Skin Health

Oh hey, AHA & BHAs 👋🏾

Coming into the cooler weather, it's a good time to look at introducing or increasing your exfoliation! The skin goes through changes seasonally and it's a great idea for your skincare to flow with it.  Dry skin, flakiness and increased breakouts are all skin concerns our Skin Service team see an increase in when seasonal change comes into the cooler & dryer months. What better way to keep these concerns at bay than regular exfoliation? AHAs, BHAs or even a blend of the two are great ingredients to introduce to the skin during this time, and allow even a sensitive skin to experience a gentle exfoliation. 🌀 What are AHAs? Typically derived from natural substances, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are a class of chemical compounds that are commonly used in skincare products and loved for their exfoliating properties. Some of the most common AHAs include glycolic acid and lactic acid. 🌀 What are BHAs? Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are a type of exfoliating acid commonly used in skincare, with the most well-known BHA being salicylic acid. BHAs are oil-soluble, which differentiates them from AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), making them particularly effective for treating oily and acne-prone skin. 🌀 How do these work? These acids provide a great, gentle exfoliation of the skin working to break down the bonds that keep dead skin cells to the surface of the skin, as well as helping to lightly dissolve any debris settling in the pores. This helps reveal a newer, brighter skin underneath!  AHAs break down the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be sloughed off. This reveals newer, brighter skin underneath. Like AHAs, BHAs also break down bonds but they also penetrate deeper into the pores to clear out excess oil and debris, making them particularly effective for treating acne and blackheads. The buildup on the outer layer of the skin can prevent your skin from receiving the full benefits of your goodies. By using AHAs and BHAs to exfoliate and clear away dead skin cells and impurities, you create a smoother surface that allows serums, moisturisers, and other treatments to penetrate more deeply and work more effectively.  As the fresh, radiant skin is revealed after use, the refined surface helps to improve the ingredient absorption of your other esmi Skin Treats! Skin Service tip:It's best not to stack too many types of acids in your routine - just pick one or two key products containing these. 🌀 Combining AHAs and BHAs While it's generally safe to use AHAs and BHAs together, it’s best to introduce them slowly into your routine to avoid irritation. Some products are formulated with both acids to provide comprehensive exfoliation benefits, but if using separate products, it’s often recommended to alternate them. As we've mentioned, exfoliation is an amazing step in your routine to help refine skin, keeping it smooth and soft. However, it's just as important not to overdo it! Especially during the cooler months when our skin tends to be drier, over-exfoliation can lead to irritation and dryness. Typically, exfoliating 1-2 times per week is more than enough to maintain smooth, glowing skin, but always consider your skin type and adjust accordingly. Remember, a gentle approach ensures the best results! 🌀 What products include these? esmi has a wonderful curation of products containing AHAs and BHAs.  Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum10% AHAs (5% Glycolic Acid and 5% Lactic Acid)  Gentle Refine Cleansing Toner3% AHA (Lactic Acid)  1% BHA (Salicylic Acid) Detox Hydra-Fluid Moisturiser 2% AHA (Lactic Acid) Although AHA/BHAs are classically a more gentle form of exfoliation than an abrasive manual exfoliation, it's still best to do a patch test and ease in gently introducing these products if there is pronounced inflammation, a skin condition or sensitivity in the skin.

Skin Health

Marionette Lines Treatment: Everything You Need To Know

Marionette lines — those deep creases that run from the corners of your mouth to your chin— can have a significant impact on both your emotional well-being and physical appearance. While they are a natural part of aging, their presence can affect your self confidence, big-time. Understanding the causes, effects, and treatment options for these lines is crucial for anyone looking to maintain a youthful and confident appearance. What are marionette lines?  Marionette lines are deep creases that extend from the corners of the mouth down towards the chin, resembling the lines seen on a 'marionette puppet'. These lines are a common concern as people age. Deep creases: Marionette lines are often characterised by their depth and distinctiveness, creating a visible groove or indentation on either side of the mouth. Downturned corners: These lines can make the corners of the mouth appear turned downward, even when the person is not actually frowning or unhappy. Ageing effect: They can give the impression of a perpetual frown or sadness, which does not necessarily reflect the individual's true emotions or mood. What causes marionette lines? 💜 Loss of collagen + elastin As we age, the skin naturally loses collagen and elastin, two proteins that help maintain skin's firmness and elasticity. This reduction leads to thinning skin and the formation of deeper lines and wrinkles, including marionette lines. 💜 Gravity Gravity exerts a constant downward force on the skin. Over time, this force contributes to the sagging of the skin, which can deepen existing lines and contribute to the formation of new ones, such as marionette lines. 💜 Facial expressions Repeated facial movements, such as smiling, frowning, or chewing, can cause the skin to crease. Over time, these repeated expressions can lead to the development of marionette lines, as the skin loses its ability to bounce back and retain its smooth appearance. 💜 Sun damage Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can accelerate the aging process of the skin. UV radiation breaks down collagen and elastin fibers, leading to premature wrinkles and deep lines, including marionette lines. 💜 Severe stress Chronic stress can impact overall skin health, leading to inflammation and a breakdown in collagen production. This can contribute to the formation of deeper lines and wrinkles, including those around the mouth. 💜 Unhealthy lifestyle habits  Smoking and other unhealthy habits can significantly affect skin health. Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin, depriving it of essential nutrients and oxygen, which accelerates the aging process and contributes to the formation of wrinkles, including marionette lines. Understanding these factors can help in taking preventative measures and seeking appropriate treatments to manage and reduce the appearance of marionette lines. How do you get rid of marionette lines? Marionette lines, those vertical wrinkles that form around the mouth and chin, can be a common concern as we age. Fortunately, there are several methods to treat or prevent these lines, ranging from natural remedies to professional treatments. Here’s a breakdown of both approaches: How to get rid of marionette lines naturally? Hydration: Keeping your skin well-hydrated is crucial for maintaining its elasticity and suppleness. Drink plenty of water daily and use a moisturiser that helps retain skin moisture. Hydrated skin is less likely to develop deep wrinkles. Facial exercises: Regular facial exercises can strengthen the muscles around the mouth and chin, potentially reducing the appearance of marionette lines. Try exercises like puckering your lips and lifting them or placing your fingers on your smile lines and gently pushing upward. Consistency is key for seeing results. Sun protection: Sun exposure can accelerate skin aging and worsen marionette lines. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Consider incorporating a quality sunscreen with products designed to shield your skin while also providing nourishment. We recommend esmi's Skin Shield Sunscreen SPF 30 or any sunscreen from the Sun Skills SPF range. Healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats supports skin health. Foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish can improve skin elasticity and repair damage. Ensure your diet includes vitamins A, C, and E, which are known for their skin-rejuvenating properties. Serum: Serums can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Look for products that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinol, or peptides, which are known for their anti-aging benefits. These serums can boost collagen production and improve skin texture over time. We recommend esmi's Ageless Hyaluronic Serum, Afterglow Rejuvenating Bakuchiol and Golden Anti-Ageing Serum.  Marionette Lines professional treatments  Botox: This treatment involves injecting botulinum toxin into specific facial muscles to relax them. While Botox primarily targets dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movement, it can help improve the overall appearance of the face, indirectly affecting marionette lines. Dermal fillers: Fillers are injected into the skin to add volume and smooth out wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers, for instance, can be used to plump up the areas around the marionette lines, making them less noticeable. Laser treatments: These procedures use focused light to remove damaged skin and stimulate collagen production. Laser treatments can improve skin texture and reduce the depth of marionette lines. Skin resurfacing: Methods like fractional laser or chemical peels remove the outer layers of skin to reveal fresher, smoother skin underneath. These treatments can improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time. Choosing the right approach depends on your skin type, concerns, and desired outcomes. Combining natural remedies with professional treatments may offer the most comprehensive solution for addressing marionette lines. How to get rid of lines around mouth? Natural remedies, like facial massages, oils and certain skincare routines, may not completely eliminate marionette lines but can help prevent them from worsening by improving skin elasticity and hydration. While these methods offer gradual improvements, they don't provide the instant results of cosmetic treatments like botox or fillers. Before considering drastic treatments, it’s always wise to consult an esmi skin specialist and book a free skincare consult. They can guide you toward the best options for your skin type and concerns, ensuring that any decision aligns with your skincare goals and overall health!

Skin Health

How to Get Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles

One of the most common skin concerns is fine lines and wrinkles that appear under the eyes, usually as part of the first signs of ageing. These are a perfectly normal part of ageing, but we understand that many people would prefer them to go away! So we have put together all the information you need to treat under eye ageing. Why fine lines and eye wrinkles occur To begin with, let’s address how under eye wrinkles and fine lines form. Generally, the causes fall into one of two key categories: lifestyle influences or genetic predisposition. Fine lines and wrinkles can occur from: Smoking Sun exposure Not enough sleep Facial movements and expressions The appearance of under eye ageing can range from very fine lines that are not very visible, to deep set wrinkles. The good news is that there are ways to treat even very deep set wrinkles to reduce their appearance and improve your overall skin quality. Ingredients for treating under eye ageing The first step to treating under eye wrinkles is to start using topicals as soon as you see the first signs of ageing. There are plenty of products on the market that claim to be anti-ageing, but always make sure you check to see what active ingredients they are using. We recommend adding products to your routine that contain the following ingredients:  1. Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acid is a skin care powerhouse. The molecule behaves like a sponge by pulling water from the air around you and into the dermis. It is fast acting and has zero irritation. It will improve the appearance of fine lines by plumping the skin and increasing elasticity. We recommend our beloved Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum which combines hyaluronic acid with niacinamide, which has also been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines.   2. Vitamin A / Retinol Retinol is one of the most popular anti-ageing ingredients, with good reason. It is one of the only ingredients that increases collagen production and prevents collagen breakdown - making it both a treatment and a preventative. A key consideration when using retinol is that this ingredient requires consistent use over a considerable period to see results. It should also be introduced slowly to your routine and built up over time, because it is a potent ingredient that can cause dryness and flakiness when overused. This also means it pairs very well with hyaluronic acid products, as the hydration will combat any dryness or irritation.  We recommend using an Anti Ageing Eye Serum which contains retinyl palmitate, which is one of the least irritating retinols.   3. Peptides Peptides are a type of protein that can help to boost collagen levels, smooth fine lines, and minimise the appearance of pores. To reduce the appearance of fine lines under your eyes, Peptides are best applied in a serum so that they can fully penetrate the dermis. We recommend our Golden Anti-Ageing Serum for use overnight over your entire face, including the under eye area. The serum contains powerful peptides and antioxidants to visibly plump fine lines, brighten and condition. Other ways to treat under eye wrinkles Microneedling, fraxel and botox are all more intrusive ways of treating wrinkles and fine lines. These procedures need to be administered by a trained professional. We recommend trying topical solutions first as in many cases fine lines and wrinkles can be significantly reduced this way.  Tips for preventing under eye wrinkles You can delay eye wrinkles and reduce their severity after onset with the following tips: Avoid sun exposure. Always make sure you are wearing sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure. We know that sun exposure speeds ageing and increases the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Using sun protection like our Skin Shield Natural SPF 30 Sunscreen is your best defence against this. Preventative skin care It is important to begin using anti-ageing skin care at the first signs of ageing, however we also recommend starting earlier and taking preventative measures. Introducing an eye serum to your routine early on will help to slow and prevent the onset of under eye wrinkles, and can be more effective than retroactive skin care. Get plenty of sleep Getting enough sleep will help you to slow the onset of under eye wrinkles. Sleep affects the health of your skin significantly. While you sleep, your cellular repair increases, collagen growth is stimulated and cortisol is reduced. Find out more about how sleep affects skin. Remove eye makeup at night Use a gentle cleanser to remove eye makeup at night. Impurities and toxins from your eye makeup can penetrate the skin, causing fine lines and wrinkles. We recommend cleansing every evening, and double cleansing when wearing makeup, with an anti ageing cleanser like our Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Ageing. We are here to support you on your skin journey. If you have any questions about how to reduce the appearance of under eye wrinkles and fine lines, get in touch with our skin team today. We will help you to create your own personalised skin care plan to target your unique concerns.

Skin Health

5 Reasons Why Your Skin May Be Acting Up

Dealing with skin concerns that seem to have appeared out of nowhere? Your skin is giving you clues that something isn’t right. Here are 5 reasons your skin might be acting up and what to do about them. Change in weather  Skin concerns: Dryness, sensitivity, and breakouts A change in the weather - especially a drop to colder temperatures - can spark a host of skin concerns. In cold weather, the skin has to work harder to maintain hydration. Low humidity and cold days coupled with heated indoor spaces can damage the skin’s barrier. Cracks begin to form in the outer layer of skin which causes a loss of hydration and inflammation. On the flip side, warm, humid temperatures can also exacerbate skin concerns for oily skin types such as breakouts and blocked pores. Skincare solutions Customise your skincare routine depending on the season to target the specific skin care concerns for that time of year. During the colder months, focus on treatments like masks and serums that add hydration. In summer, rich and creamy moisturisers may feel too heavy. Try lighter oils or moisturisers and choose a cleanser that gently exfoliates the skin - preventing clogged pores and breakouts. Remember: No matter the season, daily SPF protection is a must!  Allergies Skin concerns: Irritation, breakouts, and sensitivity When sensitive skin is exposed to certain household and laundry cleaning products a red, swollen, itchy rash called contact dermatitis can develop. While cleaning products are usually the most common culprit, they’re not the only thing that can trigger common skin conditions. Certain synthetic fabrics, fragrances, cosmetics, metals, and even organic materials like plants can be the cause. Other signs of an allergic skin irritation can be sudden breakouts or skin that isn’t normally reactive becoming overly sensitive. Skincare solutions If you’re experiencing skin problems, check any new products (household or beauty products) you’ve introduced to your routine or your home. Stop using them and see if your skin concerns continue. Sensitive skin types should avoid products with synthetic fragrances and in most cases stick with natural, fragrance free products and fabrics made of natural fibres. Health (Sleep, stress & diet) Skin concerns: Breakouts, dryness, dehydration, and undereye circles Are you stressed or sleep deprived? Both can lead to skin that is acting up - and so can your diet. Let’s start with stress. Your body produces an increased amount of the hormone cortisol when you’re under pressure. A spike in cortisol in turn leads to the skin creating more sebum which can trigger breakouts. Stress can also cause existing skin issues like eczema and psoriasis to flare up. Another side effect of increased cortisol is restless sleep. Not getting enough quality rest leads to more skin concerns, including under eye circles, dehydration, and dry skin conditions. Hydration is key for healthy skin function and your body’s hydration levels are impacted by the amount of sleep you get. When your skin is dehydrated, wrinkles and fine lines become more pronounced and the chances of triggering eczema and psoriasis or skin discolouration increase. Read more about how sleep affects the health of your skin Then there’s your diet. If your skin has suddenly begun to act up it may be due to eating more of a certain kind of food. We all react differently to foods so what triggers skin concerns for a friend may not trigger them for you, however, some of the usual suspects include: Refined sugars Dairy High fat, fried foods These types of foods are especially common in triggering acne breakouts. Not drinking enough water and drinking too much alcohol will also cause skin dehydration. Skincare solutions No matter how good your skincare routine is, it can only do so much to address the skin concerns caused by poor sleep, diet, and stress. Take a close look at each of these lifestyle areas and experiment by making changes for better sleep, lower stress levels, and eating right for your skin. Using the wrong skincare Skin concerns: Irritation, breakouts, dryness, and sensitivity Your skin will send a message loud and clear if the skincare products you’re using aren’t compatible. Breakouts, irritation, dryness and sensitivity can all be signs you're using the wrong products for your skin type. For example, a frequent skincare mistake made by oily, breakout-prone skin types is using a cleanser that is too harsh for the skin. Using a harsh cleanser (many cleansers aimed at teenage acne are extremely strong) risks stripping your face of its natural oils and disrupts the skin’s pH balance. This triggers the skin to create even more oil which results in more breakouts. Or, if your skin is reacting to a particular ingredient - either natural or synthetic - you might experience redness and irritation. Even if you’re using great quality products, you can still experience an adverse reaction. Skincare solutions The first step is knowing your skin type so you can choose the right products. Our guide to the different skin types and suggested routines will help you out. If you’re still experiencing skin complaints, it may be a reaction to a certain ingredient. A few ingredients that commonly trigger rashes, irritation and breakouts include: Fragrance Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This is a chemical known to cause rashes, blemishes, and eye irritation. Salicylic acid can be extremely strong on skin. Stick with gentler acids like lactic and glycolic which are less likely to cause irritation. Emollients. While these can be very beneficial, they can cause breakouts for some skin types. Remember - always do a patch test on your wrist or the area of skin behind your ear before trying a new product. Medications Skin concerns: Irritation, dryness, scaly skin, and sensitivity Known as “drug hypersensitivity” signs your body is having an overly sensitive response to medication can include breaking out in hives, dryness, itchy rashes, and swelling, and general sensitivity. Skincare solutions Always seek medical advice and if possible, stop taking the medication. Symptoms may persist for a few days or weeks after stopping the medication but most people will recover without permanent damage to skin. During the recovery period, treat your skin with extra care. Switch to gentler products and stick to a more minimalist routine so you don’t overwhelm your skin while it heals.

Skin Health

5 Causes of Red Face & Ways to Reduce It

Uncontrollable flushing, permanent redness, and ruddy cheeks. Dealing with skin redness can be super stressful and knock your skin confidence. We look at what causes red face and how to treat it. 1. Redness from Rosacea Why is my face always red? The answer may be rosacea. Rosacea is a skin condition characterised by red, ruddy skin, and flushing. Symptoms usually begin with episodes of the skin flushing red and can increase to: Permanent redness Bumps Sensitised skin - burning / stinging sensations Capillaries skin becoming visible Thickening skin Symptoms can range from mild to severe but left untreated, rosacea can have long-reaching skin health implications. What causes/triggers rosacea? The skin redness, bumps and flushing associated with rosacea can be triggered by any number of factors. Usually, things that raise your body temperature including: Alcohol Spicy foods Hot, humid weather Hot showers Sun exposure Stress Exercise Dehydration and the wrong skincare products can also lead to frustrating flare ups. Skin with rosacea can be highly sensitive to chemicals, fragrance, and other factors so choosing the right skincare is paramount.  Skincare and lifestyle tips for managing rosacea How to get rid of red skin caused by rosacea? Unfortunately, there’s no cure for rosacea but you can learn how to reduce skin redness with the right lifestyle choice and skin care. Here are some tips: Avoid or reduce alcohol and spicy foods in your diet Keep hydration levels up - with water / fluids and skin care Wear sunscreen daily Use products with gentle formulations Avoid drying ingredients in skincare products; like alcohol and fragrances Be gentle when touching your skin Cleanse with lukewarm or cool water Avoid hot, steamy showers Choose skincare products with anti-inflammatory and hydration promoting ingredients; more on those below! Paying attention to what specifically triggers rosacea for you will help you make the right lifestyle adjustments. Rosacea-friendly skincare ingredients Look for ingredients that reduce inflammation, promote skin hydration, and strengthen the skin barrier. Hyaluronic acid: Ultra hydrating Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): Barrier strengthening Aloe vera: Soothing and calming Tasmannia lanceolata extract: Powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Vitamin C: Potent antioxidant for skin healing Treating Rosacea: Anti-redness Minty Green Smoothie is an at-home topical treatment for Rosacea using natural & vegan ingredients. With an energising wild mint aroma, this serum cools and heals damaged, red skin with potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating properties. Quick absorbing and water based, the Minty Green Smoothie targets inflammation with Tasmannia lanceolata extract, a powerful antioxidant. It also speeds up healing with arnica, a powerful anti-inflammatory. Glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) support collagen and elastin while niacinamide (B3) strengthens the moisture barrier. Infused with aloe vera’s calming, soothing properties. 2. Redness from Sensitive Skin and Irritation Skin sensitivity and redness usually go hand in hand. Sensitive skin has a weakened barrier making it very susceptible to bacteria, allergens, and other irritants that can cause visible red skin. An impaired skin barrier also won’t cope well with certain ingredients in skincare products and easily becomes red and reactive. The key to managing sensitive skin? Using gentle products As a general rule, avoid any of the chemical ingredients known to excessively dry the skin and cause irritation. Some of the main culprits include: sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and synthetic fragrances. Many essential oils will also set off sensitive skin so it’s best to opt for fragrance free products. Sensitive skin types need to be mindful of over exfoliation too. Going overboard with exfoliants will damage an already fragile skin barrier even more with microtears and stripping away natural oils it needs to stay healthy. Tips for managing sensitive skin Choose fragrance-free products. Not only in skincare but fabric detergents too. Opt for gentle exfoliating ingredients - avoid scrubs with large particles that can cause microtears in the skin. Of the alpha hydroxy acids, lactic acid is the gentlest on skin. Be gentle when cleansing the skin / touching your face. Choose skincare designed to strengthen the skin barrier and reduce irritation. Always wear sunscreen. We recommend: Probiotic Skin Mylck Inflamed, damaged and ultra sensitive skin meets the calming, restorative powers of probiotics in a gentle, lightweight moisturising lotion. The beneficial bacteria in the esmi Probiotic Lysates have been researched and found to help heal and support skin’s natural defences. This Lysate helps to create an ideal environment for your skin to thrive when compromised by outside elements and bad-bacteria.  3. Allergic Reactions Allergies to ingredients and products will show up quickly in your skin in the form of redness, irritation, tingling, or stinging. If you’re experiencing any of those signs, stop using a product immediately. We recommend always doing a patch test on a small area of your neck before applying a new product to your face. Give the patch test 24 hours to see if you experience an adverse reaction. If redness, irritation, and swelling is excessive, please get in touch with your healthcare professional immediately.  4. Natural Flushing Deep red flushing can often be a sign of rosacea but in other cases, some people are simply genetically predisposed to flushing. Especially, as research tells us, after drinking alcohol. If turning red after a glass of wine is something that sounds familiar, this may be the reason for your flushed face. The most obvious approach to managing this kind of flushing is to cut down or avoid drinking alcohol. You can also add a green-based concealer or primer to your makeup stash. They neutralise the colour red making them an ideal choice for skin prone to flushing and redness. 5. Sun Damage Spending too long in the sun without protection not only leaves immediate signs of sunburn it causes long term redness too. Sun damage stretches the small blood vessels, giving your skin a blotchy, red appearance. Broad-spectrum protection. Every. Single. Day. It’s the golden rule of healthy skincare - wear sunscreen all year round, no matter the season or weather. Not only will this minimise the chance of redness it will save your skin from ageing prematurely, hyperpigmentation, dullness, and dehydration. Choose broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect you from both UVA and UVB rays. UVB causes damage to the surface of the skin (the visible red burn) while UVA penetrates into the deeper layers of skin. They’re responsible for destroying collagen that causes wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. We recommend: Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 Comfortable, non-greasy SPF coverage for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Skin Shield Natural Face Sunscreen is easy-to-apply and formulated with additional anti-ageing benefits of carrot root oil, hyaluronic acid, and green tea for hydrated, smoother skin.  What to apply to sunburned skin to soothe and promote healing Accidentally spent a little too much time in the sun? Try these redness-reducing tips to take the sting out of sunburn. Apply light moisturiser with aloe vera, chamomile or other calming ingredients Take a cool shower Drink plenty of water Use aloe vera gel Wet a facecloth and put it in the freezer for a few hours then apply to skin Keep skincare minimal. The less you put on your burnt skin the better and definitely don't exfoliate! If you’ve got questions about dealing with redness, whatever the cause, our skin experts are here to help. Book your free consultation with an esmi Skin Consultant for further guidance on how best to treat redness. Discover more The Difference Between Dry and Dehydrated Skin Supercharge Your Skincare With Vit C

Skin Health

Looking After Your Skin In Winter

Winter can be tough on your skin. Our winter skincare guide will help you banish signs of dryness, irritation, and dullness during the colder months. Winter skin concerns The main cause of skin issues during winter is a lack of moisture in the air. This, coupled with time spent in heated indoor spaces, can cause your skin barrier (the outer layer of skin known as the stratum corneum) to become damaged. Your skin barrier is made up of skin cells and the lipid matrix which is composed of fatty acids, ceramides, and cholesterols. Lipids act like ‘glue’ to hold the skin cells together. When the skin barrier is strong and functioning properly, there are minimal ‘cracks’ in the surface. This means moisture is sealed into the skin while irritants and bacteria are kept out. On the other hand, the surface of a weakened skin barrier is damaged and cracked. This means moisture seeps out easily, skin is more vulnerable to bacteria and other irritants and signs of ageing are accelerated. Seasonal changes and rapid temperature fluctuations (moving from warm indoor heating to the cold air outside, for example) have been shown to damage the skin barrier. Dry skin One of the most common skin conditions to come along with cold weather is dry skin. Even if your skin type isn’t naturally dry, chances are you’ll experience drier, flaky skin during winter. If you have a dry skin type, you need to be extra vigilant with winter skincare as cold weather can exacerbate your skin issues. Dullness If you don’t get your winter skin care routine right, skin can quickly lose its glow and become dull. It’s usually a result of dehydration - both on the inside and outside. Loss of hydration in the dermis and the lower levels of the epidermis results in a decrease of skin thickness. This leads to skin looking dull and lacklustre. Sensitivity You may notice your skin has become more sensitive seemingly overnight when cold weather hits. Signs of sensitivity include reactivity - one minute skin seems fine and the next it’s breaking out in a rash, red bumps, or flushing. Itchiness and dryness are also Your winter skincare routine Just like you swap your summer wardrobe for a winter one, you should be switching up your skincare during winter too. There are two key goals for your winter skincare products - a) minimise moisture loss and b) increase hydration. Remember, a damaged skin barrier means moisture in the skin is lost at a quicker rate through the ‘cracks’ in the surface. Your winter skincare routine should include products and ingredients aimed at repairing cracks and strengthening the barrier to minimise moisture loss. Ceramides, emollients, fatty acids, allantoin, and niacinamide (vitamin B3) are some of the best ingredients to help seal in moisture and repair the skin barrier. You also need to boost the amount of hydration skin cells receive. You can increase hydration topically by using humectant ingredients in your winter skincare products. The hydrating superpower of humectants is their ability to draw moisture to the skin. 💙 Cleansers Our winter skin care tip for washing your face? Steer clear of traditional foaming cleansers. The chemicals used to create the ‘lathering’ effect can be harsh and very drying for the skin barrier. Avoid cleansers containing sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and synthetic fragrances too - these chemicals can exacerbate dryness and sensitivity. Mild cleansers are a must for winter. Choose a gentler, plant-derived formulation that provides a deep cleanse without ingredients that make winter skin issues worse. We recommend: The Uncomplicated Cleanser Gently removes all traces of foundation and impurities with a double cleanse while calming and protecting skin with aloe vera and camilla leaf extract.  💙 Serums Add a serum to your winter skincare routine before moisturising for an extra dose of hydration. One of the best ingredients to look for in a hydrating serum is hyaluronic acid. It draws water to the cells and can hold up to 1000x its weight in water. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is also effective at restoring the skin barrier to guard against moisture loss and dehydration. We recommend: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum The ultimate skin hydrator, this quick-absorbing serum fights dehydration for hydrated, plumper, and repaired skin. 💙 Moisturiser The colder months call for a richer moisturising formulation than you might use in summer. Facial oil makes an excellent moisturiser for dry skin in winter. Oils contain essential fatty acids and antioxidants which help seal in moisture to keep the skin hydrated. Suggested winter skincare oils include rosehip oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and coconut oil. Rosehip in particular is a wonderful skin repairer, brimming with tissue and cell regeneration fatty acids plus antioxidants to hydrate and heal damaged skin. Squalene is also an excellent ingredient for dry skin. Non-irritating with antioxidant and moisturising properties, squalene is suitable for all skin types. We recommend: 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Non-greasy, it’s perfect for combination to dry skin as a moisturiser to address dryness, dehydration, ageing, fine lines, and wrinkles. 💙 Exfoliation The right exfoliator will refresh tired-looking winter skin. The cold air outside combined with dry indoor heating means skin cells dehydrate and die quicker during this time of year. A gentle exfoliator will buff away dead cells to reveal fresher looking skin without drying it out. We suggest using a mild chemical exfoliator containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) rather than a physical exfoliator to dissolve dead skin cells without damaging the skin barrier. Lactic acid is the most gentle AHA and ideal for sensitive skin types. We recommend: Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum Gently detox and purify congested skin for a clearer, smoother complexion. 💙 Overnight Mask Leaving on a rich, nourishing treatment overnight (skin is more permeable at night time) allows the ingredients in your winter skin care regime to soak in and maximise results. We recommend: Ultra Nourishing Face Mask Ideal for dry skin types in need of nourishment to reduce fine lines, inflammation, uneven skin tone, and heal damaged skin. If you need help with winter care for your face book a free consultation with an esmi Skin Minerals Consultant. The team at esmi is always here to support you on your skin journey!  

Skin Health

Ingredients to Avoid in Sunscreen

When it comes to sun protection, sunscreen is an essential component of your skincare routine. But the journey to finding the perfect sunscreen isn't just about the SPF number on the bottle. The list of ingredients in your sunscreen matters just as much, if not more, than the sun protection factor it offers.  In this guide, we will help you navigate the world of sunscreen ingredients, shedding light on what to avoid and what to actively seek in your quest for the ideal sun protection.  🙅🏼‍♀️ Top 3 ingredients to avoid in sunscreen Using sunscreen daily is crucial for protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays. However, using products with toxic ingredients on a daily basis can harm your skin over time. Here are the top five ingredients to avoid in sunscreen and why they should be omitted from your daily skincare routine. 1. Oxybenzone Oxybenzone is known to penetrate the skin, and it has been linked to hormone disruption and allergic skin reactions. Prolonged use may have adverse effects on the endocrine system. 2. Octinoxate (Octyl Methoxycinnamate) Octinoxate can cause skin irritation and allergies. It has also been shown to disrupt the endocrine system, affecting hormonal balance when used regularly. 3. Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate) While vitamin A itself is beneficial, when exposed to sunlight, retinyl palmitate can break down into harmful compounds that may contribute to skin cancer and accelerate the aging process. 👍🏽 The best sunscreen ingredients When choosing a sunscreen, it's essential to look for ingredients that provide not only SPF (Sun Protection Factor) but also offer broad-spectrum protection and additional skincare benefits. Here are ten key ingredients to consider. Pssst - they're all found in our Skin Shield Sunscreen SPF 30. 1. Zinc Oxide This is a physical sunscreen ingredient that provides broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection. It forms a physical barrier on the skin's surface to block harmful rays. 2. Carrot Root Oil High in antioxidants which assist to protect against premature ageing. 3. Broad-Spectrum Protection Ensure the sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection, which shields against both UVA and UVB rays. This information should be on the product label. 4. Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Enhances the sunscreen's photoprotection by providing antioxidant benefits that reduce oxidative damage caused by UV radiation. 5. Camellia Provides potent antioxidant properties, helping to shield the skin from UV-induced free radical damage while supporting overall skin health. 6. Rosehip Offers natural moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe and hydrate the skin while protecting it from the sun's harmful effects. 7. Green Tea Extract Can help calm redness, soothe acne-prone skin and target signs of ageing. 8. Aloe Vera Aloe vera has soothing and moisturizing properties, which can be beneficial for sun-exposed skin. 9. Cucumber Extract Cucumber Extract is high in vitamin C and caffeic acid which helps deliver an antioxidant boost while calming inflamed and irritated skin. 10. Fragrance-Free or Low Fragrance Fragrances can sometimes irritate sensitive skin, so it's wise to opt for a sunscreen with little to no added fragrance. 😍 Why esmi's Skin Shield is the best sunscreen in Australia Australia experiences some of the world's harshest sun conditions, demanding top-tier sun protection. esmi's Skin Shield Sunscreen excels in safeguarding the face, neck, and décolletage. Tailored for facial use, its thoughtfully crafted ingredient composition ensures effective protection and makeup compatibility, making it a standout choice in the Australian sun care lineup. Formulated for the face: Unlike generic sunscreens, esmi Skin Shield Sunscreen is expertly crafted with the face in mind. Its composition takes into account the unique needs and sensitivities of facial skin. Broad-spectrum protection: This sunscreen doesn't just block out the sun; it provides comprehensive sun protection (SPF 30!) against both UVA and UVB rays - essential for preventing sun damage and premature aging.  Ideal under makeup: One of the many challenges of wearing sunscreen is its compatibility with makeup. Skin Shield Sunscreen SPF 30 is designed to work seamlessly as a base, so you can confidently apply your cosmetics without worrying about a greasy or heavy feel. Ingredient makeup: The choice of ingredients in this sunscreen is what truly sets it apart. It often includes elements like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which act as physical barriers against harmful UV rays. Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E provide additional defense against sun damage. Hydration & nourishment: Sun-exposed skin can quickly become dry and damaged. esmi's Skin Shield Sunscreen often includes ingredients like hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated.

Skin Health

The Relationship Between Cell Turnover and Acne

Our skin can do some amazing things; it can heal itself after a cut or a burn, and grows with us as our bodies change shape (which is even more amazing when it expands to make room for a little person). One of the other very cool things it does is shed the old skin to make room for fresh, glowy skin. That’s thanks to the skin cycle, otherwise known as skin cell turnover or the skin renewal cycle. If you’re currently struggling with acne or have the scars to show for your past struggles, boosting cell turnover is something that just might change your skin.   What is Skin Cell Turnover?  Our skin sheds dead cells naturally every 30 days or so. The fancy dermatologists in their lab coats like to call it desquamation, but because that’s a bit of a mouthful, we’re going to call it the skin cycle. One thing to note here though, is that the 30 day timeline is just a guide, everyone is different and it tends to get longer as we age.   Every skin cycle, your skin replaces old cells with younger ones to keep up that gorgeous glow, and heal any breakouts or imperfections, all the while removing anything that might be clogging the pores. These new skin cells are created in the deepest layer of the skin (known as the basal layer). Slowly but surely, they move towards the surface until they too are shed when they become inactive, or as it is more commonly known, die.   Like most things to do with your skin, cell turnover can be helped or hindered by your diet, hormones, sleep, stress, sun exposure and of course, your skin care.  How Skin Cell Turnover Affects Acne  If you have oily and acne-prone skin, your skin’s natural ability to slough dead skin isn’t going to be as effective as other people’s. It’s what is known as retention hyperkeratosis. When our skin cells are not replenished and dead skin isn’t removed, this makes for a happy environment for bacteria and dead skin cells to build up and clog your pores, making the perfect setting for acne.   As the dead skin and sebum become trapped and build up inside the follicle, an ineffective skin cycle struggles to clear them out and the acne problem only gets worse. That’s why stimulating a faster skin cell turnover rate is going to be a miracle worker to help clear pores.   And let’s not forget about acne scars! Boosting the skin cell turnover will help to lift pigmentation and fade those annoying acne scars. Those younger (importantly unscarred) skin cells will replace the pigmented one for a clearer and more even skin tone.   How to Boost Cell Turnover   While your skin will naturally complete a skin cycle with new cells, there are things you can do and products you can use to put a little pep in its step and boost the cell turnover process.   One of the most common ways to kick cell turnover into hyperdrive is exfoliation. Our Gentle-Foliants contain both physical exfoliants (eg. Polynesian sand) and chemical exfoliants (eg. papaya enzymes). Enzymes help to resurface the skin and promote cell turnover by dissolving keratin and lifting dead skin. This will help to bring new skin to the surface and unclog pores - always a win!   Speaking of exfoliation, glycolic and lactic acids (collectively called AHAs) are the stars of the cell turnover game. They help to break down and remove dead skin and fade acne scars by brightening your complexion. The Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum detoxifies concerns of congestion and dissolves dead skin by speeding up the skin renewal process. This really is a dream if you’re suffering from acne and blackheads.   Retinol is another one of those ingredients that works wonders to boost cell turnover. It increases the rate of the skin cycle and controls oil production, which is all very good news for anyone who has acne-prone skin. Our Encapsulated Retinol is unique as it releases the active ingredient deeper in the skin, for maximum results and minimum sensitivity. A bit clever if we do say so ourselves!   Vitamin C is a brightening favourite in the skincare world as it is a potent antioxidant, speeds up cell turnover, increases collagen production and inhibits melanin - see ya acne scars and dark spots! The Pomegranate Brightening Serum is rich in vitamin C for those skin boosting benefits we all love to see.   Keep in mind, boosting skin cell turnover can make your skin more photosensitive, which is just a fancy way of saying don’t forget to use your sunscreen every day!    Yes, it is absolutely possible to speed up skin cell turnover and send acne and scarring packing thanks to a little know-how (and the right products). If you want to know more about how to make your skin cycle work for you, chat to our skincare experts today!  

Skin Health

esmi Skin Minerals Real Results: Brooke Schmidt

“The best thing I ever did for my skin.”  Meet Brooke. With painful, burn-like reactions that would swell up, leaving the skin raw, red and very irritated, Brooke had been on quite the skin journey before finding esmi. 

Skin Health

Your Guide to Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serum is the skincare step you definitely don’t want to miss. Every skin type and concern can benefit from this hero antioxidant. Vitamin C brightens, firms and protects skin and it’s never too late (or too early) to incorporate a Vitamin C serum into your routine. We take a look at why it’s brilliant for fading pigmentation, anti-ageing and guarding against (and reversing!) sun damage. Plus, we explore the esmi range of serums powered by this all-star ingredient so you can choose the best Vitamin C serum for your individual skin concerns.  What are the benefits of vitamin C serum? Vitamin C serum lightens pigmentation and acne scars, firms skin, and offers a big hit of antioxidant protection against UV and pollution. It’s the perfect all-round ingredient for any routine. The most common forms of Vitamin C used in skincare include: Ascorbic Acid - also known as L-ascorbic acid Ethyl ascorbic acid Ascorbyl palmitate Sodium ascorbyl phosphate These forms of Vitamin C have a notable amount of research confirming their effectiveness and stability in skincare formulations. Vitamin C serums may also include natural forms of the antioxidant. For example, Kakadu Plum is an Australian native botanical ingredient that is the richest known source of natural Vitamin C in the world. Serums are an excellent way to incorporate Vit C into your routine as they penetrate more deeply into the skin than other products.  Vitamin C Serum & pigmentation A potent skin brightener, Vitamin C is famed for its ability to fade and smooth the appearance of various forms of pigmentation including: Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne or other skin damage. Liver spots or sunspots. Melasma associated with hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy. Vit C serum helps to fade the appearance of pigmentation and dull, uneven skin by inhibiting the production of melanin which is the pigment responsible for causing darker areas of skin. Vitamin C & acne The healing process of deep inflammatory types of acne such as nodules and cysts can leave behind marks and scars. The ‘marks’ are dark spots and discolouration on the skin are known as hyperpigmentation. Skin is darkened but it remains smooth without texture irregularities. Acne scars, on the other hand, change the texture of the skin - leaving indentations and raised spots. This is an indication that the damage has occurred at a deep level. Vitamin C can assist with improving the appearance of both acne marks and scars. It promotes collagen synthesis which is vital for wound healing and rebuilding healthy skin - acne scars - while its brightening properties can help fade discolouration - acne marks. Vitamin C for skin firming & anti-ageing Healthy, young looking skin has plenty of collagen. Collagen gives your skin volume, keeps it looking plump and those fine lines and wrinkles at bay. Ageing, lifestyle factors (like smoking and a poor diet) and the environment (pollution and UV exposure) all contribute to the breakdown of collagen. This is where Vitamin C serum comes in. Vitamin C plays a major role in helping the skin produce more of the good stuff (collagen!) and also inhibits the breakdown of existing collagen. Double win. We recommend incorporating Vitamin C serums into your routine at any age. In your 20s it’s the ideal preventative skincare to set the stage for healthy skin ageing and keep your complexion firm as long as possible. In your 30s and beyond, Vitamin C can help turn back sun or environmental damage and plump fine lines and wrinkles.  Vitamin C & sun protection This powerhouse vitamin is an antioxidant well-known for its ability to protect the skin from the damage caused by UV rays and pollution. When your skin is exposed to the sun and other environmental aggressors - like pollution - free radicals form and attack healthy skin cells. They do this by ‘stealing’ an electron from a healthy cell causing it to weaken and damage collagen and elastin. This results in the signs of premature aging like fine lines, rough skin, and discolouration. Antioxidants, especially Vitamin C, stop free radical destruction in its tracks by ‘giving’ an electron to the free radical so it doesn’t steal from the healthy cells. Not only does Vitamin C protect the skin from damage, but it also helps reverse existing sun damage by brightening sun spots and stimulating collagen production. Don’t skip sun protection though; Vitamin C serum isn't a replacement for sunscreen. Daily application of broad spectrum SPF, like esmi Skin Shield, is still a must for every skincare routine. Think of Vitamin C and sunscreen as a skincare power couple; they work best together! The longer you use Vitamin C serum, the better the results. While most skin types will usually notice a brighter complexion after a few weeks of use, consistent use over months will deliver optimal results - more luminous, firmer, and softer skin. The best vitamin C serums Firm, brighten, protect. No matter your goal, there’s an esmi serum formulated with Vitamin C to suit your skin type and concerns. Our Vitamin C serums and lotions should be applied following the cleansing step in your routine.  Pomegranate Brightening Serum Pomegranate Brightening Serum is our Vitamin C serum that illuminates skin with the power of Vitamin C and Kakadu Plum. A true brightening team! Suitable for: Most skin types to tackle pigmentation, sun damage and dullness concerns. If you have hypersensitive skin, we recommend introducing our Probiotic Skin Mylck plus Brightening first to introduce your skin to brightening ingredients. Formulated with: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Kakadu Plum. How to use Pomegranate Brightening Serum (morning and / or evening) Use the dropper to apply an amount smaller than a pearl on cleansed skin and gently massage in. Allow the serum to absorb before applying other products. You can use this Vitamin C serum in your morning and evening routine.  Golden Anti-Ageing Serum Golden Anti-Ageing Serum is formulated with powerful peptides and antioxidants, including Vitamin C, to visibly plump fine lines, brighten and condition. Suitable for: All skin types and ages as a night time defence against fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation. Promotes a brighter, smoother complexion. Formulated with: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), peptides, and vitamin E. How to use Golden Anti-Ageing Serum (evening) Using the dropper, apply a pearl sized amount and gently massage into skin, including the under eye area. The Golden Anti-aging Serum is designed to be used at night as the skin repairs and regenerates while you sleep.  Probiotic Skin Mylck plus Brightening Probiotic Skin Mylck plus Brightening is moisturising lotion gentle enough to offer the lightening benefits of Vitamin C serums without irritating sensitive skin. Suitable for: All skin types, especially hypersensitive skin. Formulated with: Ethyl Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Kakadu Plum and Probiotic Lysates. How to use Probiotic Skin Mylck plus Brightening (morning and / or evening) Using the dropper drip a thumb size amount of Mylck onto your fingertips or palm. Massage into cleansed skin. Sunrise Skin Energising Acai Duo Sunrise Skin Energising Acai Duo is the best Vitamin C serum that offers the moisturising benefits of a face oil too. Suitable for: Ideal for all skin types to brighten a dull, dehydrated complexion prone to age spots and hyperpigmentation while stimulating collagen to firm and tone. Formulated with: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), niacinamide, and acai oil. How to use Sunrise Skin Energising Acai Duo (morning and night) Shake the bottle well to mix the acai oil and water-based serum together. Dispense a pearl size amount of mixed oil/serum directly to your palm and massage into the skin.  Brightening Eye Serum Wake up a tired, dull eye area with our Brightening Eye Serum designed to target dark circles, brightness and fine lines in the delicate eye area. Suitable for: All skin types to promote a brighter, tighter and more youthful eye area. Formulated with: Ethyl Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), caffeine, Vitamin E, and hyaluronic acid. How to use Brightening Eye Serum (morning and / or evening): After cleansing or exfoliating, and before moisturizing, apply a grain of rice-sized amount (per eye) and massage to below the eye area and above on to the brow bone in an outwards motion. For vit C face masks and cleansers to complement your serum view our entire range of Vitamin C skincare products.

HydrationLearnSkin Health

The Difference Between Dry & Dehydrated Skin

Although they’re often confused as the same thing, dehydrated skin and dry skin are actually different skin concerns. While dehydrated skin lacks water and is a temporary skin condition, dry skin lacks natural oils and is a skin type. Read on to understand more about the difference between dry and dehydrated skin and how to treat each one. What is dry skin? Dry skin lacks oil in the stratum corneum - the skin’s outer layer. If you have a dry skin type, your skin produces less of its natural oil (sebum) than other skin types. Your skin needs a healthy balance of sebum to function at its best; oil helps hold moisture into the skin and keep it soft and smooth. When the skin doesn’t produce enough oil, it loses the capacity to hold onto moisture and dry skin is the result. The skin barrier is also more susceptible to sensitivity and damage without a sufficient layer of protective oils. Signs of dry skin include: Rough or itchy skin Flaky skin Redness and irritation Skin feels tight Small, fine wrinkles Thin, fragile skin Those with dry skin types are also prone to inflammatory and excessively dry skin concerns like atopic dermatitis (eczema) characterised by redness, cracking and inflammation.  How to look after dry skin  Caring for dry skin means focusing on products that help counteract the natural lack of oil on the skin’s surface. This is why oil-based skin care is a great choice for dry skin types. The right blends of plant oils can make a big difference for a dry, flaky complexion as they supplement the sebum your skin isn’t producing. Some of the best plant oils for dry skin include; Jojoba: With a molecular structure close to your skin’s natural sebum, jojoba is readily accepted by the skin and is an ideal facial oil. It helps strengthen the skin barrier, restore balance, and promote hydration. Avocado: Rich in antioxidant, emollient, and anti-inflammatory properties, avocado oil promotes skin hydration, soothes and fights free radical damage. Rosehip: Packed with omega-6’s and omega-3’s fatty acids, rosehip is revered for its moisturising and regenerative properties for dry, itchy, damaged skin. It’s also rapidly absorbed and creates a protective barrier on the skin to guard against moisture loss. It’s also important to avoid products with strong ingredients that remove moisture and oil leaving skin dry, flaky and tight. For example; Benzoyl peroxide Salicylic acid Alcohol Witch hazel Sodium lauryl sulfate For dry skin we recommend 24k Gold Nourishing Oil One of our best sellers and an excellent moisturiser for dry skin, 24k Gold Nourishing Oil helps to address dryness, dehydration, ageing, fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck, and decolletage. Non-greasy, it contains a blend of rosehip, coconut, avocado, and jojoba oil plus the anti-ageing, antioxidant power of 24k gold flakes.  What is dehydrated skin? While dry skin lacks oil, dehydrated skin lacks water and, unlike dry skin (which is a skin type), dehydration is a temporary skin condition that can happen to all skin types. Even oily ones! Signs of a dehydrated face include; Skin feeling tight and uncomfortable - even after moisturising Redness Congestion An oily, shiny complexion Inflammation Fine lines and wrinkles are more pronounced Dehydration caused by external factors, for example weather, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol or not enough water. How to look after dehydrated skin Using dehydrated skin products with ingredients that replenish the skin’s water content is key for treating thirsty skin. The best ingredient to beat dehydration is hyaluronic acid. It delivers a mega hit of moisture to the skin thanks to its ability to hold 1000 times its weight in hydration! A humectant ingredient, hyaluronic acid draws moisture from the air to the skin, plumping and rehydrating cells from the inside out. Using a serum containing hyaluronic acid is the quickest way to deliver moisture to a thirsty complexion as serums are quickly and deeply absorbed into the skin. For dehydrated skin we recommend Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum This water-based serum is your ultimate skin hydrator! Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum is like a big drink of water for your skin containing triple action Hyaluronic Acid which increases hydration by 25% within 2 hours. The serum also contains aloe vera, niacinamide (Vitamin B3), and allantoin which work together to improve skin hydration and strengthen the skin barrier. The hydrating serum isn’t a moisturiser and needs to be followed by a moisturiser or face oil on top to lock in the hydration for best results. We recommend following with 24K Gold Nourishing Oil or Acai Skin Balancing Face Oil. Take a holistic approach to treating dehydrated skin Tackling dehydration isn’t only about using the right dehydrated skin products. For the best results, you may need to make lifestyle changes too. For example, eating more water-rich foods and less salty ones (salt dehydrates the skin) and drinking more water and less alcohol. To view more skincare options for dry vs dehydrated skin click through to the Dehydration shop by concern or Dryness shop by concern. You might also like to read: The Different Skin Types Why Skin Gets Oily And How To Stop It What Causes Dry Skin

Skin Health

3 Ways to Fight the Effects of Pollution on Skin

The effects of pollution on skin are more far-reaching and damaging than you might think. Signs of ageing, dullness, and hyperpigmentation can be linked back to the insidious toxicity of air pollution. Discover 3 simple skincare steps you can take to protect your skin every day. What are the effects of pollution on skin?  The effects of pollution on skin can be described in 3 words: free radical damage. Toxic nanoparticles from smog and traffic related air pollution are able to penetrate the skin. Once inside, they trigger free radical damage - the enemy of healthy skin. Stay with us for a super quick chemistry lesson on free radicals... Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron. In an attempt to make itself ‘whole’ again, a free radical ‘steals’ an electron from a healthy skin cell. This process causes inflammation, damages the collagen of the healthy cell, and can also lead to hyperpigmentation. The newly damaged skin cell then goes on its own mission to steal an electron from yet another healthy cell. This triggers a destructive chain reaction of free radical damage to skin cells. You can’t see free radicals but you can see the results they cause; lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, darkened patches, and dullness. Pollutants also deplete the skin of hydration and essential vitamins too, leaving it dehydrated and in need of nourishment. Skincare solution to target pollution in 3 steps There's not a lot you can do to avoid pollution entirely. Luckily though, with the right anti pollution products and skincare routine, there’s quite a bit you can do to combat its effects. 1. Double cleanse in the evening  An evening cleanse is crucial for removing pollution particles that have settled on your skin. We recommend doing it twice to really stop the effects of pollution on skin in their tracks! Especially if you live in a buzzing urban area filled with traffic and smog. The first cleanse gently removes traces of makeup and SPF. The second cleanse lifts further build-up, including pollutants, from the skin. Getting into the habit of double cleansing can ward off the free radical damage that accelerates the signs of ageing, dullness, and hyperpigmentation. The extra few minutes added to your bedtime routine is definitely worth it in the long run. We recommend: The Uncomplicated Cleanser which you can use for both the first and second cleanse. If you want to target existing hyperpigmentation or dullness, you could opt for The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Brightening for the second cleanse. 2. Use antioxidants to neutralise free radicals Prevention is the best step to combating the effects of pollution and antioxidants are the answer to turning off the damage caused by free radicals. Essentially, an antioxidant ‘gives’ the free radical the electron it’s looking for - so it doesn’t need to steal it from a healthy cell! This puts a stop to the chain reaction of free radical damage. It gets better too. Not only can antioxidants neutralise free radicals, but they can also help skin repair itself from any damage already caused and target specific skin concerns. This includes smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, brightening a dull complexion, and improving the appearance of hyperpigmentation. It’s clear why antioxidants should play a key role in your anti pollution skincare regime and these are the big hitters we recommend; Vitamin C: An antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and collagen stimulator, Vitamin C wards off free-radical damage and can help stimulate collagen production for firmer looking skin. It’s also a potent skin brightener, improving the appearance of dull skin and hyperpigmentation. There are a lot of vitamin C derivatives but the pure form of Vitamin C is known as L-Ascorbic Acid (LAA). Vitamin E: While helping protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, Vitamin E is also highly moisturising for skin. Plumps fine lines and wrinkles. Green tea: Green tea is brimming with catechins and polyphenols which are natural antioxidants and free radical scavengers. It also has the added benefit of helping regulate sebum production to help balance oily and acne prone skin. Ferulic acid: A potent antioxidant that neutralises free radicals damage, ferulic acid helps shield against the development of fine lines, spots, and wrinkles. Many antioxidants work synergistically, meaning they become even more beneficial when teamed with other antioxidants. For the best results, look for anti pollution skincare products with multiple antioxidants. A few antioxidant combinations that work well together include: Vitamin C and Vitamin E Vitamin C, Vitamin E and ferulic acid (even better than Vit C + E!) Choosing a broad spectrum SPF enriched with antioxidant protection is an easy way to guard your skin against sun and pollution related damage. We recommend: Sunrise Skin Energising Acai Duo and Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF30 3. Strengthen the skin barrier for protection  The outer layer of your skin (your skin barrier or lipid barrier) is like a hard working security guard preventing environmental irritants, including pollution, from entering in. The lipid barrier consists of layers of dead skin cells and lipids - the skin's natural fats. When the barrier is weak or damaged, it’s more susceptible to the entry of toxic pollution particles and their damaging effects. Pollution protection skin care should include ingredients to help strengthen and condition the lipid barrier Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): Boosts ceramide production (ceramide is an epidermal lipid) thereby improving the skin’s barrier function. Hyaluronic acid: Works by attracting water to the deeper layers of skin and rehydrating cells from the inside out. In turn, this promotes a strong skin barrier with cells in a healthy, hydrated state.We recommend: Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Essential Fatty acids - Omega 3 and Omega 6: These essential acids replenish the lipid structure of the skin, helping to reinforce the surface keep it moisturised and buffer it from the effects of pollution on skin. Essential fatty acids to consider including your line up of anti pollution products are: Linoleic acid (Omega 6): Rosehip oil is an excellent source of linoleic acid. Chia oil (Omega 3) Kiwi Fruit Seed Oil (Omega 3) Squalane: Excellent at replenishing the skin's moisture barrier, squalane is naturally present in the skin’s lipid barrier. Choosing facial oils and anti pollution moisturisers with this ingredient will help restore a damaged skin barrier to a healthy, supple state. Probiotics: The good bacteria of probiotics help create a harmonious environment for a damaged skin barrier to heal and thrive. A strong barrier means your skin can better defend itself against the effects of pollution.We recommend: Skin Mylck. Have questions about choosing the right esmi Skin Minerals products for your skin concerns? Book your free consultation with our skincare specialists. 

Skin Health

Your Day Skincare vs. Night Skincare

Your skin needs different support during the day than while you’re sleeping. We take a look at what happens to your skin AM vs PM and the best day and night skincare routine - including our favourite product recommendations. Daytime skincare routine What is happening to your skin during the day? During the day your skin is in protection mode. It’s busy defending itself against free radical attacks caused by UV light, pollution, stress, smoking, poor diet, and other environmental factors. These free radical attacks can damage the elasticity and collagen in healthy skin, accelerating the signs of ageing. UV exposure during the day plays one of the biggest roles in premature ageing. Skin is also protecting itself to all the bacteria it comes in contact with throughout the day. Every time you touch your face or press your phone to your cheek your skin is exposed to bacteria. This can trigger breakouts or spread existing acne. The weather is another potential stressor your skin comes into contact with during the day. A drop in temperature can lead to dryness and dehydration while a spike in humidity can trigger breakouts. It’s your skin barrier that does the work deflecting damage and protecting skin. The stronger the barrier, the better it is at both defending itself from potential damage and repairing itself from existing damage. When your barrier is weakened, it’s more susceptible to free radical damage, exposure to bacteria and other stressors it comes into contact with. This damage leads to irritations, breakouts, accelerated ageing and dehydration. Best daytime skincare routine The goal of your daytime skincare routine is to help your skin protect itself against all the stressors it comes in contact with. You can do this by using daytime skincare products to support a healthy, strong skin barrier. Cleanser Choose a gentle, non-drying cleanser to maintain the delicate balance of oil and moisture on your skin. You don’t want to strip your skin entirely of oil - this will compromise your skin barrier and trigger an overproduction of oil. Starting with freshly cleansed skin in the morning will also help the products you apply afterwards to be better absorbed by the skin. Explore esmi Skin Minerals range of gentle cleansers to target skin concerns including congestion, ageing, and dullness. Antioxidant-rich serum Serums are highly concentrated nutrient-dense treatments. Boost your skin’s natural defence factors with the help of an antioxidant-rich serum to help neutralise potential damage caused by free radicals attacks while treating specific skin concerns. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant choice to apply during the day. Read our guide to antioxidants to understand more about the crucial role antioxidants play in defending the skin against free radical damage. Moisturiser or facial oil On the moisturising front, the difference in your day and night skincare routine is usually that the daytime product is lighter. Lightweight, non-greasy formulations - be it a moisturiser or face oil - are best during the day. We recommend: Hydrating Hydra-Fluid Moisturiser or Acai Skin Balancing Facial Oil SPF protection No daytime skincare routine is complete without SPF protection. One of the biggest differences between your day and night skincare routine is the application of sunscreen - obviously not needed at night but a non-negotiable during the day! If your day time moisturiser doesn’t include broad-spectrum SPF protection, apply a separate product. We recommend: Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 Face Mist (Optional) To keep skin refreshed and hydrated throughout the day, consider keeping a face mist handy when you’re on the go. A burst of hydration is the perfect pick-me-up for tired skin. We recommend: Refreshing And Hydrating Skin Snack Face Mist Night skincare routine  What is happening to your skin at night? At night your skin switches from defence mode into repair mode - combating any damage done during daylight hours. It does the heavy lifting of regenerating itself while you sleep. During healthy sleep cycles, the levels of both melatonin and human growth hormone (HGH) in your body naturally increase. These two hormones are essential for skin rejuvenation. Melatonin initiates cellular regeneration while HGH stimulates the collagen and elastin necessary to support thicker, firmer skin. Transepidermal water loss (moisture evaporating from your skin) also increases at night. It's important to replenish the water loss with moisturiser or facial oil overnight.  Best night skincare routine The goal of your night routine is to support the skin’s natural rejuvenation process to boost results. The good news is that skin is also more receptive to products at night! Some of the best ingredients to apply at night include retinol, peptides, and glycolic acid. Many spot and prescription products are also recommended for night time application. Cleanser Your night time face wash routine should include a double cleanse to remove all traces of makeup, excess oil, and dirt. Don’t skip this step if you have breakout prone skin - it’s essential in a night skincare routine for acne. For acne-prone skin, we recommend using The Uncomplicated Cleanser for the first cleanse. Follow this with the The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Charcoal. If you’re experiencing cystic acne or acne that is inflamed, go for The Uncomplicated Cleanser With Anti-Redness. Moisturiser or facial oil You need moisturiser for your day and night skincare routine but you can get away with a heavier formulation while you sleep. The best nighttime moisturiser and facial oils are rich in antioxidants, deeply hydrating and contain emollient ingredients to minimise trans epidermal water loss. Emollients contain lipids (fats) that help seal in moisture while softening and smoothing skin. We recommend: 24k Gold Nourishing Oil or Golden Anti-Ageing Serum or Sensitive Moisturiser  Mask Your night face care routine is the perfect time to maximise the benefits of a face mask targeting specific skin concerns - especially ageing, dehydration, and dullness. You could use a mask in your day and night skincare routine but skin has more time to absorb the active ingredients while you sleep. If applying an overnight nighttime mask, skip the facial oil and make it the final step in your routine. We recommend: Anti-ageing Repair Gel Booster Mask (ageing concerns), Hyaluronic Hydrating Booster Mask (hydration) or Ultra Nourishing Booster Mask (dry skin). Eye treatment The skin around your eye area is delicate and prone to puffiness, dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging. Include a separate eye treatment in your nighttime skincare routine to target this area to wake up with a refreshed eye area. Apply the treatment hour or so before you go to bed to give the product time to absorb before placing your face on the pillow. Explore esmi Skin Minerals range of eye treatments to treat concerns including ageing, dehydration, and dullness. Have questions about the day and night skincare routine right for your skin type? Book a free consultation with an esmi Skin Minerals Consultant. The team at esmi are always here to support you on your skin journey. 

AcneSkin HealthWellness

How To Detox Your Skin

Now is the perfect opportunity to refresh your skin for the new season! Get our tips on how to detox your skin from the inside out and recommendations for skin detox products from the esmi range. The best skincare ingredients & tips for a skin detox ✅ Use a face mask with bentonite and kaolin clay Bentonite and kaolin are two of the most popular cosmetic clays and you’ll usually find them in the best detoxifying face masks. Bentonite clay detoxifies skin by absorbing oils, dirt and toxins which attach themselves to the clay. When the clay is cleansed from the skin, the debris is washed away with it. Kaolin clay acts in the same way but has a more fine-grained texture than bentonite and its absorption properties are milder. It’s a good choice for normal to dry skin that may find bentonite too strong. Using a clay mask as a step in your skin detox can help aid in the removal of impurities, target acne forming bacteria, and generally leave the skin smoother and softer. We recommend: Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask ✅ Include a serum with activated charcoal, a detox powerhouse! Like clay, the molecules of activated charcoal attract toxins, dirt, and chemicals from the skin to be easily washed away. It assists in removing deeper impurities from the skin and unclogging pores. The result is smoother, more clarified skin. If your skin is breaking out even more soon after using a charcoal skincare product, don’t worry. It’s common to experience a ‘purging’ phase as the charcoal draws out impurities from deep within the skin. We recommend: Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum ✅ Double cleanse in the evening If you’re not doing it already, double up your cleansing step in the evening. During the day your skin faces environmental aggressors, including air pollution. Toxic nanoparticles from air pollution can actually lodge themselves in the surface of the skin and trigger free radical activity. Free radicals are responsible for a host of skin issues, from dullness to accelerating the signs of premature ageing. Double cleansing skin in the evening is an effective way to detox your skin from pollution particles and other environmental stressors from the day. The first cleanse removes makeup, SPF, and excess oil while the second cleanse clears the skin of any stubborn debris still sticking around. We recommend: The Uncomplicated Cleanser. You may like to follow with The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal as a detoxifying facial cleanser for the second round if you’re dealing with oily skin, breakouts and congestion. ✅ Detox your makeup Treat your skin to a cleaner makeup routine by avoiding cosmetic products that contain formaldehyde-related preservatives. Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical and is linked with common preservatives in cosmetic products including DM hydantoin, phthalates, and oxybenzone. Consider switching to mineral makeup formulations that don’t contain irritating preservatives that can cause skin problems. Containing healthy minerals, including skin-friendly silica, mineral makeup also has the added benefit of helping to heal and condition the skin while you wear it. It offers additional SPF protection when teamed with your daily sunscreen and is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive ones. We recommend: The esmi range of mineral foundation, BB cream, and powder. Ideas for detoxing your skin from the inside out Support your detoxifying skin care products with healthy eating and lifestyle choices to truly maximise the benefits of a skin detox. ✅ Sip herbal teas formulated for detoxification Drinking tea can be very beneficial in supporting your skin detox. Choose teas that are formulated with herbs to promote detoxification and keep your body hydrated. Some effective herbs, spices and root plants to consider using in your tea-tox include: Burdock root - Brimming with antioxidants, burdock root provides a host of benefits, including potential skin healing for issues such as acne and psoriasis. Dandelion root - Research has found the properties in dandelion root tea can assist in helping detoxify the liver. Milk thistle - Assists in promoting the regeneration of new healthy cells and supports the cleansing process by removing toxins. Tumeric - With potent antioxidants that fight free radical damage, turmeric can aid liver and skin detoxification when brewed in a tea. Green tea - Another antioxidant powerhouse, drinking green tea makes a detoxifying, skin-supporting swap for your regular latte. ✅ Give yourself a lymphatic face massage When you stimulate the circulation in the lymphatic system through massage, you assist your body in draining fluids and toxins away from your cells for proper elimination. Massage stimulates circulation which encourages an overall improvement in skin tone and brightness. A lymphatic face massage is something simple enough to do yourself at home with your esmi Gua Sha Stone but it's advisable to consult a health practitioner first.  ✅ Experiment with celery juice The humble celery stalk has received a surge in attention recently thanks to its skin healing, anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also incredibly rich in minerals and hydrating. ✅ Cut out sugar Eliminating sugary foods from your plate for a time is detox 101! Depending on how much sugar you usually eat, it could be a shock to the system. It’s common to experience withdrawal symptoms so your best approach could be to ease into a sugar detox slowly. ✅ Drink plenty of water During a skin detox stepping up your water intake is key. Sip plain water, water flavoured with herbs and fruit pieces, or alternate with glasses of coconut water for a natural electrolyte boost. None of the suggestions above should be taken as medical advice. We encourage you to consult with your medical or holistic practitioner to choose a skin cleanse diet or approach that’s right for you.  

Skin Health

Sensitive Skin Care Ingredients Guide

If you’re a little sensitive, we totally feel you. Sensitive skin we mean! We don’t need to tell anyone with sensitive skin what a pain it can be, but not to worry, your esmi skincare guardian angel is here. We’ve made a list of all of the skincare ingredients you shouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole, and the best ingredients for sensitive skin. Signs you have sensitive skin Before we get into the do’s and don’ts of sensitive skin, we’re going to first help you figure out if you’re on the sensitive side. If you are experiencing redness, be it rashes, bumps or flushing, these are tell-tale signs that your skin is irritated. Most of the time, sensitivity and redness comes with its fair share of itchiness and pain. The next culprit is dryness. Sensitive skin can present itself in the form of cracked, flaky skin that is drier than the Sahara Desert which is fun for exactly no one. Sensitive skin is also far more susceptible to sunburn and UV damage. The last one might not be what you expect, but often those with sensitive skin experience breakouts. Sensitive skin can come from both external factors like weather changes, or the products you’re using, and internal factors like hormonal changes or good old genetics. No matter the cause, more often than not you’ll find it is all thanks to a damaged skin barrier. Our skin barrier is the outermost layer of the skin and has two main functions; keeping the nasties out, and keeping all of the good things in. Okay, that is a pretty simplified explanation but it's the basics of what you need to know. If your skin barrier is damaged, it cannot effectively retain moisture, protect the skin from UV rays or keep out bacteria, leading to dryness, increased sun damage and acne. If you are experiencing sensitivity, repairing the skin barrier should be your main goal. Ingredients to avoid for sensitive skin Let’s start with the bad news first - all of the worst ingredients for sensitive skin and ones you should be saying “no, thanks” to. A lot of active ingredients are on the stronger side, which is great if your skin can handle it and you want some killer results, but not so great if you have sensitive skin. Ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin A (you might know her as retinol) and AHAs are powerful and can irritate sensitive skin. As a general rule, they are ingredients to avoid for sensitive skin. Now before you get too disappointed, for most of our sensitive skin beauties, once the sensitivity subsides and the skin barrier is repaired, you can slowly (very slowly!) introduce these ingredients back into your routine. But let’s be clear, if an ingredient has you back in Sensitive Skin Town, population you, put it down. Synthetic fragrances might smell good, but they can often irritate the skin and make your sensitivity worse. If you can’t quite give up on the fragrance, natural fragrances are the way to go (it just so happens that our products that smell amazing are all naturally fragranced - no chemical nasties here). Some chemical sunscreens are a no-no for sensitive skin because they absorb UV light, which is what we want, but then release it as heat which can be too much for some skin types. Mineral sunscreens contain zinc oxide which physically blocks UV rays. That’s where our Skin Shield Sunscreen comes in. Everyone should be wearing sunscreen every single day, but especially if you have sensitive skin. Now for the good news… Best ingredients for sensitive skin By now you are probably wondering, “okay, what ingredients are good for sensitive skin?” So glad you asked! Your skincare routine starts with a cleanser and with sensitive skin, you’ll want one that is super gentle, but still does the job. The Uncomplicated Cleanser is packed with sensitive skin-loving ingredients like aloe vera which soothes skin and supports the skin barrier. The green tea also calms redness which is a miracle worker for sensitivity. Up there with the best skincare ingredients for sensitive skin is vitamin E. Deeply nourishing, lightweight and sinks into the skin quickly, vitamin E is a fantastic antioxidant that fights free radicals, which your skin is highly susceptible to when you’ve found yourself with a damaged skin barrier. Oh, and vitamin E also restores that skin barrier which is the icing on the cake. Looking for a hit of vitamin E (and other moisturising oils)? May we suggest our 24K Gold Nourishing Oil? Some of the best sensitive skin products are the esmi Mylcks range - our probiotic skincare. Probiotics are key to supporting the skin barrier. When the microbiome of the skin is out of balance, there is more bad bacteria on the skin than good, disrupting the barrier. Giving your skin a dose of probiotics is going to make a world of difference to those with sensitivity. The good bacteria in the esmi Skin Mylck creates the ideal environment for your skin to heal and thrive, while helping to balance its delicate microflora. Basically, probiotic skincare is sensitive skin's best friend. Sensitivity is never fun, we totally feel you, but on the plus side, you’re now an expert on the best ingredients for sensitive skin and the best sensitive skin products, as well as what ingredients you need to put down, stat. As always, if you need a little more help, our experienced and qualified skin service team are on hand for a free skin consultation.

Skin Health

Your Guide to a Deep Cleansing Facial

Treat your skin to a deep cleansing facial designed to draw out impurities, purify clogged pores, and reduce excess oil. Look forward to a clearer, brighter complexion with our guide on how to deep clean skin at home. Your Guide to a Deep Cleansing Facial What is a deep cleansing facial? A deep cleansing facial is a multi-step skin treatment process including cleansing, face mask, and exfoliating serum treatments. The focus is on deeply cleaning pores to draw out impurities and buildup of oil, toxins, dirt, and bacteria from the skin. Consider it a detox for your skin! What skin types suit a deep cleansing facial? Acne-prone, oily, congested skin types will benefit the most from a deep cleansing facial but all skin types can see improvements. It’s important, especially if you have sensitive skin, to choose the right products. A deep cleansing facial should also be gentle to avoid leaving skin irritated and dry. It’s easy - and fun - to treat your skin to a facial at home. What better reason to wrap yourself in a fluffy robe and burn a relaxing aromatherapy candle, spa style! Follow these steps for a deep face cleansing at home. Step 1: Cleanse your face Start by using a gentle cleanser to wash away any impurities, dirt, and oil. We love The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Charcoal for this step. This cleanser is formulated with activated charcoal, an incredible detoxifying and purifying agent, acting like a sponge to draw out impurities from deep within. If you wear makeup, double cleanse at this step. This helps remove every trace of makeup and sunscreen from the skin. Step 2: Draw out impurities from pores The key element of a deep face cleansing routine is to get deep down within the pore and draw out impurities. With that in mind, using a clay based face mask is an essential step in your deep cleansing facial. Like charcoal, clay is extremely effective at purifying the skin by absorbing and lifting away bacteria and impurities from deep within the pore. Clay also helps absorb excess oil to control shine and assist with oil regulation. Face masks formulated with bentonite and kaolin clays are especially beneficial for a deep face cleansing routine. Bentonite clay has strong absorption properties and boasts antibacterial activities which can play a role in neutralising harmful bacteria on the skin. An excellent cleanser and detoxifier, kaolin clay also helps regulate oil and offers mild exfoliating properties. It’s also soothing, making it ideal for sensitive and easily irritated skin. esmi Soft Skin Refining Charcoal Clay Booster Mask is formulated with kaolin and bentonite clays plus charcoal. The ultimate deep cleansing, detoxifying trio! The addition of jojoba oil vitamin E, sweet almond oil, helps the skin retain moisture and promotes healing. The mask is ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Step 3: Finish with a serum Finish your deep face cleansing at home with esmi Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal serum. Ideal for tackling blackheads, acne, and underlying skin congestion this purifying serum draws out impurities, smooths rough skin and removes pore-clogging debris. The charcoal works in synergy with 10% Fruit Acid Combination (BHA’s), 5% Glycolic Acid (AHA) and 5% Lactic Acid (AHA) to speed up the cell renewal process, helping to maintain a soft and smooth youthful looking complexion. Glycolic acid (AHA): Exfoliates the skin by breaking down dead skin cells on the surface, revealing fresher cells underneath. Lactic acid (AHA): Helps the skin retain moisture while reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and age spots. Bilberry fruit extract (BHA): A powerhouse antioxidant, the extract helps skin maintain elasticity and suppleness. Normal, dry, oily or acne-prone all benefit from regular use of the serum while sensitive skin types should use less frequently. Now the 3 deep cleansing steps are completed, follow with your treatment serums and a light moisturiser or face oil to lock in hydration and nourish skin! Achieve salon quality facials in your own home. Purchase everything you need for a deep cleansing facial in a Tri Essentials Skin Bundle.

LearnSkin careSkin Health

Skin Care By Age: Best Skincare Products For Every Age

We’re breaking down skin care by age! Let’s take a look at the different skin challenges of every life stage and the best products to address them.   Skincare In Your Teens   Acne and oil. Two words many teenagers know well! A range of products can clear breakouts - but be careful. Many work effectively simply because they’re so strong. Sometimes, too strong. They may clear acne initially but leave the skin stripped, sensitised, and irritated. This can lead to other skin issues - and even more breakouts. Depending on the type of acne you have, a gentler choice for skin are cleansers with lower doses of active acne-fighting ingredients. These won’t strip the skin but still effectively kill acne forming bacteria. The best skincare for teens is a simple regime that will balance and regulate oil flow, whilst providing anti-bacterial clearing ingredients, as well as anti-inflammatories to reduce redness and inflammation. Common skin concerns in your teens Congestion Excessive oil Acne - from mild, moderate to severe Skin care by age: Your teens The best skincare products for teens from the esmi Skin Minerals range. Cleanse The Uncomplicated Cleanser If you’re experiencing cystic acne or acne that is inflamed, you could opt for The Uncomplicated Cleanser plus Anti-Redness Exfoliation Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum Serum Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Acai Hydrate & Nourish Duo Moisturise Peppermint Green Oil SPF protection Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF30   Skincare in your 20s   Your 20s is the decade to commit to a consistent skincare regimen and form habits your future self will thank you for. The most important habit? Applying SPF30 every day. This habit alone will make a dramatic difference in the way your skin ages over the years. Starting and continuing an effective cleansing routine is key too. If you used a strong cleanser to target acne in your teens, it won’t be a good fit for skin in your 20s. Switch to a gentler cleanser which won’t strip the skin of the oil it needs to stay healthy. Over cleansing compromises the skin barrier which leaves it susceptible to other skin concerns, including more breakouts! Common skin concerns in your 20s Acne you experienced as a teen may persist Congestion Collagen production begins to decrease in your late 20s Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation from teen acne Skin care by age: Your 20s The best skincare products for your 20s from the esmi Skin Minerals range. Cleanse The Uncomplicated Cleanser Want to target a specific concern like acne or dullness? View our full range of cleansers. Exfoliation Hydrating and Ageless Volcanic Sand Gentle Foliant Serum Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Moisturise Acai Balancing Face Oil Treatments Hyaluronic Hydrating Booster Mask SPF protection Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF30   Skincare in your 30s   Ageing concerns become more of... well, a concern in your 30s! Collagen and elastin production begins to slow down and the first signs of fine lines and wrinkles to creep in. In the later stages of your 30s, you may begin to notice more hyperpigmentation - especially if you were a sun bunny (without SPF!) in your 20s. Your skin will benefit from adding active ingredients to your routine to target fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. This is the time to get serious about taking an anti-ageing approach to your routine - if you haven’t already. What you do for your skin in your 30s can pay off decades later. Common skin concerns in your 30s Fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear Hyperpigmentation Dullness Dehydration Skin care by age: Your 30s The best skincare products for your 30s from the esmi Skin Minerals range. Cleanser The Uncomplicated Cleanser Want to target a specific concern like acne or dullness? View our full range of cleansers. Exfoliation Detoxifying Exfoliating Charcoal Serum Serum Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Moisturise 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Treatments Hyaluronic Hydrating Booster Mask Ultra Nourishing Booster Mask SPF protection Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF30   Skincare in your 40s   Focus on hydration and the right type of exfoliation for healthy looking skin in your 40s. Like the production collagen and elastin, your skin’s natural exfoliation cycle is slowing down too. That means it’s taking longer for new, fresh skin cells to be produced and the old, dry cells remain on the surface for longer. The result? Skin appears rough in texture, dull and pores and fine lines are increasingly accentuated. Using the right exfoliation method (with the right frequency) to remove the dead cells can leave skin looking brighter and fresher instantly. It can also help minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dehydration is another skin concern you’ll find yourself dealing with as skin matures. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in our bodies and plays a key role in skin hydration. With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid produced declines and it’s harder for the skin to hold onto moisture - leaving it drier and rougher. You can also boost sluggish collagen production with peptides and Vitamin A. Common skin concerns in your 40s Loss of firmness Rough, dull skin Fine lines and wrinkles become more pronounced Dehydration Broken capillaries and hyperpigmentation result in uneven skin tone Skin care by age: Your 40s The best skincare products for your 40s from the esmi Skin Minerals range. Cleanse The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Ageing Exfoliation Rose and Bamboo Gentle Foliant Serum options Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Anti-Ageing Eye Serum Moisturise 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Treatments Anti-Ageing Repair Gel Booster Mask SPF protection Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF30   Skincare in your 50s and beyond   The production of collagen and elastin really drops off in your 50s as the hormonal changes of menopause kick in. These changes also affect the pH level of your skin barrier which makes it increasingly harder for skin to retain moisture. You may find skin is more easily damaged and less resilient. Lines and wrinkles become more prominent - especially around the eye, mouth, and neck area. Keeping your skin hydrated and moisturised will help strengthen your skin barrier and smooth the look of lines and wrinkles. Exfoliation is still important to keep skin looking fresh but the method you use and frequency may need to be adjusted - skin is more sensitive than it once was. Indulge your skin with deeply nourishing treatments and active ingredients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid that target mature skin concerns. Common skin concerns in your 50s Crepey and sagging skin including neck and jawline Skin is less resilient and more easily damaged Extreme dryness and dehydration Age spots Dullness Deeper lines and wrinkles Skincare by age: Your 50s and beyond The best skin care products for your 50s from the esmi Skin Minerals range. Cleanse The Uncomplicated Cleanser Plus Anti-Ageing Exfoliation Rose and Bamboo Gentle Foliant Serum options Hyaluronic Hydrating Serum Golden Anti-Ageing Serum Anti-Ageing Eye Serum Moisturise 24K Gold Nourishing Oil Treatments Anti-ageing Repair Gel Booster Mask Ultra Nourishing Booster Mask SPF protection Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF30 Have questions about choosing skincare by age? Book a free consultation with an esmi Skin Minerals Consultant. We’re always here to support you on your skin journey!  

Skin Health

New Year, New Skin!

Is 2022 the year to give your skin what it truly deserves? If you’re anything like us, the start of a new year brings a feeling of motivation to refresh certain aspects of your life. Maybe your plan is to focus on your business and work, or to spend more time with your family. Or perhaps it’s to work on creating a morning routine to start each day with a little more intention.Or maybe you have some new year skin goals or beauty goals?Now you’re speaking our language! We believe that creating a skin care routine, or changing up what you’re already doing, is a great way to start the new year! Why is having a skin care routine important? Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, we all have those niggling little skin concerns that continue to frustrate us. Creating a personalised skin care routine, that is specifically designed to target those areas of concern, can really help you begin to see some improvement! And if you already have a skin care routine, there can be perks to adding a new product into your routine to tackle different areas of your skin that change due to seasonal and lifestyle changes. Don’t forget! Your skin is the largest organ and one that is constantly exposed to all sorts of things from the lifestyle we live to the environment around us. It also ages with us, so it’s all the more important to be cared for!We feed our body to nourish it, so why not ensure we’re doing the same for our skin? Our skin quickly absorbs the product applied to it, so being mindful of what products we use, and why, can help to ensure we’re able to reach those new skin goals. Hydration Keeping your skin hydrated is essential in slowing the aging process. One of the best ways you can do this is by using a product like our Hyaluronic Acid. It is a quick-absorbing serum that helps fight dehydration, plump the skin, minimise lines, and boost radiance. It hydrates from the inside out, while restoring, repairing and revealing healthy skin with a hydrated glow. Throughout the busy day, you may also be looking for an option to create hydration on the go.Enter Skin Snack!A refreshing face mist that is perfect for use when your skin is exposed to air conditioning, UV light, wind and weather or to follow after makeup application. HOT TIP! Pop your face mist in the fridge before a trip to the beach or pool so you have a cool, refreshing mist to apply while you’re enjoying some fun in the sun! Sun Protection Every day our skin is exposed to natural light, whether it’s through a window or spending the day outdoors, so it’s very important to do what we can to protect it! This isn’t only to slow down the aging process but to also reduce the risk of developing skin conditions like melanoma. Try adding a product like our Broad-spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen to your daily skin care routine. Enriched with antioxidant protection, this silky smooth, daily sunscreen protects against UV damage and fights the first signs of ageing.You can apply this straight after your skin care, or even wear it under your makeup! Comfortable, non-greasy SPF coverage for all skin types, especially sensitive skin.It is easy-to-apply and formulated with additional anti-ageing benefits of carrot root oil, hyaluronic acid, and green tea for hydrated, smoother skin! #winwin So whether you’re implementing for the first time, or changing up your current routine, it’s best to get in touch with one of our skin consultants for a FREE skin consultation to help you find the perfect products for your skin care routine.Be sure to leave us a comment below with your new year skin goals so we can follow along on your journey.

Skin Health

How to Wear Sunscreen Under Makeup

Everything you need to know about wearing sunscreen under makeup and why it’s your best defence to fight premature signs of ageing! What Level of SPF Is Required for Every Day? SPF30 is the level of broad-spectrum sunscreen you should be applying every morning, even if you spend a good part of the day inside. Even in winter. That’s right - SPF30 every day no matter what! Broad-spectrum sunscreen protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. UV damage is responsible for more than 90% of the visible signs of premature ageing on your skin - wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, discolouration and sunspots. UVA rays, in particular, speed up signs of ageing as they penetrate deeper into the skin than UVB rays. They damage collagen and elastin fibres which leads to a loss of volume, wrinkles, and sagging. Wearing sunscreen under makeup every day isn’t just about maintaining a fresh complexion - a good sunscreen habit could quite literally save your life. UVB rays are responsible for skin cancers, including melanoma, so protecting your skin daily is important for your overall health. Chemical vs Physical Sunscreens When choosing sunscreen under makeup, you have two different types of formulations to pick from - chemical sunscreen or physical sunscreen. Both guard against UV damage but are fundamentally different in the way they protect your skin. Chemical sunscreen Chemical sunscreens work by absorbing the sun rays and then converting them to heat which is released off the skin. As the name suggests, they do contain chemical ingredients that are absorbed into your skin. If you prefer chemical-free skincare and cosmetics, this type of sunscreen might not be the right fit for you. Some formulations can also be comedogenic meaning they’re likely to clog pores. Physical sunscreen (also called mineral sunscreen) Rather than absorb UV rays, physical sunscreen deflects them. Active mineral ingredients in the formulation sit on the top of your skin and scatter UV light away when it hits your face. Physical sunscreens are based on natural ingredients - usually zinc and titanium dioxide. Not only do these compounds protect the skin from UV damage, but zinc also helps heal and rejuvenate skin. More good news? If you have acne-prone skin mineral formulations are generally the best sunscreen to wear under makeup. They’re much less likely to clog pores than chemical sunscreens. When to Apply Sunscreen Apply a generous, even layer of sunscreen to your face after you’ve finished your skincare routine but before you apply foundation. Leave a few minutes between the sunscreen and foundation steps to allow time for the SPF to fully absorb. We can hear you asking.. “Is sunscreen really necessary if I use a foundation with sunscreen?” For optimal protection, we recommend a separate sunscreen application. Think of any sunscreen makeup infused with SPF that you apply afterwards as bonus protection. The right sunscreen can act as a great primer for makeup. Choosing a lightweight formulation with a non-greasy texture can create a smooth and even surface for makeup application. If you’re using a separate priming product you might be wondering if you should apply primer or sunscreen first? Wonder no more: sunscreen first then primer. If you reapply sunscreen over makeup during the day use a makeup sponge to gently press the sunscreen into your skin. This will minimise the disruption to your foundation. Alternatively, you could opt for a powder SPF to dust on when a top up in required. Sunscreen and Skincare Look for sunscreen that goes above and beyond the call of duty. Select a SPF30 broad spectrum enriched with antioxidants and other ingredients that benefit the skin beyond sun protection. esmi Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 is formulated with additional anti-ageing benefits of carrot root oil, hyaluronic acid, and green tea for hydrated, smoother skin. The best sunscreen under makeup, it offers comfortable, non-greasy SPF coverage for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Shop the best sunscreen to wear under makeup: Skin Shield Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 You Might Also Like to Read 7 Myths About SPF and Sunscreen Busted 2 Products Your Skin Will Totally Thank You for Saving Your Skin This Summer