
Taming the Duo: Dry Skin with Breakouts

Let's talk about a topic that often seems like a skincare puzzle – dry skin with breakouts. Yes, you heard it right! Acne can make an appearance even if you've been dealing with the Sahara Desert on your face. But fret not, we're here to decode the mysterious combination and recommend some effective esmi products that will have your skin feeling nourished and less inflamed.   Why the odd couple? Picture this: your pores are like little tunnels. Whether you have oily or dry skin, they can still get clogged by oil and dead skin cells. These unwanted guests lead to inflammation and, you guessed it, a breakout! Now, if your skin is feeling a bit like a desert landscape, it might overcompensate by producing more oil to protect itself, which only adds to the clogging conundrum and can result in more acne.  The game plan: Gentle and effective No need to feel overwhelmed – we've got your back with a simple and effective routine that addresses both dryness and acne. It's like giving your skin a cosy blanket and a superhero cape all in one! Cleanse with care: The first step is crucial! Use The Uncomplicated Cleanser to whisk away impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils. It's like a spa day for your face! H2O hero: Quench your skin's thirst with the Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum. Hyaluronic acid is your skin's best friend, ensuring it's plump and hydrated, while not overwhelming your pores. Spot of green goodness: For those pesky breakout moments, turn to our Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie as a spot treatment. Packed with goodness, it's like a nutritious shake for your skin. Charcoal charisma: Exfoliate gently with our Detoxifying Charcoal Exfoliating Serum. It's like giving your skin a mini-vacation and sweeping away the debris that's been causing trouble. Probiotic power: Introduce your skin to the magic of Probiotic Skin Mylck. This superhero not only calms redness but also supports your skin's natural defense. It's like a hug for your face! Moisturise like you mean it: Remember, every skin type needs moisture. Our Nourishing Moisturiser or Hydrating & Nourishing Acai Duo are like blankets for your skin, sealing in all the goodness. The Secret Sauce: Strengthening the Barrier Elevate your skincare game by incorporating ingredients like our Probiotic Lysates. These bad boys heal and support your skin's natural defense, making it an inviting home for thriving skin. Your skin deserves that level of pampering! So, whether your skin is feeling like a desert adventure or a roller coaster ride, remember that a tailored skincare routine is your trusty sidekick. Embrace the power of esmi Skin Minerals and bid farewell to the enigmatic combo of dry skin and breakouts. Your skin will thank you with its radiant glow and newfound confidence!


How Often Should You Use a Face Mask?

1 - 3 times each week is ideal for most face masks. If your skin isn’t used to active ingredients, we recommend introducing face masks slowly into your routine. esmi Booster Masks are nutrient-dense and you won’t need a lot of product for the mask to be effective. You only need to apply a single layer and it doesn’t need to be very thick. Applying a really thick layer or multiple layers can waste the product. Used correctly, a little goes a long way. Consistency is key When it comes to skincare, consistency is key. You won’t see immediate results with a single Booster Mask application but you’ll be delighted with the improvement in your skin if you mask 1- 3 times a week. Make it part of your nightly routine to help get into the habit of consistent application. Applying a face mask is such a great way to indulge in a little self-care time at the end of a busy day. How and when to apply an esmi Booster Mask Apply the Booster Mask after the cleansing step and before applying a serum. If you don’t use serum, apply the mask after cleansing and before face oil or moisturiser. You can use clean fingers or a mask application brush to spread the product in a single layer over your face. The benefits of using a mask brush to apply a clay, charcoal or cream mask formula? It’s less messy, spreads beautifully and you’ll feel like your own facialist! Leave the mask on as long as you like; we recommend at least 10 minutes. Then, rinse well with warm water or remove with esmi's Microfiber Facial Cleansing Mitt. For a deep treatment, you can leave the mask on overnight. If you’re just starting with esmi Booster Masks, we suggest working up to leaving it on while you sleep. Choosing the right face mask for your skin type To get the best results from your face mask, you need to choose the right product for your specific skin concerns. Using a mask not formulated for your skin type can make existing issues worse or simply be a waste of product! Use our article, Best Mask For Your Skin Type, as an easy guide for deciding which mask is right for you. Not all masks are made equal Look out for masks with harsh active ingredients or chemical ingredients. Some can be damaging and irritate already-compromised skin (acne-prone, dry or sensitive) when used too often. Strong active ingredients to be careful with: Salicylic acid: This AHA can be beneficial for acne-prone skin but has the potential to cause extreme dryness, irritation, redness and flaking if used too much. Sensitive and dry skin types should steer clear of salicylic acid entirely. Retinol: This heavy hitting anti-ageing ingredient can easily be overused leading to peeling, irritation, and excessive dryness. Be very aware of how often you face mask with these potent active ingredients. Chemical ingredients to steer clear of: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): This is one you don’t want in any of your skincare products! A chemical ingredient that commonly causes irritation, dryness and allergic response in the skin. Methylisothiazolinone: This tongue-twister preservative is a strong allergen and has been linked to burning, itching, and triggering hives in skin. Be wary of peel-off charcoal masks too. Charcoal is a great mask ingredient but the peel-off action can be extremely harsh on skin. While they do remove buildup from your pores, they also remove healthy skin cells leaving skin exposed and sensitive to irritation. Keep your skin healthy by choosing products with safe ingredients for your skin type and concerns. Key natural and plant-based active ingredients to target specific concerns in esmi Booster Masks include: Brightening: Kakadu plum extract, licorice root extract, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and kaolin clay. Acne and congestion: Activated charcoal, bentonite clay, and kaolin clay.. Inflammation and redness: Maclura cochinchinensis leaf, wild mint, and broccoli sprout extract. Anti-ageing: Hyaluronic acid, peptides, Kakadu plum extract, Tasmannia Lanceolata fruit extract, and 24k colloidal gold. Dryness and dehydration: Hyaluronic acid, niacinamide (Vitamin B3), allantoin, and aloe vera. Follow the application instructions and suggested frequency for each mask. Always do a patch test before trying a new face mask (or any skin care product!) to make sure the formulation doesn’t cause a reaction. View the entire range of esmi Booster Masks. You’ll discover a mask for every skin type and concern! 


10 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples

What is the best way to get rid of pimples? You asked and we’ve answered! There are plenty of things you can do to battle breakouts, from lifestyle and dietary changes to skincare routines. Read on for our tips to get rid of pimples and clear breakouts. 1. Wash bedding regularly Is your bedding contributing to breakouts? It’s icky to think about but dirty pillow covers, sheets, and bed covers are hotspots for bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil. When your skin comes in contact with dirty bedding it also comes in contact with all these factors that can trigger breakouts. If you’re wondering how to get rid pimples, the answer could be simple: change your bedding at least once a week.  2. Don’t touch! It might seem like one of the easiest way to get rid of pimples, but squeezing them never ends well! It might be momentarily satisfying to pop a pimple but you’re making breakouts worse. When you pick at your skin, it spreads bacteria to other parts of your face. Skin also becomes red, inflamed and the chances of scarring increase. Even if you don’t pop a pimple, touching and rubbing your face can also transfer the dirt and oil from your fingers to your face. Become more mindful of how often you touch your skin during the day and try to minimise it. 3. Sanitise your phone Most phone screens are dirtier than a toilet seat. Gross but true, according to research by Scientists at the University of Arizona. Along with bacteria, phone screens carry oil and dirt which is transferred to the skin around your cheek area. If you’re wondering how to stop pimples that keep appearing in this area, it could be as simple as cleaning your dirty phone screen. Keep your phone screen germ free by regularly cleaning it with sanitising wipes.  4. Remove makeup before bed We know it can be tempting to skip the PM cleanse and just crawl into bed after a busy day or a big night. The problem? Makeup left on overnight blocks pores, causes irritation and chances are, you’ll wake up to pimples. No matter how tired you are, always take a few minutes to cleanse before bed with a gentle cleanse like The Uncomplicated Cleanser. It’s time well spent for clearer, healthier skin. 5. Reach for complex carbs A few simple dietary changes may help get rid of pimples too. Switching foods like white pasta, bread, pizza, and cakes for complex carbohydrates (low-glycemic foods) can be beneficial for your skin. Good sources of complex carbs include brown rice, wild rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, corn, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, and other veggies like asparagus and zucchini. 6. Drink more water Good things come to those who drink plenty of water! Including healthier, calmer skin. Sipping H2O helps keep your skin hydrated which in turn can balance out excess sebum production. Your skin is triggered to produce more oil when it is dry and dehydrated. It’s your body’s way of trying to add moisture to the skin. Less oil reduces the chance of clogged pores which means fewer pimples.  7. Wear sun protection! Not protecting your face with SPF is the #1 skin crime. Sunburn speeds up the signs of ageing, increases the chances of skin cancer and can also contribute to acne. Sunburn triggers the skin to produce more oil. Excess sebum mixed with dry, peeling sunburnt skin builds up on the surface and becomes trapped in pores. Stay sun safe and help prevent pimples with our Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen with SPF 30. Ideal for all skin types, including oily skin, this antioxidant-rich sunscreen is non-greasy and won’t block pores. 8. Avoid harsh products It sounds strange but many skincare products (especially cleansers) promoted to get rid of pimples can actually make the problem worse. Strong products strip the skin of acne bacteria but also of its natural oils and moisture. You may see a short term improvement as pimples clear up but in the long run, these products are keeping you trapped in an oily cycle. When your skin is stripped of moisture and oils, the surface becomes dry. Your sebaceous glands go into overdrive producing more oil to compensate for the loss of moisture. More oil increases the chance of blocked pores and pimples. The skin barrier can become damaged with the long term use of harsh cleansers causing skin to become red and reactive too. 9. Oils are your friend Don’t shy away from oils because you have acne-prone skin. Using the right facial oil regulates sebum production and restores the balance of oily, breakout prone skin. Including healthy oils and foods that contain essential fatty acids like omega-3s and omega-6s in your diet can improve skin too. Omega 3 and 6 are the building blocks of healthy skin cell membranes helping to keep skin hydrated and clear. Good sources of these fats include salmon, sardines, flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds. 10. Adopt a skin care routine A customised skin care routine is one of the best ways to get rid of pimples. The basic skincare routine for pimples includes: A gentle cleanser Always use a gentle cleanser that nourishes and hydrates the skin rather than stripping it of oil and moisture. We recommend: The Uncomplicated Cleanser  Hydrating serum and anti-redness serum A hydrating serum helps regulate oil flow as skin is hydrated and not triggered to produce more sebum to compensate for lack of moisture. Incorporating an anti-redness serum will cool inflamed, red skin and is ideal for inflammatory types of acne. We recommend: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum and Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie. Moisturiser or face oil with anti inflammatory and antioxidant benefits Follow the serum step with a moisturiser or face oil to lock in moisture and provide extra antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial benefits. We recommend: Peppermint Green Oil Weekly exfoliation Exfoliation helps keep pores clear by removing the buildup of dead skin cells, oil, and debris from the surface of the skin. We recommend: Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant Weekly anti redness mask A regular masking session can help minimise the appearance of red, inflamed pimples and treat them with powerful natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. We recommend: Anti-inflammation Mint Gel Booster Mask   Discover our full range of acne skin care formulated to help get rid of pimples. You can also talk to one of our esmi Skin Consultants for a free skin care plan to tackle pimples. 


The Best Face Mask for Acne

What is the best face mask for acne? The best face mask for acne is formulated with charcoal or clay to help draw out acne forming bacteria, impurities and soak up excess oil. If you’re using a clay or charcoal face mask choose one formulated with the addition of moisturising ingredients to keep skin hydrated. Clay and charcoal are natural yet powerful ingredients. They can be drying to the skin if not teamed with moisturising elements in a face mask formulation.  Why choose a charcoal mask for clear skin? Charcoal makes an effective face mask for clear skin thanks to its pore purifying and refining magic. The type of charcoal used in skincare is known as activated charcoal. It’s not the kind of charcoal lump you’d find at the bottom of a BBQ pit! Instead, activated charcoal is created by burning carbon-rich materials at higher temperatures. This means it’s much more porous than regular charcoal. Thanks to its porous structure, activated charcoal acts like a sponge, drawing out and soaking up excess oil and acne bacteria from the skin. These impurities then bind to the charcoal and are cleansed away along with the face mask. This deep cleansing action is particularly beneficial for combination and acne-prone skin with large pores. Bacteria mixing with oil and dead skin cells blocks pores and creates the perfect environment for acne to thrive. By helping keep pores clear, activated charcoal minimises the chances of breakouts. Face masks with this natural, mineral-rich ingredient can also promote a brighter, smoother skin texture overall. When pores are clogged, they can appear enlarged and ‘dirty’ looking. Skin is also dull and bumpy to touch. With the regular use of activated charcoal, pores become clearer helping them appear smoother and more refined. Why choose a clay mask for clear skin? Like activated charcoal, a clay mask for acne helps detoxify the skin by drawing out impurities and absorbing excess oil. They also do a great job of tightening skin so pores appear smaller. The key to getting the most out of your clay mask is choosing the right type of clay for your skin type and concerns. Both bentonite clay and kaolin clay are great choices for acne-prone skin. Bentonite Clay Bentonite clay is formed from volcanic ash and has been used for centuries as a natural skin care ingredient. It’s highly absorbent and boasts antibacterial activities which can play a role in neutralising breakout causing bacteria on the skin. Kaolin Clay A gentle cleanser, kaolin clay (also known as white clay) helps absorb excess oil, mildly exfoliates the skin, and extracts impurities. It doesn’t cause redness or irritation which makes it ideal for sensitive skin and inflamed breakout-prone skin. The best of both worlds Treat your skin to the detoxifying, breakout busting benefits of both charcoal and clay with esmi Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask. One of the best face masks for acne, the benefits include: Brighter, softer skin Detoxifying More even skin tone Smoother, supple skin Exfoliates Repairs and strengthens The detoxifying, oil-absorbing trio of kaolin clay, bentonite clay, and charcoal help clear pores, control acne, and soften skin. The jojoba oil and sweet almond oil in this charcoal and clay mask for acne help the skin retain moisture while promoting healing. How to use Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask Step 1: After cleansing, use clean fingers or a mask brush to generously apply the mask. Make sure you avoid the eye area. Step 2: After the mask has dried*, massage your face with wet fingertips or esmi Charcoal Brush to gently buff the fine clay particles. This helps loosen dead skin and impurities to be washed away. Step 3: Rinse well or remove with esmi's Microfiber Facial Cleansing Mitt. Follow with your favourite esmi treats. *The length of time to leave the mask on depends on how liberally the mask is applied. It will take longer to dry the more that is applied. The clay mask isn’t the only face mask for pimples in the esmi range! If you’re dealing with inflamed, active breakouts the Anti-inflammation Mint Gel Booster Mask could make a great addition to your weekly routine. This mask is designed to shut down inflammation, redness and breakouts with powerful natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Check out our Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask and Anti-inflammation Mint Gel Booster Mask today! 


How & When to Double Cleanse Your Face

We’re sharing how to double cleanse your skin for a deep yet gentle cleanse. Most skin types, especially if you wear makeup and have oily, congestion-prone skin, will benefit from a double cleanse. What Does it Mean to Double Cleanse? This double cleansing method uses a cream cleanser. The first cleanse helps remove makeup, SPF, and any impurities. The second cleanse clears any remaining residue from within the pores. How to Double Cleanse So, how to double cleanse your face, exactly? By cleansing with a gentle cream cleanser not once, but twice!  Step 1: Use a Cream Cleanser Splash your skin with lukewarm water and massage a cream cleanser into damp skin with clean fingers. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean, soft face cloth. Why choose a cream cleanser? They’re ideal for a double cleanse as they’re formulated with ingredients to help the skin retain moisture, like plant-based oils, and maintain the skin’s important oil / water balance. Avoid double cleansing with a strong gel-based cleanser or foaming face wash. Even a single cleanse with a strong product can leave the skin stripped of oils and moisture. A double cleanse will do even more damage! The Uncomplicated Cleanser is a great choice. All skin types will love this cream cleanser - especially mature, dry, and sensitive skin.  Step 2: Cleanse again. Consider a cleanser with actives for the second cleanse It really is that simple for your double cleanse routine; simply repeat the first step. After the first cleanse, most of the daily build up (SPF, makeup, dirt, etc) will be washed away but a second cleanse makes sure all impurities are removed. You might like to consider a cleanser with active ingredients for the second step. The actives in esmi Uncomplicated Cleanser range help target different skin concerns. With makeup and SPF out of the way, the active ingredients can better penetrate your skin. The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Redness Suited to: Sensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation. The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Ageing Suited to: All skin types dealing with fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Brightening Suited to: All skin types prone to dullness, hyperpigmentation and uneven skin ton The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal Suited to: Oily and combination skin types prone to acne, congestion, and large pores. Finally, rinse away with lukewarm water. You might like to use the esmi Microfibre Face Cleansing Mitt to remove all traces of product residue. Follow with a Skin Treat facial oil or moisturising lotion of your choice. Who Should Double Cleanse? Most skin types, especially oily, congestion-prone skin, will benefit from the double cleanse process we’ve shared above. Now you know how to double cleanse, when should you do it? You can double cleanse in your morning and evening routine. If you’ve worn makeup and SPF during the day, a double cleanse will help remove all traces of product. In the morning, it helps remove excess oil, sweat and bacteria that has accumulated on your skin overnight. Plus, it’s a great way to remove any residue from night time products and prep your skin for makeup! View The Uncomplicated Cleanser range. Reach out to our esmi skin team if you have any questions about the right choice for your skin! You may also like to read: What Is A Facial Cleanser vs A Face Wash The Complete Guide To Cream Cleansers


Your Guide to Sebaceous Filaments

Let's get started... What exactly are sebaceous filaments? If you look very closely at your nose, you might be able to see the light coloured dots at the surface of your pores. These are sebaceous filaments, which are thread-like structures that reside in the lining of your pores. Their job is to help guide oil flow from the sebaceous gland, through the dermis and to the surface of your skin where that oil can fulfill its purpose fighting dehydration and protecting the skin from environmental triggers. They are a completely natural and normal part of the skin. Many people find that sebaceous filaments are particularly visible on their nose, and they are often mistaken for blackheads. Sebaceous filaments vs Blackheads While sebaceous filaments and blackheads can look similar, they serve almost opposite purposes. Sebaceous filaments assist oil flow from deep within the pore to the outer layer of skin. On the other hand, blackheads occur when too much oil is produced and combines with dead skin cells to block pores. In terms of appearance, sebaceous filaments are usually not very noticeable, while blackheads stand out on the skin due to their dark colour.  How sebaceous filaments improve your skin Sebaceous filaments are an unsung hero. As long as they are functioning properly, they should be almost invisible and help to hydrate your skin and fight any skin aggravators. They are the “ladder” that your natural oils use to move from deep within the dermis to the skin’s surface. These oils moisturise your skin and improve elasticity. They also create a coating on your skin that helps to protect you from things like sun, wind and other environmental triggers.  The problem with sebaceous filaments The problem with sebaceous filaments occurs when an overproduction of oil causes the pore to fill up with sebum, making the filaments much more visible as they begin to take on the appearance of a blackhead. A sebaceous filament and a blackhead are not the same thing, but if the pore becomes clogged then it can turn into a blackhead. Sebaceous filaments are a naturally occurring part of the skin, and even if they are squeezed or removed they will always come back. However, there are ways to manage the appearance of sebaceous filaments when they become clogged and start to contribute to enlarged pores. Sebaceous filaments treatment The best treatment for sebaceous filaments is to have a healthy skin routine that targets congestion. This will prevent pores from overfilling with oil, and help the filaments to do their job properly. We recommend the following routine to ease congestion. 1. Gentle and regular cleaning Gentle and regular cleansing with a detoxifying cleanser will help to draw out impurities from deep within the pores, refreshing and refining your skin texture. We recommend looking for a cleanser with charcoal, as this ingredient will bind to detritus and pull it out of your skin. Our Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal is ideal for skin prone to congestion, and will reduce the appearance of sebaceous filaments by flushing out the pore. Cleanser should be applied every day, remembering to cleanse twice if you are wearing makeup. 2. Exfoliating to prevent clogged pores Regular exfoliation will prevent dead skin cells from accumulating in your pores so that your sebaceous filaments can keep doing their job. Look for a gentle physical exfoliant with antibacterial additives to help thoroughly cleanser the pores. We recommend our Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant to keep your skin fresh, clear and bright. Exfoliant should be applied 1-3 times each week. 3. Serums to buff, detox and purify Find a congestion targeting serum to help your sebaceous filaments pull oil to the skin's surface and clear the pore of any impurities. Our Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum is designed for congested skin to polish away any pore-clogging debris. Tips for dealing with sebaceous filaments  It is best not to squeeze the skin to try to remove your sebaceous filaments. This can cause skin damage and scarring, and the filaments will be back before long anyway. It is never a good idea to use harsh products on your skin. To treat sebaceous filaments, look for gentle skin products that will cleanse and exfoliate your skin without stripping it of natural oils. Remember that sebaceous filaments are a completely natural and normal part of your skin and that they have an important role to play in directing your skin’s oil flow. More questions on sebaceous filaments and how to manage them? Get in touch with our skin care experts! At esmi, we are here to support you at every step of your skin care journey. Contact us today with any questions you may have.


How to Remove Blackheads

Did you know that blackheads are one of the most common forms of acne? Blackheads look like small, black dots on your face, often forming around the nose and chin. Blackheads are formed deep in the pore, making them hard to remove. The deep set nature of blackheads makes hard scrubbing and squeezing very tempting. However, once you understand how blackheads are formed and why you have them, the way to safely remove them is much clearer. What exactly are blackheads? Blackheads (also called comedones) form when pores become clogged with dead skin cells, sebum and excess oil. Despite their appearance, blackheads aren’t due to dirty skin. They have open surfaces, meaning the oil and build up of dead skin at the top of the pore is exposed to air. This exposure creates oxidation, which is why blackheads appear dark in colour. Blackheads are most common in the t-zone, which is the forehead, nose and chin, as this area tends to produce more oil than the rest of the face. How are blackheads formed? Blackheads are caused by two key things: 1. Overproduction of oil People who have oily skin can be more vulnerable to blackheads. This is because the excess oil (or sebum) makes it hard for it to flow naturally to the surface of the skin. The obstruction causes the sebum to sit in the pore for longer, where it can coagulate, narrowing and blocking the pore. Sebum accumulating at the “top” of the pore is exposed to air, which turns it black and causes a blackhead.  2. Dead skin cells Dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin surface also contribute to the narrowing of the pore exit. They gather in the pore, preventing sebum from being secreted naturally. This blocks the pore and causes the formation of a blackhead. This overproduction of oil and dead skin cells can occur for a number of reasons, including: Lifestyle and diet Medical conditions and medications Use of the wrong skin care and cosmetics Hormones  The difference between blackheads and whiteheads  Blackheads occur when pores become clogged with sebum, with the open pore exposing the sebum to air and causing oxidation. Whiteheads are formed in a similar way, however the pore is closed by a thin layer of skin. This covering prevents the sebum from reaching the pore surface and causes the bumpy, whitehead appearance. Guide to removing and preventing blackheads Many people try to remove blackheads by squeezing them out of the skin, which can cause serious damage to the skin and leads to scarring. The key to removing blackheads safely is to use gentle and safe products to flush out and deep clean your pores. The steps to remove blackheads are: 1. Remove the blackhead The best way to do this is by using a mask that you can leave on your face for some time so it can really work it’s magic. Look for a face mask that is gentle but includes charcoal. Charcoal deep cleans pores using a process called adsorption, where toxic particles cling to the charcoal’s porous surface. It will bind to the sebum and skin cells clogged to your pores and pull it out.  2. Exfoliate to prevent further blackheads Ensure you exfoliate your skin gently to remove dead skin cells and prevent build up. Steer clear of harsh exfoliators which will dry and damage your skin, making blackheads more likely. Instead, choose something gentle with antibacterial properties to aid in removing pore clogging debris. We recommend our Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant used 1-3 times per week. 3. Use a daily cleanser Using a gentle cleanser each day will help keep oil production in check without stripping your face of all natural oils (which can actually send oil production into overdrive). Our Uncomplicated Cleanser with Charcoal is infused with the detoxifying power of charcoal, making it ideal for skin types prone to blackheads and congestion. 4. Keep skin hydrated Ensure you are drinking plenty of water and using hydrating products each day. Dry skin can send oil production into overdrive, so it’s important to keep moisturised. We recommend our best selling Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum, which is the ultimate skin hydrator to fight dehydration, plump skin and boost radiance.  For a full skin care routine to target blackheads, check out our article Getting Rid of Blackheads.  Blackhead do’s and don'ts 1. DON’T squeeze, scrub or pick, DO deep cleanse pores. We know how tempting it can be to squeeze blackheads. However, this can cause damage to your skin, which can sometimes be permanent. Also, the bacteria on your hands can worsen skin condition and cause further blackheads and breakouts. Instead of squeezing, scrubbing and picking, use a gentle mask to draw out impurities from deep within the pores. 2. DON’T use hard peels and blackhead strips, DO draw out impurities with a mask. There has been a recent trend for peel off masks and pore strips that adhere to the face and must then be torn off to “remove” the blackhead. The truth is, these products only remove the surface of the blackhead (and your skin!), so you’ll see it back before long. Stay away from these products, and instead use a charcoal mask to draw out dirt and impurities from the pore. 3. DON’T use jagged and abrasive scrubs, DO use a soft exfoliator. Steer clear of harsh scrubs, which can damage and tear the skin. Products that irritate skin will trigger more oil production, and more blackheads. Instead, use an ever-so-gentle exfoliator with fine sand to clear congestion.  4. DON’T overwash your face with harsh products, DO use a gentle cleanser. Harsh cleansers with salicylic acid are popular products to get rid of blackheads. The problem is, salicylic acid can excessively irritate and dry the skin. This leads to the skin compensating by overproducing oil, worsening blackheads. Instead, use a gentle cleanser with low doses of active ingredients.  Can I remove blackheads at home?  If you still have very stubborn blackheads that won’t shift, you can visit a skin aesthetician who will be able to extract blackheads without damaging your skin. However, we strongly recommend against attempting to do this without a trained professional, as when done incorrectly extraction can cause permanent skin damage and scarring. More questions? Not sure where to start? Get in touch with our skin specialist team to create your own free personal Skin Care Plan and help you get on top of your skin concerns today. The team at esmi are always here to support you on your skin journey. Learn more about skincare 10 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Oily Skin Care Routine How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars


How to Get Rid of Redness From Acne

We step you through how to get rid of redness from acne with a skincare routine designed to help fade red marks left behind by pimples. Why red acne scars happen Acne often leaves red and/or brownish dark spots behind. The red acne marks are known as Post Inflammatory Erythema (PIE) and the brownish marks are Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) The red acne marks are the result of damaged or dilated capillaries near the surface of the skin due to the inflammation caused by breakouts. On the other hand, the brown marks are caused by an excess production of melanin (the pigment that gives skin its colour) also triggered by acne inflammation. External factors, mainly sun exposure, can exacerbate the appearance of both PIE and PIH. Unlike some acne scars that change the texture of the skin’s surface, red acne scars are usually flat and textureless. Will red acne scars go away? Yes, these marks are temporary so they will fade over time. However, there are a few things you can do to speed up the turnover of skin cells so they fade faster.  What ingredients help with red marks Working out how to get rid of redness from acne means choosing skincare ingredients that help lighten discolouration and exfoliate the skin. Niacinamide Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is definitely one to look for on the ingredients list for skincare to tackle red acne scars. A potent antioxidant, niacinamide helps repair damage and encourages the production of new skin cells. It helps with reducing redness, inflammation, and evening out the appearance of acne marks. A study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science showed the topical application of niacinamide offered significant improvements in the appearance of skin discoloration while also reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Niacinamide really is a fantastic all-rounder. In addition to minimising red acne scars, it can balance oil production, neutralise free radical activity, target ageing concerns, and increase skin hydration. Non-irritating, niacinamide is generally well tolerated by all skin types, even sensitive skin. We recommend Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum This serum offers the super skincare combination of hyaluronic acid (a super hydrator!) and niacinamide which work in tandem to hydrate, heal and improve the appearance of skin tone. Pomegranate extract The extract of the gorgeous pomegranate fruit offers significant benefits for reducing red acne scars. It’s brimming with Vitamin C (a key ingredient to tackle red acne scars) which helps to lighten marks and promote skin regeneration. Pomegranate extract has been shown to boost blood circulation to speed up wound healing and the repair of damaged tissue. Rich in plant polyphenols (micronutrients packed with antioxidants) the extract also works to neutralise free radical activity to protect skin from external aggressors such as UV damage. We recommend: Pomegranate Brightening Serum This purifying brightening serum helps improve dull, uneven skin tone and skin discolouration including red acne scars. Alongside pomegranate extract, the serum contains potent skin brighteners; bearberry extract, ethyl ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Kakadu plum, and Liquorice extract. Pomegranate Brightening Serum is ideal for most skin types. Glycolic and Lactic Acid (Gentle chemical exfoliants) Glycolic and lactic acid are gentle chemical exfoliants that can help speed up the rate at which red patches fade. Chemical exfoliants work to remove dead cells from the skin’s surface by dissolving the 'glue' that holds them together to reveal the fresher, brighter skin beneath. Over time, skin tone becomes smoother and the appearance of acne-related red marks may be minimised. We recommend: Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum With the 10% Fruit Acid Combination (BHA’s), 5% Glycolic Acid (AHA) and 5% Lactic Acid (AHA) this regenerative charcoal serum speeds up the cell renewal process, helping to minimise the appearance of red acne scars and promote a soft and smooth complexion. Skin care routine for getting rid of red marks Find out how to get rid of red acne scars with our step-by-step routine for reducing the appearance of post-breakout redness. Step 1: Cleanser The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Brightening 100ml A gentle cream cleanser ideal for all skin types wanting to address acne red marks, hyperpigmentation, dullness and uneven skin tone. With key lightening ingredients Kakadu Plum plus other plant extracts to calm and protect this antioxidant-rich cleanser balances and brightens skin for an illuminated, even complexion. How to use The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Brightening Use the cleanser in your morning and evening routine. At night, we recommend a double cleanse. If you wear non-tubular mascara, we also suggest using an eye makeup remover first. Apply a pearl-sized amount of the cleanser to damp hands and massage gently into skin with an upward motion. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or remove with esmi's Microfibre Facial Cleansing Mitt. Step 2: Exfoliation The frequency for exfoliation after cleansing (usually 1 - 3 times a week) will depend on your skin type and the product you use. Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum (chemical exfoliation) How to use the Detoxifying Exfoliating Serum Using the dropper, apply a pea-sized amount to your charcoal brush or fingers and massage into freshly cleansed skin, avoiding the under eye area. Leave for 5-10 minutes before wetting the charcoal brush or fingers and massage around the face to remove any softened dead skin cells before washing off. Gentle Foliants (Chemical and physical exfoliation) The Gentle Foliants formulations are a combination of both chemical and physical exfoliation. You’ll find an option for all skin types including: Hydrating and Ageless Volcanic Sand Gentle-Foliant (All skin types) Rose and Bamboo Gentle-Foliant (Dry, sensitive, and mature skin) Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant (Oily and combination skin) How to use the Gentle Foliants Apply a pea-sized amount of the product to damp, cleansed skin. In small, circular motions, very gently apply the exfoliant to skin. Massage around your face to remove build-up and allow enzymes to deeply cleanse pores. Don’t apply too much pressure. Leave on for 2–5 minutes and rinse with cool water or with your dampened esmi Face Mitt If you have any questions about the right choice of exfoliant for your skin type or how often you should use it, reach out to our team of skin care experts. Step 3: Skin Treat Serums How to get rid of pimple marks as quickly as possible? With the right combination of serums! Using Pomegranate Brightening Serum and Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum can help speed up the improvement of acne redness. We suggest using the Hydrating Serum in your morning routine and Brightening Serum in your evening routine. How to use Pomegranate Brightening Serum and Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Use the dropper to apply an amount smaller than a pearl on cleansed skin and gently massage in. Allow the serum to absorb before applying other products. Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum can be applied around the eye area. If you have sensitive skin, start by using the Pomegranate Brightening Serum every second night for 2 weeks, gradually increasing to every night. Follow the serum application with a Skin Treat Facial Oil or Skin Mylck moisturising lotion and Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 in your morning routine. Visit our Pigmentation Shop by Concern for more product recommendations and to learn more about treating scarring and pigmentation. 


5 Amazing Vegan Skin Care Products

A roundup of some of our favourite vegan skin care products to help you achieve beautiful skin that is cruelty free! Why use vegan skincare? We believe going vegan with your skin routine is one of the best things you can do for your face! Vegan skin care is free from animal-derived ingredients. Products are formulated with naturally-sourced, plant-based or mineral ingredients. Vegan skin care may also include safe, toxin-free synthesised ingredients made in a laboratory. Don’t believe the myth that if a product is vegan it can’t deliver impressive results! Vegan-approved ingredients, all-natural antioxidants, extracts, minerals and vitamins can act on all kinds of skin concerns. Signs of ageing, hyperpigmentation, dehydration, dullness, acne and inflammatory skin conditions can all be dramatically improved with the right vegan ingredients. Many conventional skincare products contain animal based ingredients that can trigger inflammatory skin reactions and cause congestion. Plus, they’re often formulated with toxic synthetic chemicals that are well known disruptors of the endocrine (hormone) system. Some ingredients traditionally or commonly sourced from animals can also be derived through vegan-friendly processes. For example, glycerin can be derived from animal fats or plant oils. The esmi range is vegan and cruelty free. We want the very best for your skin and the lives of our animal friends! Let’s take a look at some of our most loved vegan skin care products and how key ingredients in each work to deliver the healthiest skin of your life. 🌟 Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum The ultimate skin hydrator for all skin types, Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is a quick-absorbing serum that helps fight dehydration to hydrate, plump, and repair skin. The key vegan ingredients work to promote hydration, barrier repair and improved skin condition. Hyaluronic acid: The hero of our Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is Hyaluronic acid thanks to its ability to attract moisture - it can actually hold 1000x times its weight in water!This makes it incredibly effective at boosting the skin’s moisture levels, plumping and restoring the skin’s moisture barrier.Depending on how hyaluronic acid is created for skincare formulations it may or may not be vegan. Non-vegan hyaluronic acid is derived from the combs of roosters, while vegan hyaluronic acid for vegan skin care is derived from wheat. Of course, we use vegan hyaluronic acid in this serum. Allantoin: A versatile ingredient, allantoin is known for its ability to promote the natural exfoliation of dead cells on the surface. This softens skin and aids in increased hydration as moisture is able to better penetrate the deeper levels of the skin.Allantoin also possesses soothing and anti-irritant properties while promoting the renewal of epidermal cells. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): Beneficial for all skin types, Niacinamide works to strengthen the skin barrier to increase the skin’s ability to retain moisture. It can aid in soothing irritated skin making it particularly beneficial if you’re dealing with an inflammatory skin concern like eczema. All ingredients in the Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. How to use Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Dispense a pearl size amount of serum from the dropper onto fingertips and massage into the skin after cleansing or exfoliation. Can be used morning and night and around the eye area. Follow with your moisturising step. 🌟 The Uncomplicated Cleanser Meet one of our best selling vegan skin care products: The Uncomplicated Cleanser. Perfect for all skin types and concerns, it balances skin without leaving it dry or tight, just clean, calm, and supple. Aloe vera and Green Tea Extract are the active ingredient heroes of this gentle yet effective formulation. Aloe Vera: More than 95% water, aloe vera is a natural vegan ingredient famed for its moisture-promoting, skin repairing, and calming abilities.Aloe vera contains an array of constituents with active potential including vitamins (vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, E and B12), enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids.In addition to boosting hydration levels and calming irritation, aloe vera can assist in fading hyperpigmentation and fighting blemishes thanks to the gentle exfoliation properties of salicylic acids. Green Tea Extract (Camellia Leaf Extract ): Anti-aging, soothing, and brimming with antioxidants it’s clear why green tea extract is a popular ingredient in vegan skin care products.Polyphenols are what makes green tea extract so special. These potent antioxidants help neutralise free radical attacks to protect skin from the damage that leads to dullness, fine lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.Green tea extract can also help regulate sebum production to promote a balanced, clear complexion. All ingredients in The Uncomplicated Cleanser formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. Is The Uncomplicated Cleanser non-comedogenic? Yes! All ingredients are non-comedogenic meaning they won’t clog pores and are suitable if you struggle with easily congested skin. How to use The Uncomplicated Cleanser Apply a pearl-sized amount of the cleanser to damp hands and massage gently into skin with an upward motion. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or remove with esmi's Microfibre Facial Cleansing Mitt. Use in the morning and evening - double cleanse in the evening. 🌟 Gentle-Foliants Our range of Gentle Foliants delivers the best vegan skin care exfoliation experience with both physical and fruit enzyme exfoliant action. With a choice for all skin concerns, each Gentle Foliant is also cruelty free! Hydrating and Ageless Volcanic Sand Gentle-Foliant Normal | combination skin: This gentle exfoliator helps clear, hydrate, and re-energise a depleted, congested complexion. Key vegan and natural ingredients include: Cranberry Enzymes: Cranberry enzymes help exfoliate and soften the skin by dissolving dead cells on the surface. Promotes a brighter, smoother complexion helping to refine pores and reduce blemishes. Icelandic Volcanic Sand: Icelandic volcanic sand is a mild exfoliator to gently renew the outer layer of skin revealing a fresher, more youthful complexion. Vitamin E: Soothing Vitamin E spheres can soften and restore depleted skin with antioxidant action. Vitamin E repairs and renews on a cellular level. Irish Moss: Naturally hydrating, Irish moss can aid in supporting skin barrier health to aid moisture retention. All ingredients in the Hydrating and Ageless Volcanic Sand Gentle-Foliant formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant Oily, breakout-prone skin Encourage a clearer, brighter complexion for oily skin prone to congestion and breakouts with a 100% vegan formulation. Key vegan ingredients and natural ingredients include: Papaya enzymes: Tropical papaya enzymes dissolve dead cells and build-up revealing a brighter, softer complexion.Polynesian Sand: The ultra-fine consistency of exotic Polynesian sand provides gentle exfoliation to assist in the removal of pore-clogging debris. 24k Gold Flakes Luxurious 24k gold flakes boost skin elasticity, stimulates collagen production, and improves blood circulation for a healthy radiance. All ingredients in Fresh Sea and Salty Sand Gentle-Foliant formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. Rose and Bamboo Gentle-Foliant Sensitive, dry, and mature skin The ideal vegan skin care to exfoliate sensitive and dry skin, Rose and Bamboo Gentle-Foliant helps leave skin soft and calm while promoting moisture retention. Key vegan ingredients and natural ingredients include: Rose Oil: The antiseptic, moisturising and calming properties of this luxurious oil are ideal for dry and troubled skin. Bamboo Extract: Ideal for a weakened or sensitised skin barrier, acne prone, and dry skin, bamboo extract offers mild exfoliation activity and stimulates cell turnover. Jojoba Oil: A wonderful oil for vegan skin care products, Jojoba is a natural oil closest to the molecular structure of skin’s own sebum. It helps to balance and calm skin, reduce redness, and aid in skin repair. Mixed Fruit Enzymes: Fruit enzymes gently exfoliate the dead cells on the skin’s surface by dissolving them. The result? A smoother, brighter looking complexion. All ingredients in Rose and Bamboo Gentle Foliant formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. How to use the Gentle Foliants Apply a pea-sized amount of product to damp, cleansed skin. In small, circular motions, very gently apply the exfoliant to skin. Massage around your face to remove build-up and allow enzymes to deeply cleanse pores. Don’t apply too much pressure. Leave on for 2–5 minutes and rinse with cool water or with your dampened esmi Face Mitt and follow with your esmi skin regime. Use 1–3 times per week or as advised by your esmi skin consultant. 🌟 24k Gold Nourishing Oil Our 24k Gold Nourishing Oil certainly is a crowd-pleaser. Just check the reviews! This luxurious, non-greasy face oil nourishes for a visibly firmer, more youthful complexion. It can replace your cream-based moisturiser or be used over the top - it’s vegan skin care at its best. Here are a few of the key vegan active ingredients in the face oil working hard for your skin: 24K Gold: 24k gold contains powerful antioxidant properties. It can improve skin elasticity, stimulate collagen production and improves blood circulation for a healthy, more youthful looking complexion. Rosehip Oil: Revered for its skin repairing, sun damage correcting, and youth promoting abilities, rosehip oil contains potent antioxidants Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and lycopene. These active ingredients work synergistically to repair, smooth, and brighten skin. Avocado Oil: A natural, vegan oil with a high percentage of active Vitamin E which is proven to aid in strengthening the skin barrier and keeping skin moisturised. It can also help counteract the effects of inflammation. Working to keep skin hydrated without an oily aftermath, avocado oil is easily absorbed and its anti-inflammatory benefits can help calm irritated and breakout prone skin. All ingredients in 24k Gold Nourishing Oil formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. How to use 24 Gold Nourishing Oil Use the dropper to apply 2-3 drops of oil directly to the palm of the hand and massage into cleansed skin after applying other water-based Skin Treats. It can be used morning and night and around the eye area. Pair with the Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum for the ultimate rehydration and skin plumping. 🌟 Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie is designed to soothe a red, puffy, or acne inflamed complexion. The active vegan ingredients work to help reduce redness, promote hydration and repair damaged skin. Arnica: A wonderful skin healer, Arnica helps stimulate white blood cell production and increases circulation. It can also aid in reducing swelling - one of the reasons we recommend the Anti-redness Minty Green after laser treatment. Arnica also has antimicrobial properties which makes it useful in addressing acne-prone skin. Tasmannia Lanceolata Extract: A native Australian ingredient, Tasmannia Lanceolata Extract contains potent active antioxidant polygodial which delivers anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-allergic activity. It’s a rapid skin soother for red, inflamed skin working to strengthen and protect skin cells. Linoleic Acid: Linoleic Acid, also called Vitamin F, is an essential fatty acid which aids in shutting down inflammatory skin responses while helping strengthen the all important skin barrier. This means skin is better able to defend itself against free radical and inflammatory activity. Moisture promoting yet lightweight, linoleic acid also works to plump skin without weighing it down. All ingredients in the Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie formulation are vegan. Read the full list of ingredients here. How to use the Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Dispense a pearl size amount of serum from the dropper into fingertips and massage into the cleansed skin avoiding the eye area. You can use the serum in your morning and night time routines. Always allow the product to absorb before applying other Skin Treats or creams. All of our vegan Skin Treats are indicated with a label on the product page. If you need further information on the ingredients in our products, have a chat with one of our Skin Consultants!    


The Best Cleanser for Your Skin Type

We step you through how to choose a cleanser right for your skin type and skin concerns from The Uncomplicated Cleanser range. Find the cleanser to achieve your healthiest skin ever.  Our 4 quick tips for choosing the right cleanser include: Know your skin type and concerns. This helps you choose a cleanser with active ingredients to achieve your skin goals. Look for a gentle formula that offers hydrating ingredients and maintains oil balance. Avoid harsh ingredients that strip and dry the skin. For example, sodium laureth sulfate, fragrance and SD alcohol 40. Be open to switching up your cleanser depending on changing skin concerns.   Why Knowing Your Skin Type is Key When choosing from different types of cleansers, the key to making the right selection is knowing your skin type and skin concerns. Dry skin Indicators: Flaky, dry patches, dullness, skin may feel itchy and tight. Skin goals: Improve moisture retention and hydration. Oily skin Indicators: Large pores, shiny skin, prone to congestion and acne. Skin goals: Keep pores clear of debris, target acne and congestion, and regulate oil production. Combination skin Indicators: Oily T-zone prone to shine and congestion while cheeks and outer area of your face are dry and flaky. Skin goals: Target excessive oil and congestion in t-zone while keeping other areas hydrated. Sensitive skin Indicators: Reactive, red, easily irritated, dry, and prone to inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea or eczema. Skin goals: Strengthen the skin barrier, protect, keep skin hydrated and moisturised. Normal (lucky you!) Indicators: A good balance of moisture, small pores and an even, usually blemish-free skin tone. Skin goals: Hydrate and protect. Stuck on what your skin type is? The Different Skin Types can help you work it out. Target Skin Concerns When figuring out how to choose a cleanser, in addition to your skin type, you’ll probably have specific skin concerns to address. Many skin concerns are common to certain skin types. For example, acne (skin concern) is common for people with oily skin (skin type). Skin concerns include; Dehydration: This is a very common skin concern that can happen to all skin types. Dehydrated skin is lacking water and symptoms include flaky, rough skin, congestion, uneven skin tone, dullness, and excess oil. Hyperpigmentation: Symptoms include sunspots, age spots, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation from scarring and melasma - also known as “the mask of pregnancy”. Fine lines and wrinkles: Signs of ageing are coming to all of us eventually, no matter our skin type! The good news is, there’s plenty you can do to slow or prevent the premature signs of ageing. Congestion: Congested skin is oily and has a bumpy, uneven texture. It may appear ‘dirty’ (although it isn’t) when blackheads are present. Combination and oily skin types are the most likely candidates for congestion. Dullness: Skin appears lacklustre, flat, and without a healthy glow. A few reasons for dull skin include dehydration, buildup of dead cells on the surface, and ageing. Dry skin types are prone to experiencing dullness. Breakouts: While breakouts are usually linked to oily or combination skin, they can show up on all skin types. Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, can trigger acne for those who previously had no real breakout concerns. Redness: Sensitive skin types and those with inflammatory acne are usually the most prone to experiencing skin redness. Persistent redness and intense, hot flushing can also be a sign of rosacea. Choosing a Cleanser for Your Needs Now you’re clear on your skin type and concerns, let’s take a look at The Uncomplicated Cleanser range and match the right cleanser to your skin goals. The different types of cleansers include;  The Uncomplicated Cleanser Suited to: All skin types Our best selling Uncomplicated Cleanser is perfect for all skin types. The gentle cream cleanser balances skin and won’t leave it dry or tight, just clean, calm, and supple. The formulation focuses on cleansing while supporting skin hydration and maintaining a healthy oil/moisture balance. It gently removes all traces of makeup, dirt, excess oil, and other impurities with a double cleanse while calming and protecting skin. An ideal face wash for normal skin types. Key ingredients to cleanse while maintaining hydrated, calm, and balanced skin; Aloe vera: Hydrating and calming for skin with very gentle exfoliant properties. Green tea extract: Anti-inflammatory to soothe and calm redness while antioxidant properties protect the skin from free radical damage. Stearic acid: Emollient properties minimise water loss while cleansing. Capric triglyceride: Reduce skin dryness by minimising moisture loss. The different types of cleansers in our range are based on this gentle cleansing formula plus specific active ingredients to target individual skin concerns.   The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Redness Suited to: Sensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation. If you’re wondering “What face wash should I use for sensitive skin?” this is the one! This gentle cream cleanser cools inflammation, balances skin and delivers an improvement in redness while gently removing impurities. Key redness-reducing ingredient: Tasmanian Mountain Pepper extract In addition to aloe vera and green tea extract, this formulation includes Tasmanian Mountain Pepper extract. This natural extract is ideal for sensitive skin types experiencing redness and inflammation, helping to minimise redness and cools hot, angry skin.   The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Ageing Suited to: All skin types dealing with fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. This gentle cream cleanser addresses ageing concerns for all skin types, promoting elasticity, suppleness, and moisture while balancing skin for a more youthful-looking complexion. Plumps, hydrates and softens skin while gently removing impurities. Key anti-ageing ingredient: Peptides This formulation includes peptides to stimulate the production of both collagen and elastin. The result is firmer, tauter looking skin with a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Peptides also help even out skin tone and repair damage.   The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Brightening Suited to: All skin types prone to dullness, hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. This brightening, antioxidant-rich cleanser balances and brightens skin for a more illuminated, even complexion while gently lifting away impurities. Signs of pigmentation, including age spots and dark patches, and dullness are minimised for a brighter complexion. Key brightening ingredient: Kakadu Plum extract (rich in Vitamin C) Kakadu Plum is a native Australian botanical containing the highest levels of vitamin C found in nature. This super antioxidant brightens hyperpigmentation, blemishes and smooths uneven skin tone. Kakadu Plum also contains antioxidants gallic acid for restoring the skin’s natural barrier and ellagic acid to improve firmness and elasticity.   The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal Suited to: Oily and combination skin types prone to acne, congestion, and large pores. Which face wash is best for acne and oily skin? The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal. Detoxify and purify congested, oily skin with this gentle cleanser. Helps to draw out acne-forming bacteria and other impurities from deep within pores, refreshing and refining skin texture. Key detoxifying ingredient: Activated charcoal Activated charcoal is a master skin detoxifier. Toxins cling to charcoal, extracting dirt and oil build-up from clogged pores without irritating skin. It also fights breakouts by reducing excess oil and regulating sebum production. How to use The Uncomplicated Cleanser Apply a pearl-sized amount of the cleanser to damp hands and massage gently into skin with an upward motion. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or remove with esmi's Microfibre Facial Cleansing Mitt. Use in the morning and at night - don’t forget to double cleanse in the PM after wearing foundation. We recommend using an eye makeup remover first if you have a non-tubular mascara. View The Uncomplicated Cleanser range and add a targeted cleanser to your skin routine today. If you need any help with how to choose a cleanser for your skin type, chat with an esmi skincare expert online.


What Vitamins Are Good for Your Skin?

Vitamins: not just that thing you’re supposed to take in the morning but never quite remember! Vitamins not only make sure your body is working at its best, but vitamins and skincare go hand in hand. Now, there are plenty of vitamins that are going to give your body a boost, and a healthy balanced diet can get you well on your way. But when it comes to your skin, it often needs a helping hand with some vitamin-packed products. We’re going to break down the four best vitamins for skin. Vitamin A An A+ skincare routine isn’t complete without vitamin A. It is a crowd favourite amongst dermatologists due to its regenerative properties. It can be split into two categories: retinoids and carotenoids, but both are converted to retinol - an ingredient you’re probably more familiar with. The skin is a retinoid-responsive organ which means it can easily absorb vitamin A if applied topically, so you can fully reap all of those benefits. If you’re not well and truly a member of the vitamin A fan club, you’re missing out. It can stop acne in its tracks by acting as an exfoliant that sloughs off dead skin cells and unclogs pores. It also stimulates collagen production to reduce fine lines, speeds up skin cell turnover to reveal healthier skin, plus has the bonus of antioxidant properties. Phew, now that’s what we call a show-off! Alright, let’s talk giving your routine a vitamin A boost. Like we said, retinoids are a form of vitamin A so retinol products are going to be your first port of call. It just so happens that our range of encapsulated retinol is the perfect hit of vitamin A. The retinol is enclosed in tiny capsules which allows the active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin layer before being activated. Our range comes in four levels of concentration which you can find more about here. Always start with our lowest level and just a couple of drops once a day to work your way up. Congratulations, you’re officially a member of the vitamin A fan club - we have t-shirts (okay we don’t, but we totally should). Vitamin B3 Much like Snoop Dogg, vitamin B3 has had many names in its life, but when it comes to skincare, you’ll likely see it called Niacinamide (or Niacin). It is an incredibly restorative vitamin that can bring even the most tired skin back from the brink. Our bodies can’t actually produce niacin so applying it topically is crucial. One of Niacinamide’s key benefits is its ability to smooth the skin’s texture. This means it can reduce the depth of wrinkles (major yes) and help to keep acne at bay, especially because it also regulates oil production. It also helps your skin to retain moisture so if you’re on the dehydrated side, it will change your life. Plus, Niacin is like a meditation session for the skin; it is uber calming so will keep redness and sensitivity in check. So basically, vitamin B3 is like the queen B-eyonce, there’s not much it can’t do! To give your skin a shot of Niacinamide, our Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum has you totally covered. It fights dehydration to help plump skin, minimise lines, and boost radiance. It is our go-to for skin repair, restoration and to regulate oil flow. Vitamin C Did anyone else get told as a kid to eat their carrots because the vitamin C would help them see in the dark? Just us? Okay… Whether that is true or not, what is true is that vitamin C can have enormous benefits for the skin. Board certified dermatologist, Patricia Wexler, says it is “ a potent antioxidant… vitamin C aids in your skin’s natural regeneration process, which helps your body repair damaged skin cells.” This means it helps to stimulate collagen production to keep your skin gorgeous and plump. If years in the sun are showing on your skin, vitamin C can lift hyperpigmentation (well, that and wearing sunscreen daily). It is basically an anti-aging magician. Vitamin C is another one of those vitamins that our bodies can’t store, so incorporating it into our diets and skincare is going to make a world of difference. Our Pomegranate Brightening Serum is packed with pomegranate (of course) and Kakadu Plum extract, which has one of the world’s highest levels of Vitamin C and is superb for skin brightening. Want a double dose of antioxidant protection? Our Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen will not only keep the sun’s harmful rays off you, but the vitamin C in the carrot root oil and cucumber will fade those sun spots. Vitamin E Calling all of you with dry skin. Yes, you! Vitamin E is your nourishing and soothing superhero. It helps to seal in moisture and smooth the skin, so you can say “see ya” to dry patches. It can calm inflammation and give you some of those sweet, sweet anti-aging benefits. In skincare, you’ll often see vitamin E come in the form of shea butter. So if dry skin is causing you stress, let vitamin E get you on the right track. Luckily, we have heaps of products packed with the good stuff. Firstly, our Hydrating and Nourishing Acai Duo contains vitamin E-rich seaweed extract to keep your skin super hydrated. Then embrace your extra side with our 24K Gold Nourishing Oil, and when you need a ‘treat yourself’ moment, reach for the Ultra Nourishing Booster Mask that embraces the power of shea butter. So, now that you’ve got the vitamins in your skincare down pat, we’ve written about how to glow from the inside out thanks to the foods you eat which you can catch up on here. Want to know more about the vitamins you should be looking for for your skin? Chat to our skincare experts on our website!


Guide to Niacinamide Skin Care

Niacinamide - tricky to say (and spell!), but this powerful ingredient is taking the skin care world by storm. You might recognise the name from your favourite skin products. Niacinamide is a versatile ingredient, which is what makes it stand out. It’s a skin care all-rounder, with a range of benefits from reducing inflammation and redness, to strengthening the skin barrier, to improving overall skin texture and appearance. Almost every skin type can benefit from niacinamide, a crowd-pleasing ingredient that deserves the hype. What is topical niacinamide? Niacinamide is a water-soluble version of vitamin b3 which has extensive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties when applied topically in skin care. Many topical niacinamide or vitamin b3 products come in the form of serums, treatments or masks. How to introduce niacinamide to your skin routine For acne prone skin Vitamin B3/niacinamide will assist in regulating oil flow and reducing pore size. This is ideal for acne or breakout prone skin, where niacinamide can help to reduce breakouts and make your skin more manageable. Niacinamide regulates oil flow without stripping the skin of it’s natural barrier, allowing you to skip harsh ingredients that cause overproduction of oil and worsens breakouts in the long term. For acne prone skin, we recommend niacinamide as found in our Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie. This lightweight formula with a gorgeous wild mint aroma will help to repair and restore skin and treat post breakout redness. For further information on an acne prone skin routine, see our Guide to Getting Rid of Acne. For red or inflamed skin Niacinamide calms the skin and reduces inflammation, making it a great ingredient to treat rosacea, skin redness and sensitivity. It has also been found to strengthen the skin barrier, which is the first line of defence against environmental triggers. This means that skin is less likely to become inflamed to begin with. For inflamed skin, we recommend our Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie alongside our Anti Inflammatory Mint Gel Booster Mask. These products will help calm existing inflammation and reduce the likelihood of future inflammation by strengthening the skin. For pigmentation Vitamin B3/niacinamide can help to lighten pigmentation, age spots and melasma by stopping the transfer of melanin at a cellular level. Niacinamide does this by helping to rebuild healthy skin cells and protecting the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet rays. To harness the power of niacinamide for pigmentation, we recommend using our Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum. This plumping serum will give your skin a boost of hydration in conjunction with pigment targeting niacinamide. To target pigmentation potently, use in conjunction with our Pomegranate Brightening Serum. Layer your serums with the Pomegranate Brightening serum followed by the Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum.  For fine lines and wrinkles It is suggested that Niacinamide works to increase collagen production in the dermis. The effect of this is a significant improvement in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. To slow the signs of ageing, we recommend our Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum used in conjunction with our Anti-Ageing Eye Serum to really target lines in the delicate eye area. Layer with the eye serum first to really treat your skin. For dry skin Niacinamide can also be used to treat dry skin. It works preventatively and decreases water loss from the skin, meaning the skin remains more hydrated across all layers. For a massive hydration injection, you cannot go past our best selling Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum. This is the ultimate skin hydrater that moisturises from the inside out. Reap the benefits of niacinamide and hyaluronic acid combined. Combining niacinamide and vitamin c It is a common skin care myth that niacinamide and vitamin c can’t be combined. However, niacinamide has actually been shown to improve and enhance the effectiveness of vitamin c. Since both of these ingredients target pigmentation and ageing, combining them will potently (but gently) target these concerns. The science behind niacinamide in skin care The research around niacinamide is impressive, with studies showing it can offer a wide range of skin care benefits, including: Niacinamide is used to improve overall skin texture. In one study, 3.5% niacinamide was administered topically to a sample group for four weeks and demonstrated a 14.8% reduction in skin roughness (compared to a placebo). It can be used to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In a 2004 clinical trial, a 50 person sample group applied 5% niacinamide twice daily for 12 weeks. Results showed significant improvement in fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, redness, yellowing, and skin elasticity. Niacinamide increases the barrier function of the skin, resulting in less irritation when the skin encounters environmental triggers and reducing inflammation. As a powerful antioxidant, niacinamide has been shown to reduce skin redness and inflammation like acne. A 12-week study cited found that niacinamide (used in conjunction with salicylic acid) significantly reduced pore size and bumpy skin texture. Niacinamide is a fantastic skin care ingredient for a huge range of skin concerns. This incredible ingredient will supercharge your skin care routine and enhance the effectiveness of many other skin products. Still not sure if niacinamide is right for you? Not sure where to start? We are here to support you on your skin journey. Talk to our skin specialist team who will guide you through your FREE personal Skin Care Plan and help you get on top of your skin concerns today.   Citations Gehring W. Nicotinic acid/niacinamide and the skin. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2004 Apr;3(2):88-93. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2130.2004.00115.x. PMID: 17147561. Hakozaki, T., et al. "The effect of niacinamide on reducing cutaneous pigmentation and suppression of melanosome transfer." British Journal of Dermatology 147.1 (2002): 20-31.


Our Favourite Natural Skin Care Products

Using natural skin care products containing plant-based actives and natural ingredients is a healthy and effective way to treat every skin concern from dehydration, and dullness to hyperpigmentation and signs of ageing. Why choose natural beauty care? Natural skin care products are a gentler choice for your skin and formulated with nutrients and antioxidants to feed and nourish your skin. You’ll avoid the toxic ingredients in traditional formulations that can dry out and damage your skin barrier as well as pose long term risks to your health. Common toxic skincare ingredients: Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) Parabens Triclosan Phthalates Oxybenzone Petrochemicals Even if you’re only applying a *small* amount of these chemicals to your skin, when you apply them day after day it increases the ‘toxic load’ on your skin. This can lead to potentially harmful health and skin complications over time. Plus, some of these chemicals are known irritants, causing immediate reactivity and inflammation for many people. Natural skin care products are free from the toxic ingredients that put your skin and health at risk. They can contain a blend of natural and plant-derived ingredients, including active ingredients. Active ingredients are the heavy lifters of your skin care routine. Put simply, an ‘active’ is the ingredient included in a skincare formulation to target a specific skin care concern. For example, hyperpigmentation, dehydration, ageing concerns, and redness. We’re excited to introduce you to 5 products from the esmi range that feature the best natural skin care ingredients as well as hard working actives! Probiotic Skin Mylck Probiotic natural skincare products are really having their moment to shine. Exciting research continues to uncover just how beneficial topical probiotics can be for skin. Put simply, probiotics are a group of live bacterial cultures that are beneficial for your skin and body. Good bacteria! Lysates are concentrated doses of probiotics that research has found to be specifically beneficial for the health of your skin. Your skin has its very own eco-system known as its microbiome which exists on the outer surface of the skin. This ecosystem is teeming good and bad bacteria (microflora) and skin needs a balance of both to be healthy. Problems happen when bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria. Skin can become reactive, sensitive, and inflamed. This is where Lysates can help. Introducing these good bacteria to your skin’s microbiome can help build up your skin’s defences against bad bacteria and promote a healthy environment for skin to renew and repair itself. Probiotic Skin Mylck A very light moisturising lotion that simply melts into the skin, the probiotic rich formulation ideal for extremely sensitive, compromised skin. Skin Mylck contains the 100% Australian Made probiotic Lysate to help create an ideal environment for compromised, ultra sensitive skin to thrive, heal and protect itself from outside irritants and bad bacteria.  24K Gold Nourishing Oil Luxurious and non-greasy esmi 24K Gold Nourishing Oil contains high quality, cosmetic grade, 24k gold flakes and is perfect for combination to dry skin as a moisturiser. It helps address dryness, dehydration, ageing, fine lines and wrinkles on face, neck, and decolletage. How does gold leaf work? The hero of this face oil is cosmetic grade, 24k gold leaf. A natural antioxidant with active properties it offers powerful anti-ageing benefits. It helps to boost circulation, stimulate collagen, and increase skin elasticity. Not only does gold antioxidant activity help increase the production of new collagen, but it can also help protect the health of existing collagen by fighting free radical damage caused by environmental stressors. Natural, active benefits of 24k Gold Nourishing Oil esmi 24K Gold Nourishing Oil can help stimulate skin’s collagen production and strengthen elasticity for a smoother, firmer, looking complexion. It aids in neutralising damaging free radical activity on existing collagen to fight signs of fine lines, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. The oil also imparts a beautiful healthy glow post-application thanks to an increase in blood circulation. In addition to gold flakes, 24K Gold Nourishing Oil contains natural and plant derived ingredients including a blend of rosehip, jojoba, avocado, and coconut oil. esmi 24k Gold Nourishing Oil is designed as the moisturising step. Cleanse and then follow with 24K Gold Leaf Oil or, if you use a serum, cleanse then apply the serum then 24K Gold Leaf Oil. Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie The best natural skin care ingredients to treat inflamed, red skin will help cool and calm inflammation. This is exactly what the ingredients in our quick absorbing and water-based, Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie do! With an energising wild mint aroma, this serum cools and heals damaged, red skin with potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating properties. The natural ingredients with active properties include: Tasmannia lanceolata extract Australian native ingredient Tasmannia lanceolata extract contains polygodial, a potent antioxidant and active ingredient. An anti-inflammatory agent, this natural extract calms red, blotchy skin caused by inflammation. Arnica A natural ingredient, arnica is a flower with incredible skin healing benefits. The main restorative antioxidant, sesquiterpene lactone, has anti-microbial activities which, along with arnica’s flavonoids help soothe and reduce inflammation as well as accelerate healing. Aloe vera Moisture promoting and skin repairing aloe-vera contains active ingredients including vitamins (vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, E and B12), enzymes, minerals, salicylic acids, and amino acids. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera, which is more than 95% water, have protective, calming effects on stressed out, inflamed skin. Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie is suitable for all skin types to treat red, puffy or acne inflamed skin it’s ideal to use after laser, IPL or diathermy treatment. After cleansing, apply the serum and once absorbed, follow with a moisturising face oil or lotion. Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum To combat dehydration for all skin types, Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum aids in deeply replenishing skin cell’s water content. A combination of natural and plant-derived active ingredients work together to hydrate from the inside out to restore, repair and reveal healthy skin. Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring sugar molecule found in your body that helps skin retain much-needed moisture for plumpness and elasticity. A natural humectant ingredient that can hold 1000x times its weight in water, hyaluronic acid attracts moisture to your skin to rehydrate the surface layer. This helps address concerns like flakiness, dullness, and fine lines. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) Niacinamide is an active form of vitamin B3. It’s a non-toxic, plant-based ingredient derived from yeast that is actually found in skin cells naturally. It works to stimulate the production of ceramides - which are essential for a healthy skin barrier - and promote hydration. Niacinamide is a soothing, safe ingredient for all skin types - particularly if you’re dealing with reactivity, inflammation and want to strengthen a compromised skin barrier. Allantoin A versatile ingredient, allantoin is known for its ability to promote the natural exfoliation of dead cells on the surface. This softens skin and aids in increased hydration as moisture is able to better penetrate the deeper levels of the skin. Allantoin also possesses soothing and anti-irritant properties while promoting the renewal of epidermal cells. Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum increases hydration by 25% within 2 hours Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is like a big drink of water for your cells containing triple action Hyaluron! This increases hydration by 25% within 2 hours for a plumper, brighter complexion. Light-weight, non-comedogenic and deeply hydrating, every skin type and concern will benefit from this serum, including oily skin types. After cleansing, apply the serum and once absorbed, follow with a moisturising face oil or lotion. Pomegranate Brightening Serum Dealing with pigmentation, dark spots, and dullness? Meet our Pomegranate Brightening Serum. Formulated with the best natural skin care ingredients plus plant-based actives this serum helps target these concerns. Brimming with potent Australian native and plant-derived ingredients with skin lightening abilities, this serum helps reduce discolouration and promote a radiant glow. Kakadu plum Don’t believe the myth that natural skincare ingredients are less effective! Kakadu Plum is a perfect example of a natural ingredient that can deliver a significant, positive change for dullness and hyperpigmentation. This Australian native superfruit is believed to be the world’s most potent source of natural Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that regenerates the skin and plays an essential role in helping diminish the appearance of dark spots and promoting a glowing complexion. Liquorice root extract Liquorice root extract is packed with a polyphenolic flavonoid called glabridin. Studies tell us that glabridin prevents pigmentation caused by UVB rays and also offers anti-inflammatory benefits to the skin. Liquorice root extract is popular in natural skin care to help improve skin conditions like hyperpigmentation, dullness, eczema, acne, and melasma. Pomegranate extract Pomegranate isn’t only delicious in a fruit salad, it offers benefits to your skin when applied topically as an extract too. Rich in plant polyphenols (micronutrients packed with antioxidants) pomegranate extract can aid in neutralising free radical activity while encouraging skin repair and regeneration. Pomegranates also contain Vitamin C to help with skin brightening. The brightening serum can be applied morning or night. Use the dropper to apply an amount smaller than a pearl on cleansed skin and gently massage in. Allow the serum to absorb before applying other products. It’s extremely important to protect your skin daily with an SPF and avoid excess or prolonged sun exposure when using Vitamin C serums. Have sensitive skin? Apply on cleansed skin every second night for 2 weeks, gradually increasing to every night. Can be used morning and night eventually. Discover the full range of esmi Skin Treats that use natural and plant-derived ingredients.  


How Do Clay Masks Work?

Let’s talk about clay face masks! Clay face masks are designed to detoxify the skin by drawing out excess oil, impurities, and bacteria from your pores. What does a clay mask do? They work by soaking up pore-clogging elements sitting on the surface of your skin. As the mask dries, you can feel your face tighten as it soaks up oils and draws impurities to the surface. Do clay masks work? Yes! They’ve been used for centuries in health and beauty routines to help control oil, refine and detoxify skin. The trick is choosing the right type of clay for your skin and concerns. There are several different types of clay used in skincare - we’ll introduce two of our favourites: kaolin clay and bentonite clay. The benefits of kaolin clay  Ideal for all skin types including dry and sensitive skin Fine-grained clay with mild absorption properties, kaolin clay is one of the best clays to look for in a face mask. Kaolin is well suited to all skin types, including sensitive and dry, and offers a host of skin-beautifying benefits: Helps control oiliness by gently removing excess sebum from the skin but not stripping your skin’s natural oils. Draws out impurities while being gentle on the skin. Kaolin is a mild clay so you get the detoxifying benefits without any irritation. Cleanses skin with mild exfoliation action. Leaves skin feeling softer and brighter. Helps fight acne. Kaolin absorbs acne-forming bacteria from the pores without drying or stripping the skin like many acne products can. Where does kaolin clay come from? So, where does kaolin clay come from before it ends up on your skin in a face mask? In its natural state, kaolin is a layered silicate clay mineral found in deposits throughout the world, including Brazil, USA and the UK. Kaolin has been nicknamed White China Clay because it’s found in abundance in the Jiangxi province of China. After kaolin is mined from the earth, it’s cleaned, dried and milled into a fine, fluffy white clay powder. You can also find kaolin in different coloured hues, like pink, red or yellow depending where it’s been mined. The benefits of bentonite clay Ideal for normal and oily skin types In the world of clay masks, bentonite clay is also a popular choice for detoxing and clearing skin. With stronger absorption properties, bentonite is a great fit for normal and oily skin types. Bentonite clay mask benefits include; Detoxification for smoother, clearer skin.This clay is known for its skin detoxing powers! It attracts, bonds to and absorbs chemicals, metals, and other impurities to draw them out of your skin. Exfoliating dead skin cells from the surface to reveal softer, brighter skin beneath. Healing blemishes. Minimising the appearance of pores. By sucking up all the dirt and impurities from clogged pores, skin appears more refined and clear. What gives bentonite clay its incredible ability to detox the skin? This special clay carries a negative electrical charge. This helps with detoxification because many heavy metals and toxins are positively charged. Bentonite’s negative charge attracts the positively charged toxins, just like a magnet, to draw them out of the skin. Where does bentonite clay come from? Formed from volcanic ash, bentonite clay is sourced from ancient sea beds. These areas are now dry but were once covered in water. Because the ash was soaking in seawater, bentonite is brimming with minerals including calcium, magnesium, sodium, silica, copper, potassium, and iron. Get the benefits of kaolin and bentonite in a single mask! All skin types, including dry and sensitive, can experience the clay mask benefits with esmi Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask. The mask is formulated with both kaolin and bentonite clay - the ideal detoxifying, exfoliating, and skin softening clay duo. The addition of aloe vera in the mask helps soothe and maintain the skin’s moisture balance so your complexion is clearer and shine-free, but not dry. Check out the Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask. You Might Also Like To Read: The Different Skin Types How to Tackle Oiliness and the Best Oily Skin Products


Are You Overwashing Your Face?

“How often should I wash my face?” Excellent question. Knowing how many times should you wash your face will steer you towards dewy, supple skin and away from dryness, breakouts, and irritation. Read on for the answer! How Often Should You Wash Your Face? As a general rule, you should be washing your face twice a day - once in the morning and once at night. Signs You Are Overwashing Your Face Most of us won’t ever need to wash our faces more than twice a day. Over cleansing your skin strips it of the natural oils it needs to stay healthy, supple, and hydrated. Even if you have super oily skin or acne, you shouldn’t be cleansing more than twice a day. Doing so will only cause more of what you’re trying to avoid - a shiny face and breakouts. Signs you are overwashing your face include: Dryness Breakouts Your face feels tight after cleansing Increased oiliness The cleanser you use, rather than how often you wash your face, can also be a culprit for the symptoms of overwashing. Not washing your face more than twice a day but using a strong cleanser? This can also cause problems like dry, irritated, tight feeling skin or breakouts and increased oiliness. Not All Cleansers Are Created Alike Every cleanser or face wash shares the same basic purpose - to get your skin clean. However, the ingredients they use to get the job done vary between formulations and some cleansers, particularly acne cleansers, use harsh ingredients. These ingredients can damage your skin, especially if you’re washing your face twice a day, resulting in redness, dryness, sensitivity, and damage to the skin barrier. The best choice for your face, no matter your skin type, is a gentle, creamy and hydrating cleanser like The Uncomplicated Cleanser. The Uncomplicated Cleanser is formulated with plant-based ingredients to reduce moisture loss and dryness while cleansing skin to maintain the all-important oil/moisture balance. Why You Should Wash Your Face Twice a Day There are a lot of opinions out there about exactly how often you should cleanse your face. For most skin types and concerns cleansing twice a day with a gentle cleanser is the best practice for a healthy, happy complexion. Why wash your face in the morning? You might feel a little squeamish at the thought, but your skin comes into contact with a lot of bacteria overnight. Bacteria in your hair, mouth, and bedding can all be transferred to your face while you’re sleeping. Residue from your night time products, especially heavier products like masks and night creams, will also be sitting on your skin’s surface. Cleansing in the morning removes bacteria and product build-up to give you a fresh face to apply your daytime skincare and makeup. Why wash your face in the evening? During the day all kinds of grime from the environment builds up on your skin, including pollution particles. Add sweat, makeup, and your skin’s own oils and you’ve got a breakout-causing film covering your face by the end of the day! Cleansing in the evening is crucial to remove this build-up and keep pores clear to avoid breakouts and congestion. Washing your face also helps your night time products absorb more deeply into the skin, maximising their potency. It’s hard for products to do their best work if they have to get through a barrier of grime before they reach your skin. Our range of gentle cleansers are designed to be used twice a day without stripping or damaging the skin. Click through to see the Uncomplicated Cleanser range.


Treating Acne With Probiotic Skin Care

Probiotics are making waves in skincare! Topical probiotics can be beneficial for a range of skin conditions, including probiotic acne solutions. We walk you through what they do and how probiotics for acne can help manage breakouts and inflammation. The Lowdown on Topical Probiotics for Acne  What are probiotics? Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that occur naturally in our bodies. They’re often called ‘good bacteria’. You’ve probably heard about probiotics in relation to gut health but did you know that trillions of microorganisms live on your skin too? They are the tiniest defenders of your skin and we literally wouldn’t be able to function without them! Collectively, these organisms are known as the skin’s microbiome which consists of a delicate, diverse balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria. Your skin microbiome is part of the skin barrier. A balanced microbiome = healthier skin A well functioning, balanced microbiome is essential for healthy skin and a strong barrier. Skin can defend itself against external invaders, stay hydrated, clear, and calm. Too many bad bacteria = inflammation and impaired skin barrier Many things can throw the skin's microbiome out of balance and cause a surge in bad bacteria. Sun exposure, pollutants, diet, medication, and irritating skincare ingredients to name a few. An unbalanced microbiome can result in inflammation and a compromised skin barrier leading to issues like acne, rosacea, eczema, excessive dryness, and skin sensitivity. Topical use of probiotics in skincare Research has shown the potential to address a range of inflammatory skin conditions, including acne, by topically inserting good bacteria (probiotics) into the skin’s microbiome with skincare. In turn, this restores balance to the microbiome creating an optimal environment for skin health to thrive and rapidly stimulate cell renewal to repair the barrier. Extensive testing on keratinocyte monolayer scratches (one cell thick scratches) has shown the esmi Skin Minerals Lacticaseibacillus.rhamnosus Lysate as ideal for topical application to stimulate rapid skin cell renewal and accelerate wound healing. What do probiotics do in skincare for acne? Acne is triggered by an influx of bacteria known as p. Acnes. Excess oil on the skin leads to blocked pores which are the ideal environment for this bacteria to thrive and spread. This in turn leads to breakouts, inflammation, and swelling. Using probiotic acne skincare may help manage acne in two ways. First, to get the spread of acne bacteria under control (help clear existing breakouts) and second, by regulating oil production to minimise breakout recurrence. Control the spread of bacteria Adding good bacteria to the skin with topical probiotics can help fortify skin's beneficial microflora and reduce acne bacteria. Regulate oil production Many skincare products, especially those related to acne, strip the skin of oil entirely. This causes the skin to create more oil which triggers more breakouts. Stripping the skin also disrupts the skin barrier (which includes the skin’s microbiome) resulting in a surge of bad bacteria and increased sensitivity. Using probiotic acne skincare can help create an optimal environment to heal a compromised skin barrier and aid in balancing oil and reduced sensitivity. Probiotic Skin Mylck and What Probiotics Do in Skin Care  esmi Probiotic Skin Mylck is a world-first in probiotic skincare. A very light moisturising lotion that simply melts into the skin, the probiotic rich formulation can help aid in healing acne-prone, compromised skin. Skin Mylck contains the 100% Australian Made probiotic Lysate to help create an ideal environment for compromised, acne-prone skin to repair a damaged skin barrier and kill pathogens (bad bacteria) to fortify skin's beneficial microflora. How to use Skin Mylck in your routine Skin Mylck is a moisturising lotion designed to follow the cleansing and sensitive skin soothing serum steps in your morning and night routines. If you don’t use a Skin Treat serum After cleansing, using the dropper drip a thumb size amount of Mylck onto your fingertips or palm and massage into the skin. Be sure to use a gentle cleanser when treating your skin with esmi Skin Mylck. If you use a water-based Skin Treat serum After applying a sensitive skin serum allow it to absorb. Then, using the dropper, drip a thumb size amount of Mylck onto your fingertips or palm and massage into the skin. If you have very dry skin While Skin Mylck is a moisturising lotion, if your skin is extremely dry, and you feel you need more moisture you could follow with a Skin Treat oil like Peppermint Green Oil. Creating An Acne Routine with Probiotics For the ultimate acne fighting routine, we recommend the following products be used in conjunction with Skin Mylck. Cleanser: The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Redness Skin Treats (Serum): Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie or/and Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Moisturiser: Probiotic Skin Mylck or Probiotic Skin Mylck Plus Anti-Redness (If acne is very inflamed) Face Oil: Peppermint Green Oil (If areas of skin are extremely dry and you feel you need more moisture) Exfoliant: Fresh Sea And Salty Sand or/and Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum Mask: Anti-inflammation Mint Gel Booster Mask Sunscreen: Skin Shield SPF 30+ esmi Skin Mylck range is designed to help with various skin concerns including dullness, redness and inflammation, dehydration, and sensitivity. View the full range of esmi Probiotic Skin Care. Our Skin Service team is here to guide you every step of the way and answer questions you have about our probiotic skin care products and the best probiotics for acne. Please reach out via chat or book a skin consultation.   You Might Also Like To Read: What Type Of Acne Do I Have? Steps To Prevent Acne   esmi Skin Mylk range is made with a 100% Australian made Lacticaseibacillus.rhamnosus Lysate produced in Australia’s first and only cGMP/TGA certified facility for probiotic API manufacturing.Ref:


How To Give Yourself An At Home Facial

Self-care doesn’t get better than pampering your skin with an at home facial! This is our expert approved guide to creating a luxurious just-like-a-salon skincare experience on a weekly basis at home. Light a scented candle and play some relaxing tunes to really turn up the day spa vibes! Cleanse Your Face Just like a professional treatment, the first step in your facial at home is cleansing your skin. Double cleanse Set the tone for the rest of your facial with a deep double cleanse. Doubling up on the cleansing step removes all dirt and stubborn debris - like makeup, SPF, oil, and even pollution nanoparticles - from your skin. Use a gentle cleanser Every skin type and concern benefits from a gentle cleanser. Not the harsh kind that strips the skin of all oil and moisture; you’ll only end up with a dry, tight face and increased oil production. For your best facial at home choose a gentle, non-drying cleanser to maintain the delicate balance of oil and moisture on your skin. Aloe vera: Aloe vera is hydrating and calming with gentle exfoliant properties. Green tea extract: An anti-inflammatory to soothe and calm redness. Stearic acid: Helps cleanse and protect against water loss. Capric triglyceride: Helps to reduce skin dryness. We recommend The Uncomplicated Cleanser (All skin types) Infused with aloe vera to calm and heal and the protective, antioxidant properties of camellia leaf (green tea) extract the cleanser balances skin and won’t leave it dry or tight - just clean, calm, and supple. Targeting a specific concern? You may like to use The Uncomplicated Cleanser for the first cleanse and follow with one of the following for the second cleanse: The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Anti-Redness - Redness concerns The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Brightening - Hyperpigmentation and dullness The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Anti-Ageing - Ageing concerns The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Charcoal - Congestion and oiliness How to double cleanse Apply a pearl-sized amount of the cleanser to damp hands and massage gently into skin with an upward motion. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water or remove with esmi's Microfibre Facial Cleansing Mitt. Simply repeat the process for the second cleanse. Exfoliate! For a post-facial glow, don’t skip the exfoliation step. Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells from the surface, helping prevent and unplug clogged pores. When old cells pile up on the outer layer of your skin, your complexion looks dull and fine lines are enhanced. Exfoliating as part of your at home facial reveals the healthier looking skin beneath and your face looks brighter instantly! Over time, regular exfoliation can promote smoother skin tone and may help minimise the appearance of hyperpigmentation. We’ve put together our exfoliant recommendations based on skin type / concern for your facial at home. Sensitive, dry, and mature skin Rose And Bamboo Facial Exfoliant from esmi Gentle Foliant range. The delicate exfoliation action of bamboo extract works in harmony with the power of mixed fruit enzymes for a close up exfoliation suited to dry, damaged or sensitised skin. Normal and combination skin Hydrating And Ageless Volcanic Sand Facial Exfoliant from esmi Gentle Foliant range. This formulation pairs the physical element of volcanic sand with the power of cranberry enzymes to encourage a clearer complexion. Oily, congested, breakout prone skin Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum. Ideal for most skin types tackling blackheads, acne, and underlying skin congestion to draw out impurities, smooth rough skin and polish away pore-clogging debris How to apply the Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum Using the dropper, apply a pea-sized amount to your charcoal brush or fingers and massage into freshly cleansed skin, avoiding the under eye area. Leave for 5-10 minutes before wetting the charcoal brush or fingers and massage around the face to remove any softened dead skin cells before washing off. How to apply Rose + Bamboo or Hydrating And Ageless Volcanic Sand Apply a pea-sized amount of the exfoliant on damp, cleansed skin. In small, circular motions, very gently apply the exfoliant to skin. Massage around your face to remove build-up and allow enzymes to deeply cleanse pores. Don’t apply too much pressure. Leave on for 2–5 minutes and rinse with cool water or with your dampened esmi Face Mitt and follow with your esmi skin regime. Take a little extra time during your facial at home to use these exfoliants on your neck and décolletage as well. Apply a Mask Treating yourself to an at home facial is the perfect time to indulge in an extended masking session. A face mask is ideal to help target specific skin concerns including congestion, dullness, dryness, hyperpigmentation, and ageing concerns. Choosing a mask for your specific skin concerns Here’s our quick guide on the ingredients you’ll want in your mask depending on the skin issues you’re dealing with. Ageing concerns - fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness: Peptides (collagen promoting), antioxidants (neutralise free radical damage) and hyaluronic acid (hydration). Hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone: Vitamin C (brightening) and ingredients containing Vitamin C, such as kakadu plum. Inflammation and redness: Niacinamide (barrier strengthening) and natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties including Tasmanian pepper leaf, cockspur thorn, and wild mint. Dehydration: Hyaluronic acid (hydration), niacinamide (barrier strengthening) and aloe vera (hydration). Congestion and breakouts: Kaolin clay (detoxification and oil regulation) and charcoal (detoxification). Dryness: Shea Butter (skin soothing and conditioning), Niacinamide (barrier strengthening), plant oils such as avocado, almond, and coconut that provide fatty acids for barrier strengthening and promote moisture retention. Hyaluronic Hydrating Booster Mask - Suitable for all skin types and concerns This super-saturating mask instantly boosts hydration with skin cell soaking hyaluronic acid while minerals, vitamins, and oils restore, protect, and balance. No matter your skin type, this is the perfect mask for your at home facial to target issues of dehydration, dryness, oily and problematic skin. Banishes dullness, plumps fine lines and balances oil flow. Target Skin Concerns  Incorporating a serum will supercharge the skincare results of your at home facial. Serums are products formulated with potent doses of active ingredients designed to target specific skin concerns. The lightweight consistency of a serum gives it the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and take rapid action in targeting various skin concerns. We recommend the following serums from the esmi Skin Treats range to help with the improvement of these common skin complaints: Ageing concerns - fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness: Golden Anti-Ageing Serum Inflammation and redness: Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Dehydration and dryness: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum and Hydrating and Nourishing Acai Duo Hyperpigmentation and dullness: Pomegranate Brightening Serum Need a hand choosing the right serum? We’re here and ready to help. You can chat online with a skincare expert or book your free skin consultation. Moisturise Your Skin You’ve treated your skin to some real TLC! Now it’s time to wrap up your at home facial with a moisturiser. Moisturising helps lock in all the moisture, nutrients and vitamins from the previous steps plus supports your skin barrier to strengthen it against external stressors. Moisturising serums - the ultimate combination A moisturising serum is ideal for this step. These ‘hybrid’ formulations combine the intensity of a water-based serum and moisturising benefits of an oil. The oil component supports your skin’s natural barrier (lipids, cholesterol, and ceramides) to improve derma strength and assist in boosting hydration levels by sealing in moisture to prevent it from evaporating off the skin. The serum component helps target specific skin concerns we mentioned in the Serum step. It’s a win/win for your skin! Key ingredients to look for in a moisturising serum include: Plant-based oils such as acai, jojoba, almond and kiwi fruit seed oil to support derma strength and promote hydration by sealing in moisture. Emollient ingredients such as squalene to minimise water loss. Hydrating, humectant ingredients including glycerin and hyaluronic acid. Active ingredients to target specific skin concerns. For example, Vitamin C for brightening. Hydrating and Nourishing Acai Duo Lightweight hydration plus nourishing anti-ageing properties address multiple skin concerns at once - healing, protecting and hydrating. Ideal for thirsty skin in need of extra nourishment to combat dehydration, fine lines and damage this skin treat hydrates, softens and regenerates. Skin Care and Facials: Things to avoid Getting your ultimate post-treatment glow means avoiding a few things during your facial at home. Here’s what not to do: Squeezing pimples and extracting blackheads: It’s so tempting to squeeze but please don’t! It only spreads breakout causing bacteria and increases the chance of scarring. Over-steaming your skin: Steaming your face is a great way to prep skin for your facial but please be careful to avoid over steaming! Using water that is too hot to steam can strip the skin of its natural oils and increase dryness. Going OTT with exfoliation products: You’ll do more harm than good going overboard with exfoliation. We don’t recommend exfoliating more than 2 or 3 times a week - or as recommended by your esmi Skin Consultant. Over exfoliation strips the skin of its natural oils leading to dehydration, broken capillaries, breakouts, and sensitivity. Always choose a product suited to your skin type. Our Skin Bundles are perfect for at home facial pampering! Purchase everything you need for an incredible at home with our ‘Self Care Kit’ or one of our other healthy skin bundles. The best facial kits in Australia!


5 Tips For Healthy Skin in Mask Wearing Times

For most of us, wearing a mask has become a regular part of life. When we leave the house, our mantra is now, “phone, money, keys, mask”. And while we’re totally all for keeping each other safe, our skin didn’t quite get the memo. Wearing a mask has seen a sharp rise in skin issues (maskne, anyone?), and we’re here to nip them in the bud. 1. Up Your Water Intake For something new and different for us, we’re going to remind you to get your 2 litres of H2O a day. Your blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients (yes, the important parts) are 80% water, so boosting your hydration is critical to making sure your cells work at their optimum level. Water is also a key part of the collagen production process, making it super important for skin elasticity and clearing any inflammation. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body. Toxins and bacteria, that if left unchecked, cause issues like acne. In a nutshell, water is your best friend if maskne has made its home on your skin - rude! Seriously, grab a glass of water right now. You’ll thank us later. 2. Pop on a Serum Underneath Your Mask Our secret weapon is using the Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum underneath your mask. It contains niacinamide, a skin repairing ingredient and a favourite here at esmi HQ. It is ideal for protection against environmental factors like pollution and toxins. Plus, it is great for fighting acne! Being water based, this Skin Treat is super gentle and won't irritate the skin. Use a few drops underneath your moisturiser or oil before you grab your mask and head out into the world. 3. Keep Makeup Minimal One of the perks of wearing a mask (you know, aside from the obvious) is less time spent on your makeup. Not only is half of your face covered, but wearing heavy makeup can contribute to breakouts. Think of it like this, makeup + steamy breath + sweat + no way for it to escape = bacteria and congestion city. Now is the time to focus on quality skincare that is going to soothe and clear your skin. Having said that, we are suckers for a bold eye look to keep you looking fresh while the lower half of your face is in hiding. 4. Our Probiotic Skin Mylck Range Wearing face masks creates an environment that nasty bacteria love. You? Not so much. It can result in rashes, dermatitis and eczema flare ups. What you need is an army of good bacteria. Time to send in the probiotic soldiers. Our Probiotic Skincare Range harnesses the calming and restorative powers of good bacteria. They are anti-inflammatory, balance skin microflora, replenish skin moisture and strengthen the skin barrier. So yes, they’re pretty darn good. Try our Skin Mylck Cleanser to send bad bacteria packing and the Skin Mylck plus Anti-Redness lotion if flare ups and acne have you stressed. Feeding your skin with bacteria that actually protects and nourishes it will make a world of difference. 5. Hydrate with Moisture-Rich Skincare When we wear masks, our skin can become compromised and dehydrated, sometimes resulting in some less than comfortable dry patches. Time to welcome the hydrating skincare. When you get home and take your mask off (how good does that feel, just by the way), cleanse your skin with a gentle, barrier-protecting cleanser like the Skin Mylck Cleanser or the Uncomplicated Cleanser to remove any dirt or bacteria that has been trapped under your mask. Then, lather on the Hyaluronic Hydrating Booster Mask and leave it on for 10-20 minutes before washing it off to give your skin a serious drink of water. A little bonus here is dabbing on a few drops of the Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie Skin Treat to calm any inflammation. Top things off with a light but effective moisturiser or oil. We know we’re a broken record here but our Probiotic Skin Mylck really is a must here. Just the thought of wearing a mask doesn’t have to send your skin into a tizz! Believe it or not, it is actually possible to stay safe, and keep your skin happy. Get in touch with our Skin Service for more information on mask-related skin concerns.


Q + A with Renèe Barendregt

“I remember waking up one morning and couldn’t believe how smooth and glowy my skin looked.” We just love down-to-earth mumma and influencer Renèe Barendregt! Funny, personal, and 1000 percent relatable, her Instagram is an honest peek at motherhood and family life with her 2 little boys, Harry and Sonny. One busy mumma, Adelaide-based Renèe is also the creator of unisex children’s clothing label Honey and co-host of The Mum’s Edit podcast. Renèe initially started her Insta account to document her pregnancy with Harry who was born with gastroschisis - a birth defect where the bowel and/or other organs grow on the outside of the body in the womb. Today, Harry is a happy 4 year old who, along with little brother Sonny, delivers plenty of “chaos on the daily” for Renèe’s almost 50k strong tribe of followers. We think you’ll enjoy our chat and skincare spotlight with this gorgeous mum! Renèe shares her biggest skin challenges (so many mums will relate!) which at one point got so bad she was self-conscious about leaving the house. She also shares the one person she’d love to meet and what she wished she knew a decade ago! What was your biggest skin challenge prior to using esmi? Random, big red hormonal breakouts, dryness and redness. What changed after starting with esmi? Less breakouts. Less redness around my nose and cheeks. My makeup now goes on so nicely because my skin is properly looked after and hydrated. I also feel so confident without makeup on now, when my skin would go through “bad” stages I never would have dreamt of leaving the house without it. What made you want to try esmi for the first time? I felt as if I was at a loss, I remember sending a video to my sister of my skin and saying I didn’t want to leave the house. She told me she had been using esmi for a few weeks and that she had already seen such a positive change in her skin. I emailed esmi for a skin consult that day! What specific results can you share? My complexion has completely changed. I remember waking up one morning and couldn’t believe how smooth and glowy my skin looked. I sent a video to my sister that day too, haha. What would you say to somebody on the fence about trying esmi? If you are feeling overwhelmed by skincare like I was, esmi is your answer. I can’t believe how amazing the team was with my initial skin consult. After trying so many other brands, I felt that the team at esmi genuinely cared for my skin concerns and wanted me to get the best outcome for my skin after trying esmi. What esmi product can you not live without? I would have to say the Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie! The difference that made to my complexion is actually unreal! What did you wish you knew 10 years ago? In my late teens and early 20s, I was so worried about “growing up” and having kids and that my “life would be over”. But, if I knew how amazing my life with my boys would be 10 years ago I would have known that even though challenging, it would be the best time of my life! If you could meet anyone, man or woman, living or dead, who would you want to meet? Perhaps my dad's dad. He passed away when my dad was young. Whenever I see pictures of him I wonder who he would’ve been. I’m presuming a lot like my dad who I adore! Check out Renèe’s favourite esmi Skin Treats! Anti-Redness Minty Green Smoothie This anti redness serum cools and heals damaged, red skin with potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating properties. esmi Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 Broad-spectrum SPF 30 enriched with antioxidant protection, this silky smooth, daily sunscreen protects against UV damage and fights the first signs of ageing. Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum The ultimate skin hydrator! This quick-absorbing hydrating serum fights dehydration to help plump skin, minimise lines, and boost radiance. We have a caring and dedicated esmi Skin Service team available 7 days a week to reach out to. Book your complimentary skin consultation today!