How to Choose the Right Foundation Choosing the right foundation can be quite daunting, and if you are not sure what you’re looking for – oh dear, talk about mission impossible! I have on many occasions excitedly purchased a new foundation, tried it out and, unfortunately, discovered that “EEK, I do NOT like the finish it gives.” or “Wow, where did my freckles go?!”
To avoid buyers regret, check out my two tips when purchasing foundations.
1. What coverage do you want?
You want to decide on what level of coverage you are after. Generally, you’ll be looking at three different options: Sheer (or Light) Medium and Maximum.
Sheer Coverage gives a minimal coverage and is light enough that it generally doesn’t cover freckles. If you want the appearance of no foundation at all, similar to a moisturiser with a tint, then Sheer Coverage is probably more what you are after.
As we move up to the other end of ‘coverage scale’ we meet Maximum Coverage or full coverage. Maximum coverage is ideal for the person looking for a flawless finish that will conceal problem areas and even skin tone.
In the middle of the scale, we find Medium Coverage. It’s going to help even out skin tone and cover most imperfections and as the name suggests, the coverage is more than sheer but not as strong as the maximum coverage. It’s a little of column of A and a little of column B.
2. What finish are you after?
Looking for the opposite of shiny or glossy? Meet Matte. This is the sure thing for a flat, natural finish without any glisten.
If we start introducing buzz words like Radiance and Luminosity, we’re talking about Dewy (Which we aren’t sure is a real word – I think it’s been made up) A Dewy finish is going to leave your skin glowing and glistening.
Finally, the Velvet Finish (or satin) Is the most common as it sits nicely between flat Matte & Dewy. Generally, an ageing skin may enjoy a Velvet finish as the foundation won’t accentuate any fine lines or wrinkles.
For B – E – A – U – TIFUL coverage and a velvet finish, you just can’t go past the ever popular and coveted mineral and Vegan Liquid Mineral Foundation. Don’t believe us? Check out the abundance of 5-star reviews from happy customers.
If you’re thinking ‘Yeah, that sounds great, but, I prefer a powder that offers good coverage and a soft glisten,” well my friend, you can’t go past the esmi loose mineral powder foundation that will offer you build-able coverage and a beautiful glow… Psst… the product is applied really well with the esmi kabuki brush too.
Oh, so light, sheer and nourishing is the BB cream, especially perfect for the day you just don’t feel like wearing ‘makeup.’ Treat your skin with Aloe Vera, Hyaluronic Acid and Allantoin to Calm, Hydrate and Nourish your skin.
Not sure where to start? Talk to our skin specialist team who will guide you through your FREE personal Skin Care Plan and help you get on top of your skin concerns today. The team at esmi are always here to support you on your skin journey.
CHAT: www.esmi.com.auEMAIL: skin@makeupcartel.com.auPHONE: 1300 66 11 76
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