher levels of moisture retention. Found naturally in your skin’s sebum, Vitamin E promotes skin conditioning and prevents dryness. As dry skin lacks sebum, including foods rich in Vitamin E in your diet can help counteract this imbalance.   Some of the best nuts to include in your dry skin diet are: Walnuts Almonds Cashews Brazil nuts    5. Cucumber Benefits for Dry Skin Want to improve the rough, flaky texture of dry skin? Hydrating your body from the inside is just as important as the products you apply on the outside. The sky-high water content of cucumber teamed with the silica (a trace element) it contains offers a wealth of health benefits, including skin hydration. Silica has a tremendous impact on the skin. It’s the third most abundant trace element in our bodies and is instrumental in collagen formation and improves the skin’s ability to hold onto precious moisture. It also offers natural anti-inflammatory benefits. The combination of Vitamin A and C in cucumber also help fight dryness. Consuming the nutrition-rich water cucumber contains helps the body flush out toxins and promotes a glowing complexion. Fun fact: cucumbers are actually fruits! They’re related to watermelons as part of the cucurbit family of flowering plants. 6. Fatty Fish or Fish Oil for Dry Skin Salmon is so SO good for your skin. A few serves a week of this glow-boosting fish should be part of every dry skin diet. Like nuts, it’s the high amounts of omega-3 in fatty fish that boost the presence of fatty acids in your skin. In turn this promotes improved moisture retention and balances skin’s inflammatory response to guard against dry, red, and itchy skin. Omega-3 may also offer increased protection against the sun’s rays, another big plus for all skin types, especially dry skin. Take your pick of other fatty fish including mackerel and sardines to reap the same skin plumping, moisture boosting benefits. A high quality fish oil supplement may also be an option.   We always recommend having a chat with your trusted health care professional before making significant changes to your diet.   Team your diet for dry skin with a supplement for dry skin and skin care products designed to target a parched complexion for the ultimate dry skin routine. Shop our Skincare To Fight Dryness selection or read more about skincare ingredients to you can feed your skin from the inside and out.   You Might Also Like To Read: 3 Ways to Fight the Effects of Pollution on Skin Best Foods to Eat to Improve Your Skin How to Detox Your Skin  


How to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are very common for both women and men. Dark circles age your entire face, make you look tired, and can be difficult to get rid of. However, there are ways to fade and reduce the appearance of dark circles.  What causes dark circles under the eyes? Dark circles can occur for a variety of reasons, most commonly either lifestyle related or genetic. The reason for your dark circles will determine the best way to treat them and reduce their appearance. The key causes of dark circles are: Lack of sleep This is one of the most common causes of dark circles and it is the easiest to fix! Solution: Get more zzz'sThe good news about dark circles as a result of sleep is that they are almost always temporary, and can be fixed with a good night’s sleep. To treat the immediate appearance of sleep-related dark circles, try applying cool eye compresses to your eyes after waking up. A Brightening Eye Serum will also help to instantly revive and illuminate tired eyes. Poor diet You might be surprised to learn that diet can cause dark circles to appear under your eyes. Studies show that a diet high in sodium (salt) can contribute to fluid retention in the face, causing puffiness and dark circles.  Solution: Reduce your salt intakeTo treat the appearance of diet related dark circles, try tweaking your diet to include less salt. This will help to reduce water retention in your face and even out the appearance of your under eyes.  Natural ageing As you get older, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner and loses elasticity. The looser skin can create a shadow under your eyes, giving the appearance of under eye circles. Solution: Anti-ageing skin careA high quality eye treatment will help to fight the signs of ageing around the eyes, refreshing and reinforcing the skin over time. Our Anti-Ageing Eye Treatment is packed with multi-action age-fighters including the revolutionary SNAP-8™. This lightweight serum lifts and tightens, reduces wrinkle depth, and moisturises the eye area. It can also be used with a Booster Mask and Golden Anti-Ageing Serum for a full anti-ageing routine. Pigmentation Pigmentation under the eyes can occur genetically or over time. Solution: An eye serumTo target this kind of pigmentation, we recommend introducing a brightening eye serum into your routine. The esmi Brightening Eye Serum contains a unique blend of plankton extract, active ingredients, and peptides to target dark circles, brightness, and fine lines in the delicate eye area.  Allergies If your eyes feel itchy and irritated, then your dark circles could be related to allergies. Solution: Visit your GPThe best treatment for allergies will be determined by your doctor, and symptoms should ease once treated.    Do you have more questions on how to get rid of your dark circles? We encourage you to get in touch with our skin specialist team to help you get on top of your skin concerns today. Our team will help you create your own free, personalised skin care plan. Get in touch with us today.


Your Guide to Sebaceous Filaments

Let's get started... What exactly are sebaceous filaments? If you look very closely at your nose, you might be able to see the light coloured dots at the surface of your pores. These are sebaceous filaments, which are thread-like structures that reside in the lining of your pores. Their job is to help guide oil flow from the sebaceous gland, through the dermis and to the surface of your skin where that oil can fulfill its purpose fighting dehydration and protecting the skin from environmental triggers. They are a completely natural and normal part of the skin. Many people find that sebaceous filaments are particularly visible on their nose, and they are often mistaken for blackheads. Sebaceous filaments vs Blackheads While sebaceous filaments and blackheads can look similar, they serve almost opposite purposes. Sebaceous filaments assist oil flow from deep within the pore to the outer layer of skin. On the other hand, blackheads occur when too much oil is produced and combines with dead skin cells to block pores. In terms of appearance, sebaceous filaments are usually not very noticeable, while blackheads stand out on the skin due to their dark colour.  How sebaceous filaments improve your skin Sebaceous filaments are an unsung hero. As long as they are functioning properly, they should be almost invisible and help to hydrate your skin and fight any skin aggravators. They are the “ladder” that your natural oils use to move from deep within the dermis to the skin’s surface. These oils moisturise your skin and improve elasticity. They also create a coating on your skin that helps to protect you from things like sun, wind and other environmental triggers.  The problem with sebaceous filaments The problem with sebaceous filaments occurs when an overproduction of oil causes the pore to fill up with sebum, making the filaments much more visible as they begin to take on the appearance of a blackhead. A sebaceous filament and a blackhead are not the same thing, but if the pore becomes clogged then it can turn into a blackhead. Sebaceous filaments are a naturally occurring part of the skin, and even if they are squeezed or removed they will always come back. However, there are ways to manage the appearance of sebaceous filaments when they become clogged and start to contribute to enlarged pores. Sebaceous filaments treatment The best treatment for sebaceous filaments is to have a healthy skin routine that targets congestion. This will prevent pores from overfilling with oil, and help the filaments to do their job properly. We recommend the following routine to ease congestion. 1. Gentle and regular cleaning Gentle and regular cleansing with a detoxifying cleanser will help to draw out impurities from deep within the pores, refreshing and refining your skin texture. We recommend looking for a cleanser with charcoal, as this ingredient will bind to detritus and pull it out of your skin. Our Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal is ideal for skin prone to congestion, and will reduce the appearance of sebaceous filaments by flushing out the pore. Cleanser should be applied every day, remembering to cleanse twice if you are wearing makeup. 2. Exfoliating to prevent clogged pores Regular exfoliation will prevent dead skin cells from accumulating in your pores so that your sebaceous filaments can keep doing their job. Look for a gentle physical exfoliant with antibacterial additives to help thoroughly cleanser the pores. We recommend our Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant to keep your skin fresh, clear and bright. Exfoliant should be applied 1-3 times each week. 3. Serums to buff, detox and purify Find a congestion targeting serum to help your sebaceous filaments pull oil to the skin's surface and clear the pore of any impurities. Our Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum is designed for congested skin to polish away any pore-clogging debris. Tips for dealing with sebaceous filaments  It is best not to squeeze the skin to try to remove your sebaceous filaments. This can cause skin damage and scarring, and the filaments will be back before long anyway. It is never a good idea to use harsh products on your skin. To treat sebaceous filaments, look for gentle skin products that will cleanse and exfoliate your skin without stripping it of natural oils. Remember that sebaceous filaments are a completely natural and normal part of your skin and that they have an important role to play in directing your skin’s oil flow. More questions on sebaceous filaments and how to manage them? Get in touch with our skin care experts! At esmi, we are here to support you at every step of your skin care journey. Contact us today with any questions you may have.

HydrationLearnSkin Health

The Difference Between Dry & Dehydrated Skin

Although they’re often confused as the same thing, dehydrated skin and dry skin are actually different skin concerns. While dehydrated skin lacks water and is a temporary skin condition, dry skin lacks natural oils and is a skin type. Read on to understand more about the difference between dry and dehydrated skin and how to treat each one. What is dry skin? Dry skin lacks oil in the stratum corneum - the skin’s outer layer. If you have a dry skin type, your skin produces less of its natural oil (sebum) than other skin types. Your skin needs a healthy balance of sebum to function at its best; oil helps hold moisture into the skin and keep it soft and smooth. When the skin doesn’t produce enough oil, it loses the capacity to hold onto moisture and dry skin is the result. The skin barrier is also more susceptible to sensitivity and damage without a sufficient layer of protective oils. Signs of dry skin include: Rough or itchy skin Flaky skin Redness and irritation Skin feels tight Small, fine wrinkles Thin, fragile skin Those with dry skin types are also prone to inflammatory and excessively dry skin concerns like atopic dermatitis (eczema) characterised by redness, cracking and inflammation.  How to look after dry skin  Caring for dry skin means focusing on products that help counteract the natural lack of oil on the skin’s surface. This is why oil-based skin care is a great choice for dry skin types. The right blends of plant oils can make a big difference for a dry, flaky complexion as they supplement the sebum your skin isn’t producing. Some of the best plant oils for dry skin include; Jojoba: With a molecular structure close to your skin’s natural sebum, jojoba is readily accepted by the skin and is an ideal facial oil. It helps strengthen the skin barrier, restore balance, and promote hydration. Avocado: Rich in antioxidant, emollient, and anti-inflammatory properties, avocado oil promotes skin hydration, soothes and fights free radical damage. Rosehip: Packed with omega-6’s and omega-3’s fatty acids, rosehip is revered for its moisturising and regenerative properties for dry, itchy, damaged skin. It’s also rapidly absorbed and creates a protective barrier on the skin to guard against moisture loss. It’s also important to avoid products with strong ingredients that remove moisture and oil leaving skin dry, flaky and tight. For example; Benzoyl peroxide Salicylic acid Alcohol Witch hazel Sodium lauryl sulfate For dry skin we recommend 24k Gold Nourishing Oil One of our best sellers and an excellent moisturiser for dry skin, 24k Gold Nourishing Oil helps to address dryness, dehydration, ageing, fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck, and decolletage. Non-greasy, it contains a blend of rosehip, coconut, avocado, and jojoba oil plus the anti-ageing, antioxidant power of 24k gold flakes.  What is dehydrated skin? While dry skin lacks oil, dehydrated skin lacks water and, unlike dry skin (which is a skin type), dehydration is a temporary skin condition that can happen to all skin types. Even oily ones! Signs of a dehydrated face include; Skin feeling tight and uncomfortable - even after moisturising Redness Congestion An oily, shiny complexion Inflammation Fine lines and wrinkles are more pronounced Dehydration caused by external factors, for example weather, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol or not enough water. How to look after dehydrated skin Using dehydrated skin products with ingredients that replenish the skin’s water content is key for treating thirsty skin. The best ingredient to beat dehydration is hyaluronic acid. It delivers a mega hit of moisture to the skin thanks to its ability to hold 1000 times its weight in hydration! A humectant ingredient, hyaluronic acid draws moisture from the air to the skin, plumping and rehydrating cells from the inside out. Using a serum containing hyaluronic acid is the quickest way to deliver moisture to a thirsty complexion as serums are quickly and deeply absorbed into the skin. For dehydrated skin we recommend Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum This water-based serum is your ultimate skin hydrator! Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is like a big drink of water for your skin containing triple action Hyaluronic Acid which increases hydration by 25% within 2 hours. The serum also contains aloe vera, niacinamide (Vitamin B3), and allantoin which work together to improve skin hydration and strengthen the skin barrier. The hydrating serum isn’t a moisturiser and needs to be followed by a moisturiser or face oil on top to lock in the hydration for best results. We recommend following with 24K Gold Nourishing Oil or Acai Skin Balancing Face Oil. Take a holistic approach to treating dehydrated skin Tackling dehydration isn’t only about using the right dehydrated skin products. For the best results, you may need to make lifestyle changes too. For example, eating more water-rich foods and less salty ones (salt dehydrates the skin) and drinking more water and less alcohol. To view more skincare options for dry vs dehydrated skin click through to the Dehydration shop by concern or Dryness shop by concern. You might also like to read: The Different Skin Types Why Skin Gets Oily And How To Stop It What Causes Dry Skin


How To Get Rid of Wrinkles

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles We share how to prevent wrinkles forming prematurely with skincare and lifestyle tips to slow down the signs of ageing. An antioxidant-rich diet, low stress, quality sleep and the right skincare are the best ways to work against the extrinsic signs of ageing. Get Enough Sleep Never underestimate the impact quality sleep can have on your skin. The question of how to get rid of wrinkles naturally really starts with lifestyle factors - and sleep is a big one. At night skin gets to work repairing and regenerating itself while you sleep. It’s during this time your body produces increased growth hormone which aids in boosting cell reproduction and stimulating collagen synthesis. When you don’t get enough sleep, this process doesn’t happen optimally and collagen production is diminished. This leads to skin losing its firmness and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Skin care to use at night Skin is more permeable at night which means it’s better able to absorb the ingredients in your skincare. You want to maximise the benefit of this deep absorption by using products brimming with active ingredients such as retinol (Vitamin A), peptides, vitamin C, glycolic acid, and hyaluronic acid. A few favourite esmi treatments to use overnight to help get rid of wrinkles include: Golden Anti-Ageing Serum Potent antioxidant activity makes this serum the perfect night time defence against free radical damage, fine lines and pigmentation associated with ageing. All ages and skin types. Fine lines, dehydration and environmental stress Kangaroo Paw Flower Extract and Acai Oil offer hydrating and anti-ageing antioxidants to assist in plumping fine lines, deeply hydrating, and rejuvenating all skin types. Anti-Ageing Repair Gel Booster Mask Suitable for most skin types to combat signs of ageing and fatigue by boosting skin elasticity, softening fine lines, conditioning and defending against free radical damage. Hyaluronic Hydrating Booster Mask Perfect for all skin types to target issues of dehydration, dryness, oily and problematic skin. Banishes dullness, plumps fine lines and balances oil flow. Diet & Hydration When addressing how to get rid of wrinkles from a lifestyle perspective, what you eat and drink can be one of your best weapons in the war on fine lines! Hydration Are you drinking enough water each day? Water is essential for glowing, clear skin. It helps your skin by improving elasticity, regulating oil production, flushing toxins, and increasing skin radiance. Not getting enough water leaves your skin dehydrated causing fine lines and wrinkles to be more obvious. Other signs of dehydration include tightness, dryness, sensitivity, dullness, and congestion. Make sure you’re getting your 8 glasses a day by sipping on plain water, or try coconut water and water flavoured with real fruit pieces. Including water-rich foods in your diet will also boost your hydration levels. Foods with high water content include cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, spinach, oranges, and mushrooms. Eat plenty of whole foods rich in antioxidants Research tells us that antioxidants such as carotenoids, tocopherols and flavonoids, as well as vitamins (A, C, D and E), essential omega-3-fatty acids, some proteins and lactobacilli (“friendly bacteria”) all contribute to optimal skin health and slowing signs of ageing. Eating a diet with a wide variety of these foods will help protect against premature ageing by inhibiting free radical activity, promoting a hydrated skin barrier, and encouraging cell regeneration. Avoid eating excessive amounts of refined sugar and trans fats as these do the opposite and accelerate skin damage and ageing. Read our guide to 16 of the best foods for skin. Sun Safety Did you know that the sun’s UV rays are responsible for more than 90% of the signs of skin ageing? UVA rays in particular reach far enough into the skin to damage collagen. Skin loses elasticity and firmness which speeds up the visible signs of ageing like wrinkles and sagging. This means daily broad spectrum SPF protection is absolutely your #1 defence for how to prevent wrinkles forming early. Sun tips for healthy skin! Wear broad spectrum 30+ SPF sunscreen 365 days a year. Even if it’s not sunny or you work inside. Avoid spending too much time outside during the hottest times of the day, usually between 12pm - 3pm. Reapply sunscreen after swimming, sweating, or every 4 hours. Cover up with other protective items like a hat, sunglasses, and lightweight long sleeve clothing. esmi Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 A broad-spectrum SPF 30 enriched with antioxidants, this silky smooth, daily sunscreen protects against UV damage helping fight the first signs of ageing. Comfortable, non-greasy SPF coverage for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Skin Shield Natural Face Sunscreen is easy-to-apply and formulated with additional anti-ageing benefits of carrot root oil, hyaluronic acid, and green tea for hydrated, smoother skin. Avoid Over-Cleansing How to get rid of wrinkles? Check the ingredients in your cleanser. Harsh ingredients can lead to over-cleansing your skin which makes fine lines and wrinkles appear more pronounced. Keeping your skin clean is the foundation of a healthy, bright complexion but over-cleansing strips away the natural lipids (oils) that moisturise the skin. Without these important oils, skin becomes dry and rough looking on the surface. Stick to using a gentle cleanser that maintains a healthy oil / moisture balance on the skin’s surface. Moisturising Well moisturised skin has a plump, smooth, and healthy skin texture. To help get rid of wrinkles naturally, or at least improve their appearance, moisturiser plays a non-negotiable role in your skin care routine. How do moisturisers work? Their main goal is to boost hydration levels by sealing in moisture to prevent it from evaporating off the skin. Moisturisers work on the surface layer of the skin to minimise trans epidermal water loss helping to keep skin hydrated and plump, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Face oils make excellent moisturisers as they contain antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids that support your skin’s natural barrier (lipids, cholesterol, and ceramides) to improve derma strength. Rosehip oil, avocado, jojoba, squalane, and argan are some of the best oils to target wrinkles. You can replace your moisturiser with a facial oil or add a few drops of facial oil to your moisturiser and apply together. We recommend 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Luxurious 24-karat gold leaf face oil nourishes for a visibly firmer, more youthful complexion - boosts skin elasticity, stimulates collagen production and improves blood circulation. Reduce Stress If you’re continually stressed out, don’t be surprised to see more wrinkles and fine lines making an unwelcome appearance! How stress creates wrinkles When large amounts of cortisol are released into the body it causes sugar levels in the bloodstream to rise. This triggers a process called glycation which isn’t good news for your skin - it destroys both collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the key building blocks of skin. They provide it with structure and elasticity and when they are damaged, the skin becomes weaker and fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear. Increased amounts of cortisol in your body can also cause dehydration. This also makes fine lines and wrinkles more obvious plus your overall skin tone will become dull and uneven. Help get rid of wrinkles naturally by managing stress levels through exercise, breathing techniques or other self-care activities that help you relax! View our full range of Skin Treats suitable for skin at every age to find a product to target your specific skin concerns. 


Ingredient Spotlight: Blue Tansy

Scientifically known as Tanacetum annuum, Blue tansy is one of the newer ingredients to join the esmi skin care ingredients list. It has quickly become a popular ingredient, due to its extensive list of benefits (and beautiful colour!). 💙 What is blue tansy? Blue Tansy is a flowering plant that is found in Spain, Morocco and Portugal. It is actually a member of the daisy family and looks quite similar to Chamomile when in bloom. Plot twist - Blue Tansy is actually yellow in colour. However, it gets its distinguishable blue colour during the steam distillation process of the plant's flowers. The essential oil extracted from the plant is valued highly in skincare, as well as aromatherapy. Loved for its calming aura and anti-inflammatory properties. 💙 Benefits of blue tansy  Blue Tansy is popular for the following benefits. Anti-inflammatory properties: The plant contains chamazulene, a compound known for its potent anti-inflammatory effects. It can help soothe irritated skin, calm redness, and reduce inflammation. This is particularly beneficial for those with conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea. Antioxidant power: Rich in antioxidants, blue tansy helps combat free radicals that can damage skin cells and accelerate aging. Antioxidants help protect the skin from external stressors and promote a youthful complexion. Balancing & healing: Blue tansy is renowned for its balancing properties, making it suitable for all skin types, including oily, dry, and combination skin. It helps regulate oil production, which makes it great for acne-prone skin. Additionally, it aids in healing minor wounds, cuts and blemishes. Calming & soothing: The aroma of blue tansy essential oil has a calming effect on the mind and body. When used in skincare products, it provides a relaxing and comforting experience, making it ideal for reducing stress and promoting overall wellbeing. Anti-bacterial: Blue tansy possesses natural anti-bacterial properties, making it effective in fighting acne-causing bacteria. Gentle exfoliation: Blue tansy contains natural enzymes that offer gentle exfoliation, helping to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, resulting in smoother, brighter skin. 💙 Where to find Blue Tansy in esmi's skin care Blue Tansy features in two of our esmi products: the Hydrating Hydra-Fluid Moisturiser (at 0.05%) and our Afterglow Rejuvenating Bakuchiol (at 0.06%). The deep blue colour that comes out in the steam distillation process adds to the colour of these two esmi goodies. The scent is really sweet and has apple-like notes which is why our Bakuchiol and Hydrating Hydra-Fluid smell good enough to eat! About: Hydrating Hydra-Fluid Moisturiser  This hyaluronic acid moisturiser provides lightweight nourishment with a burst of hydration. Suitable for all skin types, it leaves skin soft and moisturised.Supporting oily, dull and unbalanced skin, the Hydrating Hydra-Fluid will balance oil flow while keeping the skin hydrated. Experience the calming benefits of blue tansy skincare. About: Afterglow Rejuvenating Bakuchiol A powerful, yet gentle-on-the-skin natural alternative to retinol, esmi's Afterglow Rejuvenating Bakuchiol stimulates collagen production, encourages cell turnover and brightens uneven skin tones. The beauty of a botanical alternative to retinol is that it's gentle on your skin and won't lead to sensitivity that's often associated with retinol use. This makes it ideal in both your morning and night routine and is perfect for those with dry or sensitive skin. It's also suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.   Unsure of what skincare would suit your skin type? Take our skin quiz or chat with our Skin Specialists.

LearnSkin care

Face Serum vs. Face Oil

Face serums and oils are two of our favourite ways to treat the skin but there’s often confusion about what each one does! Here is our guide to what they are, what they do and where they fit in your skin routine. What is the difference between a face oil & a serum? What is a face serum and what is a face oil? Let’s begin by clearing up any confusion about the difference between serum vs oil.  Serums: Target specific skin concerns with potent active ingredients What does serum do? Serums are lightweight products formulated with a high concentration of active ingredients to target specific skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, dullness, hyperpigmentation, dehydration, and acne. Serums have a smaller molecular structure than other skincare products, like moisturiser creams, lotions, or face oil. This allows them to deliver a potent hit of ingredients more quickly and deeply into the skin. Serums may have a thin and watery consistency or a more gel-like texture. Serum isn’t designed to replace a moisturiser, but rather be used in conjunction with one for best results. The addition of a serum will supercharge skincare results for all skin types and concerns. Serums Concentrated levels of active ingredients (up to 70%) Target specific skin concerns Absorb rapidly and deeply into the skin Smaller molecular structure Water or gel like consistency Best results use with a moisturiser Face oils: Deliver moisturising benefits and increase derma strength Face Oils are a blend of natural oils containing antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Their main goal is to boost hydration levels by sealing in moisture to prevent it evaporating off the skin. Face oils support your skin’s natural barrier (lipids, cholesterol, and ceramides) to improve derma strength. Unlike serums, which absorb deeply into the skin, face oils have larger molecules that can only penetrate the surface. They work on strengthening the skin barrier - the outer layer - to minimise trans epidermal water loss. This keeps skin hydrated and plump, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. All skin types, even oily ones, can benefit from facial oil. Face oils Contain antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids. Focus on sealing moisture into the skin Improves the appearance of fine lines / wrinkles Larger molecular structure Works on surface level to strengthen the skin barrier Can replace or be used with a moisturiser How to Use Face Oil and Face Serums Serum or oil first? That’s probably the most common question on the topic of face serum vs oil! The quick answer - serum first followed by face oil. How to use a face serum After cleansing, while the skin is still damp, apply serum by using a gentle motion to press or massage it into the skin. Allow time for it to fully absorb. How to use a facial oil Once the serum has absorbed into the skin follow with facial oil application. Drop a few drops of face oil into your palm and massage into your face. If you’re using a cream / lotion moisturiser in addition to face oil, follow the serum step with the cream / lotion then apply the face oil. Face Duo: Combining face oil and face serum into one simple step!   esmi Face Duos combine the intensity of a water-based serum and moisturising benefits of an oil. It’s easy to give your skin the benefits of a face oil and serum in one simple step! Let’s take a look at the Sunrise Skin Energising Acai Duo, for example. This Face Duo offers the potent, active brightening benefits of Kakadu Plum and Liquorice extract to target hyperpigmentation and dullness concerns while Acai Oil offers moisturising and anti-ageing benefits to smooth and tone skin. How and when to use a Face Duo Shake the bottle well to mix the acai oil and water-based serum together. Dispense a pearl size amount of mixed oil/serum directly to the palm of the hand and massage into the skin after cleansing or exfoliation. Perfect for use under any makeup, moisturiser, oil or sunscreen. Can be used morning, night and around the eye area. View the full range of esmi Face Duos, Face Oils, and Face Serums! You Might Also Like To Read Why Your Skin Needs Oil Meet Hyaluronic Acid - Your Skin’s Super Hydrator Supercharge Your Skincare Routine With Vitamin C 


Pimple Mapping for Treating Acne

Face mapping could help you uncover the root cause of acne, blemishes, and pimples based on where they appear. We share the basics of skin mapping to connect breakouts with potential health or lifestyle causes. Easy pimple face chart included! What is pimple mapping? Face mapping is the practice of analysing where breakouts are appearing on your face to help identify what is causing them. Used for centuries in Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, face mapping is based on the idea that your skin - which is your body’s largest organ - reflects your inner health. Skin mapping splits your face into different zones. Each zone has a corresponding internal health or lifestyle issue which may be the trigger of acne in that area. For example, breakouts popping up in your forehead zone are linked to sleep disturbance and diet/ digestive issues. While acne face mapping may help to understand why acne is presenting, acne should be treated depending on skin type as discussed in our Guide to Getting Rid of Acne. Can face mapping reveal the cause of your acne?  Let’s take a look at the pimple face map zones in more detail plus a handy pimple face chart. Pimples on forehead Cause: Acne spots on the forehead may be linked to diet, stress and irregular sleep. According to Chinese face mapping, the forehead zone is linked to digestive health. The pimples on your forehead could be telling you to take a closer look at your diet. Certain foods could be causing digestive issues which are triggering acne. Lack of sleep and high stress levels may also show up as pimple clusters in this zone. Solution: Keep a healthy sleep cycle to make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night. To sort out any dietary issues, try keeping a daily food diary. This can help to see if breakouts correspond with eating certain foods. We have listed the best foods to help your skin improve here! T-Zone and chin acne Cause: T-zone and chin acne is sometimes known as hormonal acne. Acne along your jaw, chin, and t-zone is understood to be related to hormonal changes. It’s common to break out in these areas during puberty, pregnancy, or your menstrual cycle. Solution: Steer clear of comedogenic products (those that clog pores) and any harsh cleansers and alcohol-based toners that strip the skin of moisture and oil. This triggers the skin to produce even more oil and in turn, more breakouts. Discover more ways how to properly cleanse these sensitive area here. Pimples on cheeks Cause: Pimples on cheeks are often caused by pollution or bacteria. Have stubborn pimples on your cheeks that won’t go away? These breakouts may be caused by a dirty mobile phone screen or pillowcase. Phone screens accumulate a crazy amount of bacteria if not cleaned regularly. Pressing the phone against your face transfers bacteria directly to your cheeks. It’s the same for your pillowcases too! Solution: Disinfect your phone regularly with a wipe or spray and change your pillowcases each week. It’s not just your phone and bedding. Anything that comes in contact with your face should be cleaned regularly to avoid spreading bacteria. It’s also important to cleanse your skin properly before bed to remove all traces of makeup and impurities - including bacteria. We recommend The Uncomplicated Cleanser. This best seller is the ideal simple, gentle cleaner for all skin types. Apply a pearl-sized amount of the cleanser to damp hands and massage gently into skin with an upward motion. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or remove with esmi's Microfibre Facial Cleansing Mitt. Don’t forget to double cleanse in the evening to remove all traces on makeup, sunscreen, and debris. Get to know more Top 3 Products You Need in Your Skin Care Routine Dealing with Maskne The Best Face Mask for Acne


Delivering Care Packages with Ash Barty

We love our community and relish any opportunity to give back whenever we can! Someone who shares these values with us is brand ambassador Ash Barty, former women's world number one tennis player. We recently had the pleasure of partnering with Ash to provide self-care packs to some incredible COVID nurses. They work so tirelessly to provide lifesaving care and put themselves on the front line to protect us. Surprising them with everything they need for a moment of self-care was the least we can do to show our gratitude. The packs included a mix of cleansers, Booster Face Masks, and of course, the hero Probiotic Skin Mylck. Wearing protective masks every day, while incredibly important, can wreak havoc on the skin. Using probiotic skincare restores the skin barrier to prevent sensitivity, dryness, and mask-ne. The packs also included a beautiful note and video from Ash, thanking the nurses for their hard work in caring for the community. Kind words from an Aussie hero to other Aussie heroes! With Ash’s help, we were able to gift packs to over 400 nurses working in COVID wards across the GCGU, Royal Melbourne and Western Health. Providing self-care gift packs to those working so hard gives them permission to take the time to look after themselves. We strongly believe in the power of taking a moment (or two!) to look after yourself. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup! Giving back is at the heart of our values here at Makeup Cartel, and is something we will continue to do. Our customers and community allow us to do what we love - provide you with skincare that makes you feel incredible. This is our way of saying thank you. Read more about how we give back here.


Face Creams vs. Oils & Serums

Face oil, serum or cream moisturiser? If you’re confused about what each one does and if you really need all three, keep reading. We break down the difference and explain why we believe face oil and serum deliver the best results for your skin. Oil & Water Based Serums What is a water-based serum? Serums are lightweight products formulated with a high concentration of active ingredients to target specific skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, dullness, hyperpigmentation, dehydration, and acne. Water-based serums have a smaller molecular structure which allows them to be absorbed deeply and rapidly into the skin. Just a few concentrated drops of serum is an extremely efficient way to deliver big results for your skin. What is a face oil? Face oils are a blend of natural oils containing antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. These oils are derived from the seed, fruit, bark, stems, roots, or leaves of a plant. Face oils have emollient properties which work on top of the skin, rather than penetrating deeply. On the surface, these emollients support hydration by sealing in moisture to prevent it evaporating off the skin. They also bolster your skin’s natural barrier (lipids, cholesterol, and ceramides) and derma strength by helping fill in spaces between skin cells to lubricate and smooth the skin. Depending on the formulation/blend, some face oils contain active ingredients but they don’t deliver the same potency as serum formulation. Face oil and serum are a skincare dream team! It’s not a matter of serum or moisturiser. A serum isn’t designed to replace a moisturiser, rather complement it. Using both you’ll maximise the results of your skincare routine. Serum delivers a burst of active ingredients deep into the skin to target specific skin concerns. The face oil then works on the surface to lock in moisture, helping the skin hold onto hydration and strengthen the skin barrier. Serums and face oils are also free from synthetic lubricating and thickening agents (fillers!) unlike many creams and lotions. We’ll talk about these ‘fillers’ in a moment. How to use face oils and water-based serums in your routine After cleansing, while the skin is still damp, apply serum by using a gentle motion to press or massage it into the skin. Allow time for it to fully absorb. Next, apply the face oil by dropping a few drops of oil into your palm and massage into your face. Face Creams & Lotions Like face oil, moisturising creams and lotions work on the surface of the skin. Their basic function is to stop the skin drying out by holding water into the outermost layer keeping skin supple and smooth. Often creams and lotions are also formulated with active ingredients to address skin concerns. Look out for thickening ingredients that may irritate skin Creams and lotions contain synthetic or mineral thickening agents and occlusives to give the product its consistency and texture. Mineral and natural thickeners (both naturally derived) These are naturally occurring ingredients that can absorb water or oils and boost the thickness of a formulation. Synthetic thickeners Some of these synthetic ingredients, a common one is carbomers, are low-quality thickening agents used to add bulk to formulations. These types of ingredients provide little, if any, long lasting benefit to the skin and some can even cause irritation. Active ingredients: Serum vs moisturiser These thickening ingredients also reduce the impact of any active ingredients in the formulation. The active has to ‘fight’ its way through thickening agents to actually penetrate the skin. High quality serums, on the other hand, have no fillers. They’re concentrated drops of super efficient active ingredients delivered straight to the skin. Which is best for me?  So, which is the best - oil or cream for your face? We recommend treating skin with both the active ingredients of a serum and the moisturising properties of an oil. The combination of the two is a more effective, potent, and natural way to get your skin the ingredients it needs to stay hydrated, healthy, and address specific concerns. Combinations from our range of esmi Skin Treats that work well to target the following skin concerns include: Dehydration Serum: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Face Oil: 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Ageing concerns Serum: Golden Anti-Ageing Serum Face Oil: 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Hyperpigmentation Serum: Pomegranate Brightening Serum Face Oil: 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Redness, inflammation and acne Serum: Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Face oil: Peppermint Green Oil See our full range of Skin Treats to target specific skin concerns. You can purchase a combination of Skin Treats in one of our Skin Care Bundles to kick start your skin care routine! 


How to Properly Cleanse Your Face

How you cleanse your skin matters! We cover 6 steps on how to properly wash your face for clean, supple, and calm skin. Get the cleansing step of your skincare routine right to minimise breakouts, irritation, and dehydration. How to Properly Wash Your Face - Anything that touches your face should be clean - Wash your face using lukewarm water and your favourite cleanser - Double cleanse when wearing makeup - Be gentle when drying your face - Follow with hydration Wash Your Face Morning & Night Let’s start with the golden rule of how to properly wash your face; cleansing your skin in your morning and evening routine. During the day, sweat, natural oils, debris, and pollution particles all accumulate on your skin. If you wear makeup and SPF, these sit on your skin all day too. A double cleanse with a gentle cleanser is a must in your evening routine to remove this build-up. Left overnight, it can clog pores and you’ll wake up to pimples or inflammation. Cleansing in the evening also allows the products in your night time routine to better penetrate the skin. A film of oil, dead cells, and debris on the surface prevents active ingredients fully absorbing. So, if you clean your skin at night, why wash your face in the morning? Bacteria from your hair and mouth can be transferred to your face from your pillow and bedding while you sleep. Cleansing in the morning removes bacteria and residue of overnight skincare products to give you a fresh foundation for your daytime products. Bottom line? Don’t skip the AM cleanse. Anything Touching Your Face Should Be Clean Don’t undo your perfect cleanse by using dirty towels, face towels or headbands! Bacteria, dead skin cells, oils, fungus and other debris collect on these and transfer to your skin. Even using dirty fingers will thwart your cleansing efforts. Microfibre cleansing mitts are a brilliant way to apply cleanser and wash your face without touching your hands to your face. The esmi microfibre mitt removes 80% more dirt, makeup and product residue than using a regular face washer or your hands. Wash your mitt regularly to keep it fresh and replace every 6 months. Using a clean headband is also a handy way to keep your hair off your face while cleansing. Have a few on rotation so you’ve always got a clean one on hand. Wash Your Face Using Lukewarm Water & Your Favourite Cleanser The temperature of the water plays a key role in how to use cleanser the right way. Avoid using hot water as it strips the skin of its natural oils, dries it out and can result in skin barrier damage. Stick to lukewarm water which won’t shock or irritate your face - this is especially important if you have sensitive skin or rosacea which can be triggered by heat. How much cleanser should you use? We recommend applying a pearl-sized amount of cleanser to damp hands and massage gently into skin with an upward motion. Double Cleanse When Wearing Makeup Do you double cleanse? When you wear makeup, the double-cleanse method is your best bet to remove every trace of foundation and powder lurking on your skin. Washing your face twice keeps your pores clean and allows skincare products to deeply penetrate your skin boosting their effectiveness. How to use a cleanser for double cleansing: Massage a pearl-sized amount of face cleanser into wet skin with clean fingers. This first step is all about breaking up the makeup and other debris on your skin. Rinse your face with lukewarm water. Now, repeat the same process with the addition of a microfibre mitt or gentle cleansing pad. This helps to remove all traces of makeup and impurities to really clear out the pores. You can use the same cleanser for both the first and second cleanse but choose one formulated with gentle ingredients. This allows you to wash your face twice without stripping the skin of the natural oils it needs to retain moisture. Be Gentle When Drying Maximising your cleansing routine isn’t just about how to properly wash your face. You need to pay attention to how you dry it too! The skin on your face is delicate and needs to be dried with TLC - not the regular terry cloth towel which is actually really abrasive. Dragging and rubbing it across your face can lead to skin irritation, inflammation, and over-exfoliation, particularly if you have sensitive skin. Instead, very gently pat your skin with a towel to remove moisture. Leave it slightly damp and then follow with the next step in your routine. Applying products while skin is still damp helps lock in hydration and increases effectiveness.  Follow with Hydration A cleanser helps prepare the skin to soak up every drop of the other products in your routine and maximise their potency. Immediately after cleansing, while skin is still damp, apply a hydrating serum followed by a moisturiser or face oil. This 2 step approach is the optimal way to boost skin’s hydration levels. A hydrating serum delivers moisture deep into the layers of skin while the moisturiser or face oil works on the surface of the skin to lock moisture in. There you have it! Our 6 simple steps for how to properly wash your face and how to use a cleanser. esmi cleansers are designed to target skin concerns and gently remove impurities while calming and protecting the skin. View the Uncomplicated Cleanser range. 


Simple Pregnancy Skin Care Routine

The esmi skin experts weigh in on how you should change up your skin care routine during pregnancy. From breakouts to dryness, or if you’re really lucky the fabled glow, pregnancy changes your skin. Your usual line up of products may not be right for your pregnancy skin care routine. Plus, there’s the issue of safe vs not-safe ingredients every mum-to-be needs to know about. Switching things up is also the ideal time to refresh how you approach your routine. Has applying skincare become a chore you rush through on autopilot? We encourage you to think of it as a self care routine instead. A moment in your day of pure ‘me’ time to reset and focus on yourself - something every expecting mum deserves!  What Happens to Your Skin During Pregnancy The not so great news? The oh-so-pregnant-glow isn’t guaranteed when you’re expecting. Instead, you might find yourself dealing with a number of more challenging pregnancy related skin changes. Hormonal acne - Breakouts around the chin and jaw are common. Melasma (‘mask of pregnancy’) - Hyperpigmentation that can appear on your forehead, nose, and cheeks. Dehydration and dryness - Dryness can make fine lines and wrinkles more pronounced. Increased sensitivity - Redness, flushing, and irritation Let’s look at safe skin care for pregnancy to tackle these concerns while you’re expecting and during breastfeeding. Acne and Breakouts During Pregnancy Whether you’re usually prone to breakouts or not, many women experience acne in the first and second trimesters. A rise in hormones called androgens causes your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. If not managed in your pregnancy skin care routine, all this excess oil can clog pores causing acne and inflammation. Acne treatment ingredients to avoid during pregnancy These ingredients aren’t safe for use while you're expecting or breastfeeding: Salicylic acid Retinol (Vitamin A) Some oral acne medications are also unsafe. Always consult with your healthcare professional. Pregnancy-safe ingredients to manage acne Thankfully, you’re not stuck with a ‘grin-and-bear-it’ approach to dealing with pregnancy breakouts! There are plenty of safe ingredients and products on the anti-acne list. AHAs - Glycolic acid and lactic acid Fruit enzymes Bentonite clay Activated charcoal What esmi skincare products are safe during pregnancy to help manage breakouts? The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Anti-Redness Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Acai Hydrate & Nourish Duo Peppermint Green Oil Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Fresh Sea And Salty Sand facial exfoliant Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask These products are also safe to use during breastfeeding. Why Pregnancy Can Cause Redness and Flushing Hot, red, flushing cheeks is probably not the kind of subtle pregnancy glow you were hoping for. Redness, flushing, and a ruddier appearance are caused by hormonal changes and an increase in circulating blood volume during pregnancy. If you have existing rosacea you might experience flushing flare ups more frequently. Pregnancy-safe ingredients to manage redness Include these cooling, calming ingredients in your pregnancy skin care routine to help manage redness and flushing. Aloe vera Arnica Tasmanian Pepper Extract Linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) Menthol We recommend: Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Lightweight with an energising wild mint aroma, this serum cools and heals damaged, red skin with potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating properties. Suitable for all skin types and safe to use in your pregnancy skin care routine and while breastfeeding. Reactive and Sensitive Skin During Pregnancy You may find your skin has become ultra sensitive and reactive almost overnight. Certain products, ingredients, and foods you had no issue with before can now spark an uncomfortable reaction. What’s the cause of increased skin sensitivity? You guessed it - increased hormones. Skin is also extremely sensitive to sunlight so wearing mineral SPF30+ sunscreen every day is a must. Avoid chemical sunscreen containing oxybenzone as this is a known endocrine-disrupting chemical. Fragrances can also trigger reactivity so it’s best to steer clear of heavily fragranced products. Calming ingredients for your pregnancy skin care routine Aloe vera Topical probiotics (read more about the benefits of probiotics for sensitive skin) Green tea extract Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) Vitamin E esmi pregnancy-safe products we recommend for reactive and sensitive skin The Uncomplicated Cleanser Probiotic Skin Mylck Ultra Nourishing Booster Mask These products are also safe to use during breastfeeding. How Pregnancy Can Cause Skin Dryness Dry patches of tight-feeling, flaky skin are often associated with pregnancy. The skin barrier becomes more permeable which increases transepidermal water loss - moisture evaporating off the skin. In addition to keeping moisture levels topped up with hydration focused skincare make sure you’re drinking plenty of H2O and eating foods with high water content. esmi pregnancy-safe ingredients to aid skin hydration Hyaluronic acid Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) Glycerin Aloe Vera We recommend: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum esmi Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is like a big drink of water for your cells containing triple action Hyaluron which increases hydration by 25% within 2 hours. The hydrating serum isn’t a moisturiser, it works by attracting water to the deeper layers of skin and rehydrating cells from the inside out. After hydrating the skin, it’s then important to apply a moisturiser on top to lock in the hydration. Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is also safe to use during breastfeeding. Other Important Pregnancy Skin Care Recommendations In addition to your getting at-home pregnancy skin care routine sorted, look after your skin by getting enough quality sleep. Sometimes easier said than done (we know!) but doing your best to establish a good sleep routine will help keep skin hydrated and healthy. Also avoid professional skincare treatments like laser treatment, micro needling, or chemical peels which are unsafe during pregnancy. Products Recommended for Breastfeeding Mothers While nursing, your skin may continue to change and hydration levels, in particular, need extra attention. You might have experienced oilier-than-usual skin during pregnancy but now your complexion is drier than the Sahara! To keep hydration levels topped up and moisture locked into the skin we recommend: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Probiotic Skin Mylck Plus Hydration Hydrating And Nourishing Acai Duo We hope our tips on how to take care of skin during pregnancy will help you make the right skincare choices during this special time. If you have any questions about pregnancy-safe skincare and ingredients, reach out to us at hello@esmi.com.au - we’re here to help!  


Baby Give Back: Every Baby Deserves An Equal Start

Every baby deserves an equal start. It’s the mission that drives the amazing volunteers at Baby Give Back. The team provides life changing support for families in crisis who are unable to afford baby essentials for their children. More than 300 volunteers work tirelessly to collect donations of quality baby essentials, providing them to struggling families via social service agencies who are qualified to assess a family's needs. “We are changing the lives of children. Changing the trajectory for disadvantaged families. We are the village when they need it most.” Items range from nappies and wipes, through to prams, cots and car seats and everything in between. Everything that leaves their warehouse is thoroughly cleaned, safety checked, in good condition and beautifully packaged for their new family. Baby Give Back is one of the smaller not-for-profit organisations tackling the big cause of helping give vulnerable babies their best start in life. “The challenges we face to sustain and grow our service often seem huge and sometimes insurmountable, yet our village always comes together.” Their team relies heavily on public events to raise donations and help them get urgently needed baby items to families in financial crisis. Right now, demand keeps growing month on month. Donations are needed more than ever. To that end, their main fundraising event for 2020, Baby Give Back High Tea, was planned for November. The esmi Skin Minerals team was excited to get behind the high tea as an event sponsor to help raise much needed funds to give every baby a safe and equal start to life. Due to COVID restrictions, the event has been cancelled. As a smaller not-for-profit, this has had a big knock on effect to crucial funding for Baby Give Back. We wanted to support this amazing cause and do what we could to buffer the loss of the cancellation. We upheld our $15,000 donation to Baby Give Back and also offered ticket holders a $100 esmi voucher instead of people asking for a refund of their $75 ticket. How can you help? If you have any *gently loved* baby items you no longer need or would like to make a financial donation, please visit Baby Give Back and help their team support some of Australia’s most vulnerable families.


My Pregnancy Journey with esmi Skin Minerals

My Pregnancy Journey with esmi Skin Minerals It is currently 4.30am. And my calf muscles know it’s... CRAMPING TIME! #ouch   Every time I try to move, it triggers my toes to curl under like they’re giving someone traffic directions or trying to detach themselves from my body. So naturally, I continue to toss and turn. Drinking water and putting salt on my tongue (yes, it actually works!)   Wait, what is that?! Oh good, it triggered the reflux! Joy.   I then FINALLY manage to muster up enough energy to climb over my charming pregnancy pillow and get my giant belly out of bed to go downstairs. I figured anything has to be better than lying here waiting for the next set of traffic directions to be handed out.   Oh pregnancy, isn’t she lovely! One minute you’re being told ‘you’re a glowing goddess’, the next you’re being compared to a humpback whale. It’s a cute time, isn’t it? It’s the most beautiful gift, and experience but at the same time - the most challenging on the mind and body! If you’re anything like me, your skin can also do some WEIRD and not so wonderful things throughout the pregnancy journey.   Dry itchy skin. Puberty style breakouts (in places you didn’t think were possible). Heat rash. Pigmentation. Stretch marks.   Shall I go on?! For me personally, each trimester brought with it, a new set of skin concerns. But being able to chat with one of the skincare service team at Esmi Skin Minerals to help guide me along the way, was a game-changer. They assisted me in finding products that would help my skin throughout each new pregnancy skin concern.   First Trimester My first trimester included a lot of acne breakouts on my face, decolletage, shoulders, and back #againnotsocute. Which really wasn’t a battle I wanted to fight while also battling the all-day sickness too. Now I’ll admit - the hashbrowns, cheeseburgers, and ‘fruit drinks’ (aka, sugar water) I was inhaling throughout those first few months, along with the inability to drink water was likely not helping my skin avoid breakouts!   But what even are veggies during those first few months right?!   So, after my chat with the skin service team, the idea was to pair it back with regard to my face, back to basics and just give it a good dose of probiotics by using the Probiotic Skin Mylck plus Anti-Redness. This let my skin ride out the first trimester, the change in hormones, and change of diet, stage of the pregnancy, without having to add or subtract too many different products from my current skincare routine. It’s a lightweight moisturising lotion that is formulated with 100% Australian-made probiotics and anti-inflammatories to help cool flushing flare-ups and strengthen hypersensitive skin.   I also started showing REEAALL early! So the skin on my stomach showed signs of stretching straight away, and I knew from my last pregnancy, that it needed moisture from the get-go. How do you get a good dose of moisture in? OIL!   I began using the 24K Gold Nourishing Oil directly on my stretch marks/tummy area where I was beginning to show and it not only helped the stretched skin stay moisturised, but made it feel more comfortable in the process. This oil boost skin elasticity, stimulates collagen production, and improves blood circulation which was all desperately needed!   Second Trimester I am thankful that towards the middle of my second trimester, my acne breakouts on my face and body began to subside (hallelujah!) So I reintroduced my nightly 24k Gold Nourishing Oil into my face skin care routine, to help hydrate my skin overnight. I also reintroduced my OG skincare friend, the Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum into my morning skin care routine to create a solid base for my foundation for my makeup application, which I was now able to do, feeling well enough to leave the house! All the while, I was continuing to grow at a RAPID rate in the belly department, so ‘oiling up’ became quite the ritual! Note! I did find that my skin became quite dry towards the end of the second trimester, approaching the third - so I made sure to always apply body oil, moisturiser, or body butter whenever I got out of the water (after showers, swimming, etc)   Another thing that happens is hyper sensitivity to the sun! Being an avid, daily sunscreen wearer, I had that covered. But I learned the hard way with the skin on my body. We had set up down at the beach for the day, I had applied sunscreen on my tummy thinking that would last me the day. Alas, NO. My tummy looked like it had been dipped in tomato sauce #stillreallynotcute And then proceeded to become EXTREMELY itchy! So safe to say, lesson learned. Apply your sunscreen kids! I actually found the Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen with SPF30 that I use on my face daily, perfect for my belly too as it’s gentle on sensitive skin!   Third Trimester We made it! Now that I’m in my third trimester, the rule is pretty much… GIVE ME ALL THE STUFF! I need moisture, probiotics, sun protection, anti-inflammatory. You name it, my skin is READY for it. It can be hard at this point in the pregnancy to stay diligent in applying skin care as a lot of the time you’re struggling just to put your shoes on! But it’s also a really important time to do so as your body does its final leg of the journey and your belly stretches to its limits!   I’ve recently added the use of the Refreshing and Hydrating Skin Snack facial mist throughout the day to keep up hydration, especially considering how hot it’s been. And as I’m spending a lot more days makeup-free, I usually just add on my 24k Gold Nourishing Oil to the end of my morning skin care routine to give my skin a subtle, fresh glow for the day.   How can I find what I need? If you’re pregnant and want to find some skincare products that will help assist with your current skin concerns - get in touch with our Skin Service Team for your FREE skin consultation and find the perfect products for your skin! Isn’t it amazing what a woman’s body can do? You’re growing LIFE. Make sure you look after YOU, in the process.  


Repurpose your Empty esmi Bottles

DIY home decor or skincare on the run?   Maybe you’re the person who cuts up their veggies for dinner and chucks the scraps straight in the bin. Maybe you’re the person who cuts up their veggies for dinner and chucks the scraps into the compost to pop out into the garden. Or perhaps you’re the one we all aspire to be, the person who cuts up their veggies for dinner and proceeds to re-use the offcuts to make your own veggie stock, flu-fighting remedy, roast veggie skin chips AND feeds their garden #goals No matter where you sit in these categories - we all know by now how important it is to do our part in the re-use/recycle reality of where our world is headed. Have you ever thought, I wonder what I could do with my empty esmi bottles? (maybe you haven’t, but we’re sure you are now!) Well, we’re here to give you some ideas! We’ve seen some great ways and also come up with a few of our own on how you can repurpose your skincare bottles. Plus when they’re that pretty to look at… why would you want to chuck them in the bin?! So let’s jump straight in!   Plant babies! That’s right. All of you green thumbs out there will now have another cute little way to pop some greenery around your window sills, bookshelves and bathroom vanity. #vibes Use an offcut from one of your over-performing devil’s ivy to pop in with some water and place into an old skin treat bottle! Or get yourself some miniature succulents like the ones pictured above. This is a good one for those of us whose thumbs are less green in colour! #whydomyplantsalwaysdie   Skincare in the air!   So maybe you’re not much for plants around the house…. But maybe you’re all for a good holiday? Let’s say you’ve planned your next overseas (#postpandemic) trip and you couldn’t possibly imagine having to go without your beloved skincare. We hear you! And boy do we have THE travel skincare hack for you! Traveling on a plane means you have a limit on the volume of liquids you can pack in your luggage. Most of our products are actually within this allocated volume. But our booster masks aren’t! I’m sure if you’ve used one of our booster masks before, you’ll agree they quickly become an essential part of your skin care routine, especially when on holiday’s and wanting to indulge in some #treatyoself #selfcaretime Did you know that once you’ve used that last drop of serum, you can actually re-purpose your empty skin serum bottles (the ones with the glass dropper) by filling them with a mask or even a cleanser? Plus the great Marie Kondo would also be in the background applauding you on your impressive space-saving abilities, so really, it’s a win on all fronts. To do this, all you need to do is use the dropper from the empty serum bottle to remove the product from your mask or cleanser container and squeeze it into your empty bottle! Fill to whatever level you desire, give it a little shake and you’re good to go! Not sure what we mean? Head over to our Instagram Highlight called ‘Fun Facts’ and watch the step-by-step video on how best to do this, so you’re well prepared next time you’re off and away!   Go, you environmental warrior!   How else could you re-purpose your bottles? We’re always on the look out for great ways to do this so please be sure to comment below or reach out to us on Instagram with how you’ve found a continued purpose for our beautiful bottles in your life! And if you try anything we’ve mentioned above - be sure to send us a photo!