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Baby Give Back: Every Baby Deserves An Equal Start

Every baby deserves an equal start.

It’s the mission that drives the amazing volunteers at Baby Give Back. The team provides life changing support for families in crisis who are unable to afford baby essentials for their children.

More than 300 volunteers work tirelessly to collect donations of quality baby essentials, providing them to struggling families via social service agencies who are qualified to assess a family's needs.

“We are changing the lives of children. Changing the trajectory for disadvantaged families. We are the village when they need it most.”

Items range from nappies and wipes, through to prams, cots and car seats and everything in between. Everything that leaves their warehouse is thoroughly cleaned, safety checked, in good condition and beautifully packaged for their new family.

Baby Give Back is one of the smaller not-for-profit organisations tackling the big cause of helping give vulnerable babies their best start in life.

“The challenges we face to sustain and grow our service often seem huge and sometimes insurmountable, yet our village always comes together.”

Their team relies heavily on public events to raise donations and help them get urgently needed baby items to families in financial crisis.

Right now, demand keeps growing month on month. Donations are needed more than ever.

To that end, their main fundraising event for 2020, Baby Give Back High Tea, was planned for November.

The esmi Skin Minerals team was excited to get behind the high tea as an event sponsor to help raise much needed funds to give every baby a safe and equal start to life.

Due to COVID restrictions, the event has been cancelled. As a smaller not-for-profit, this has had a big knock on effect to crucial funding for Baby Give Back.

We wanted to support this amazing cause and do what we could to buffer the loss of the cancellation. We upheld our $15,000 donation to Baby Give Back and also offered ticket holders a $100 esmi voucher instead of people asking for a refund of their $75 ticket.

How can you help?

If you have any *gently loved* baby items you no longer need or would like to make a financial donation, please visit Baby Give Back and help their team support some of Australia’s most vulnerable families.